ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Sound On Key Press

Apr 11, 2005

I have sounds ( A-Z ) and when i press the A button i want the A sound to play , i have fixed everything . The button is pressed and everything works , except my sound! i tried just to have e sound in the frame and it worked .. How should i do ?


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Play A Sound On Button Press?

Aug 11, 2009

OK, say I have a button that does something, like go to the next frame, is there anyway to have it play a simple sound located in the library without looping?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Press And Hold Key To Play Sound?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a sound bite (~500ms) and want when a key is pressed and held the sound is played.However, what I appear to be getting is the sound triggered to play every time the key down event is triggered (not suprising & makes sense since key is held down). This creates what sounds like several copies of the sound being played at same time only shifted slightly. Very ugly sound btw.My thought is to have a way that even if key is continued to be held down the sound bite is looped but not overlapped.Tried several things such as using Event.Sound_Complete listener, tracking the position, transformation things, timers, etc without success.

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Actionscript 3 :: Load SWF Data Without Loading Sound, Then Load Sound Later?

Jan 2, 2011

I have an SWF that's 30MB. Sound files (music) make up 25MB, art and other things make up the remaining 5MB.

Would it be possible for me to load the 5MB of necessary art and other things first to allow the user to operate the app, then after that's all loaded and they are operating the app, load the remaining 25MB of sound files in the background?

UPDATE: Loading SWF (or other entities) externally is not an option.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Button That When Press It And Hold It Play A Sound?

Feb 15, 2010

Is it possible to create a button that when you press it and hold it, it will play a sound, and when you release it then stops the sound?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sound - When Press Stop Then Play It Only Plays From The Last Pause And Not The Beginning

Apr 26, 2009

i'm habing abit of problem with this code, its supposed to play pause and stop, the problem being that when i press stop then play it only plays from the last pause and not the beggining how to get it to play from the start after the stop button is pressed


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ActionScript 3.0 :: When Press Skip / It Stop At Next Frame But Sound Of Intro Still Playing

Nov 2, 2010

i've imported a flv video file to Flash for the intro and i create skip button to go next frame..but when i press stop at next frame but the sound of intro still playing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Volumeslider - Sound To Start Directly When Press The Play Button

Apr 21, 2005

Look at this tutorial [URL] I want the sound to start directly when you press the play button, without having to adjust the volume.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Sound Load And Start Is Speeding Up The Sound?

Dec 16, 2005

I'm trying to load sound dynamically into a clip and then play it randomly. The AS I came up with works great if the sound is embedded and I use the .attachSound() method instead of loadSound(). Now, when I load it dynamically and use the code below, the sound plays very fast and at a higher pitch.

var crows = new Sound(this);
crows.loadSound("Raven.mp3", false);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] LoadSound - Sound To Keep Playing While The Rollovers Load Sound

Jun 22, 2003

I am loading small sounds dynamically with the loadSound command. These small sounds are activated with a rollover. see script below. This works ok. however. i want the first sound to keep playing while the rollovers load sound. a bit like playing the piano. This works ok when i import all the sounds into the library and place them on their very own button. however the size of the flash movie increases to 140k. whereas when i load them dynamically the size of the movie is 20k. obviously i want to load dynamically.

But with dynamic loading each sound stops when another sound is rolled over, so that there is only ever one sound playing at once. I need to load the sound into a different level or something, so that the first sound can keep going while the smaller, shorter sounds play over the top. this is my script below. The first sound loads when the movie starts. This is the one i want to keep playing. Then there are the smaller ones with rollovers. does this make any sense? there's actually 13 little sounds.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load A Class On Button Press?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a AS file called which i can load as a Class but i need to load it when a button is pressed, or alternatively load the class from a frame in the timeline.

At the moment the Class is loaded by just linking to it in the Class box in the Properties window, which just loads this AS file at runtime, but is there any way to do either of the above?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Two Movies On Same Press Event

Dec 20, 2005

I have a button, that when pressed loads a movie - works fine. What I wish to know is if it's possible (and how) to nest or add a function so that another movie loads at the same time. I'm using MX.

The idea is that when the 'good movie' is loaded, another small movie will load beside the button to indicate the active section.

Sample of what I'm currently using to load the 'good movie" is below.

blackWhite.onPress = function () {
_global.sectionPath = "Section1/";
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 1);


There are actually seven such buttons in the main movie. So, for each one I want to replicate the adding of my external active.swf file into another empty movie clip.

Now, the above code works and pulls up the animation. When I tried to added another function to the button, only the second function worked (i.e., I got the symbol for indicating active state, but not the image gallery I've made).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Different Tags Of XML On A Press Of A Button

Oct 8, 2011

I find it hard to think of a way to load a specific part of my XML when I press a specific button. I'll try to explain this as best as I can:

I am working on an App in which you can chose a character from a big list. When you press lets say character A you get a popup with info about character A. There is a button in here that will popup the art related to this specific character and this art will be added in unique movieclips so I can use each movieClip in a for loop to create an infinite scroll. Now the problem is there are 80+ different characters (and increasing every 2 weeks) and each character has an average of 4 arts, so giving them unique classes and solving the infinite scroll this way would generate A LOT of code. So I started thinking lets use XML. how to load just or show just the images related to the character you pressed.

I was thinking dividing the XML up like this:

PHP Code:



But how can I determine, at the specific press of a button, to load the unique part of this XML?

Wow that was a lot of text I hope I kinda made myself clear, and if I didn't I'll add some drawings to try to be more clear

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Dynamic Text Without Having To Press A Button?

Feb 15, 2003

If I want to load dynamic text without having to press a button. I want it to load in the first frame of my movie automatically when it loads. What should I do? What I have so far on a button is :

on (press) {
loadText = new loadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Numbered Jpgs Into MC - Based On BTN Press

Feb 21, 2006

but basically i have 100 buttons being generated and assigned names ( eh_1, eh_2, eh_3, ... ). On press they are controlling several functions but i would also like them to load a corresponding jpg into a blank movie clip. the jpgs are labeled... (1.jpg, 2.jpg ....)

var currentButton:Number = new Number();
for (var i:Number = 1; i<101; i++) {
_root["eh_"+i].id = i;


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Actionscript 3.0 :: If Press Play Button While The Sound Is Already Playing It Has The Same Song Playing In The Background

Nov 13, 2010

I have a sound clip that I'm loading externally into my flash file. The code I'm using looks like this and is placed in the as layer on the first frame,

var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
var myChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
var myTransform = new SoundTransform();
var lastPosition:Number = 0;
mySound.load(new URLRequest("introaudio.mp3"));
myChannel =;

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Professional :: When Press On The Button The Stars Will Be Flying From The Button And The Sound Will Play?

Jan 29, 2011

i'm designing a website in flash8... now i have created some buttons, and i want that when i click on the button stars will fly from them and there will be a sound... i have already created the animation of the stars seperatly and it's in the library, i have also the sound file.... i just can't remember how to put everything together.... when i'll press on the button the stars will be flying from the button and the sound will play?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 SetInterval .... Keeps On Becoming Faster Everytime Press Load Button

Jun 22, 2009

I have file with attachMovieClip repeated via setInterval. Even after I do removeMovieClip, the interval becomes faster everytime I press load button. Already did a search on the forum and found something, but to no avail. Following is code, and i have attached files.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Progressive-Download Video Just When Press Play?

May 13, 2010

I have set the Progressive-Download video instead of Streaming-Video (because my webserver provider "" doesn't offer streaming videos), in Flash CS4 Professional, and exported to Dreamweaver CS4. I have also inserted the HTML code in Dreamweaver CS4 to enable FullScreen Playback of Flash .flv Videos.Now I have a problem:

- When the webpage loads into Internet Explorer 7, it take much time to load all the videos at same time!
Thus I want this:
- I want that the videos start to load just when I press the Play button, individually, not at same time.- I don't not want that start the load immediately when the webpage opens in IE7. - I want that the videos start to load content in the same manner of YouTube videos, just when I press play.

How can I do? What is the HTML code that I should insert into DreamweaverCS4? I have seen this help page: [URL]

At Chapter "Public Methods" I have seen this "load" function:"Begins loading the FLV file and provides a shortcut for setting the autoPlay property to false and setting the source, totalTime, and isLive properties, if given..."

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Button When Press It Do Not Load Movie Number Twice(x2)?

Jun 22, 2007

how i can make the button when i press it do not load movie number twice(x2)?. and when you press again the button load the movie ,i just want to load just one time, the movie and when u click on it don't play again.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make "click" Sound With Any Key Press?

Feb 27, 2007

I want to have it so that whenever ANY KEY is pressed, a small click sound is played.

I've been messing around with the

on (keyPress "<key>") {
blah (blah blah);

but I can't seem to find a wildcard for the <key>.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When Press A Button Mc Starts A Countdown But Every Other Press Doesn’t Reset It?

Jan 13, 2009

How can i make it so a when you press a button it starts a countdown but every other press dosent reset it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delete The On Enter Frame For Both And Start The Fade Again When Press The Button To Load Another Picture

May 8, 2005

iam loading in jpg's thru xml -- now when they load in they are fading in so i have this
holder_mc is my movieClip they are loaded into


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Combine One Tab Press And Continuously Press On Keyboard

Mar 13, 2010

I have a problem when I making a game Flash with action script 3,. I want tomake my character move when the key helding and I want  my character attackwith one tab press either

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Press +1 Text Increases By One, And When Press -1 It Decreses

Aug 29, 2011

I have text field which is 0 by default (score_txt)Two buttons +1 and -1 (plus_btn and minus_btn) When I press +1 text increases by one, and when i press -1 it decreses

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ActionScript 2.0 :: "On Press" - Load Movieclip And Html Page?

Jan 14, 2009

I got a "huge" problem.. or should I call it "lack of knowledge"...The thing is, I'm building a homepage in dreamweaver. But the menu itself is made in Flash.The problem is:hen I press my button I want it to load the animation on the button first (the button is a movieclip) then go to the link (homepage)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Sound Into Several SWF's?

Feb 11, 2010

I've got a flash movie containing 6 individual SWF's. These contain a short clip, with some sound effects. Also, I got 1 additional SWF that calls for each SWF in numeric order.

Now, I'd like to have a theme song going on in all of these 6 SWF's, and it needs to be seperatly, so that the sound does not stop until my movie is done.

Actionscript for my movie is;

ActionScript Code:
var movie1:URLRequest=new URLRequest("1Intro.swf");
var movie2:URLRequest=new URLRequest("2Troldmand.swf");
var movie3:URLRequest=new URLRequest("3Superman.swf");


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IDE :: Can't Play/load Sound In CS3?

Jan 28, 2009

trying to make a play/pause toggle button in AS3. I'm a newbie but I've finished the site except for this element. my audio file works when i import to the library and it plays it in the preview. its in the same folder as the fla. working in cs3. This is what i've as3 file. code.

var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("ocean.mp3");
var s:Sound = new Sound(req);;

whats the deal? I get no compiler errors. i'm hitting option+Return on the mac to test the movie. I downloaded some one else's and it worked. i copied theirs into my project and it didn't work. i have a feeling its something to do with classes that i don't know about

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Press Start Drag On Press Stop Drag?

Jun 17, 2005

i have an object that i want to drag and drop with the same event.Something like on press start drag and on press again stop drag. I'm sure it's pretty simple with and if and else statment but i can't find how to do that...The best i have done so far was this:


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