ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Numbered Jpgs Into MC - Based On BTN Press
Feb 21, 2006
but basically i have 100 buttons being generated and assigned names ( eh_1, eh_2, eh_3, ... ). On press they are controlling several functions but i would also like them to load a corresponding jpg into a blank movie clip. the jpgs are labeled... (1.jpg, 2.jpg ....)
var currentButton:Number = new Number();
for (var i:Number = 1; i<101; i++) {
_root["eh_"+i].id = i;
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var dataArray:Array
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[Code] .....
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Jan 6, 2005
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[AS]onClipEvent (load) {
loadVariables("", this, "GET");
But when trying my php file through firefox its says (php file ."Parse error: parse error, unexpected '.' in c:websitesfreecrystalwww est1.php on line 5"
how to make this piece of PHP script send the flash the filenames of the directory, so flash can random insert on into a movie clip,
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Jan 6, 2005
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[AS]onClipEvent (load) {
loadVariables("", this, "GET");
myRandom = random(filenames.length);
But when trying my php file through firefox its says (php file
"Parse error: parse error, unexpected '.' in c:websitesfreecrystalwww est1.php on line 5"
So if anyone could give me any advice on how to make this piece of PHP script send the flash the filenames of the directory, so flash can random insert on into a movie clip.
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Dec 26, 2003
I followed the instructions in the tutorial "photo gallery" and for some reason my jpgs won't load. I pulled one of the images from the tutorial into the directory that I was telling my pics to be taken from and they work. So it isn't the path. All of the nature photos loa without fail, but my jpgs won't
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Dec 20, 2005
I have a button, that when pressed loads a movie - works fine. What I wish to know is if it's possible (and how) to nest or add a function so that another movie loads at the same time. I'm using MX.
The idea is that when the 'good movie' is loaded, another small movie will load beside the button to indicate the active section.
Sample of what I'm currently using to load the 'good movie" is below.
blackWhite.onPress = function () {
_global.sectionPath = "Section1/";
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 1);
There are actually seven such buttons in the main movie. So, for each one I want to replicate the adding of my external active.swf file into another empty movie clip.
Now, the above code works and pulls up the animation. When I tried to added another function to the button, only the second function worked (i.e., I got the symbol for indicating active state, but not the image gallery I've made).
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Oct 8, 2011
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I am working on an App in which you can chose a character from a big list. When you press lets say character A you get a popup with info about character A. There is a button in here that will popup the art related to this specific character and this art will be added in unique movieclips so I can use each movieClip in a for loop to create an infinite scroll. Now the problem is there are 80+ different characters (and increasing every 2 weeks) and each character has an average of 4 arts, so giving them unique classes and solving the infinite scroll this way would generate A LOT of code. So I started thinking lets use XML. how to load just or show just the images related to the character you pressed.
I was thinking dividing the XML up like this:
PHP Code:
But how can I determine, at the specific press of a button, to load the unique part of this XML?
Wow that was a lot of text I hope I kinda made myself clear, and if I didn't I'll add some drawings to try to be more clear
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Feb 15, 2003
If I want to load dynamic text without having to press a button. I want it to load in the first frame of my movie automatically when it loads. What should I do? What I have so far on a button is :
on (press) {
loadText = new loadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function() {
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Sep 2, 2006
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May 5, 2009
in as2 i could write the following to check for existing variables in a LoadVars() object called loadvarsobject in this example:
with this simple process i could create whole stuctures based on the existing variables from a php file. how do i do this in as3 using the URLLoader class? im not asking how to get data from php to flash using URLLoade, my question is just about how go through and access numbered variables from php.
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May 13, 2010
I have set the Progressive-Download video instead of Streaming-Video (because my webserver provider "" doesn't offer streaming videos), in Flash CS4 Professional, and exported to Dreamweaver CS4. I have also inserted the HTML code in Dreamweaver CS4 to enable FullScreen Playback of Flash .flv Videos.Now I have a problem:
- When the webpage loads into Internet Explorer 7, it take much time to load all the videos at same time!
Thus I want this:
- I want that the videos start to load just when I press the Play button, individually, not at same time.- I don't not want that start the load immediately when the webpage opens in IE7. - I want that the videos start to load content in the same manner of YouTube videos, just when I press play.
How can I do? What is the HTML code that I should insert into DreamweaverCS4? I have seen this help page: [URL]
At Chapter "Public Methods" I have seen this "load" function:"Begins loading the FLV file and provides a shortcut for setting the autoPlay property to false and setting the source, totalTime, and isLive properties, if given..."
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Jun 22, 2007
how i can make the button when i press it do not load movie number twice(x2)?. and when you press again the button load the movie ,i just want to load just one time, the movie and when u click on it don't play again.
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Aug 31, 2011
I am creating an app where users input their investment info into a datagrid on each row one row at a time. As they move along new rows are dynamically generated so they can input new investments. As the user moves and puts in new info I want a column to display what row the user is on (or better said what number investment he is on). how to create the function:
private function rowCount():void
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Dec 14, 2007
I have 3 objects: obj1, obj2 and obj3.[code]...
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Apr 10, 2011
My problem is I need to generate numbered circles ( from 1 to 100) and I need to make them click able. When I click the circles in order (i.e. 1, 2 , 3...etc) the clicked circle should change color or get disabled (to indicate it is clicked). I should not be able to click the next numbered circle until I press the previous numbered circle and there should be a counter to show how many correct circles are clicked.
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Feb 2, 2009
I am having problems passing even numbered variables! I have downloaded the improved version of page flip from [URL] (its a digimag). And I want to add a function so that the user can type into a input text box which page they want to go to and it will take them there. So, I have a Input text box with the variable 'page' assigned to it.
Then, I have a button containing the following code:
on (press) {
This is working, only on odd numbers, but if I want to go to an even number, it adds a 0 on the end. So, if I type in 4 it takes me to 40! Why is it adding a zero? Incidentally, if I replace 'page' in the button on my code with an even number, it works! So something is happening in the passing of the variable!
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Mar 23, 2011
I'm working on a slide show that auto plays but I want the user to be able to click the numbered buttons to go to that slide. See below link for the slide show.[URL] I know this is simple but I've tried on release gotoandplay and I tried some event handler code but don't know AS3 at all.
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