ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie From Internal Data?

Oct 29, 2006

well my title may be kind of cryptic but... heres what i mean.i've got a main.swf file which loads in a spaceData.swf file intosystemData movieclip ActionScript Code: systemData.loadMovie("data/spaceData.swf"); now there is a movieclip in the 'spaceData.swf' which was loaded into 'systemData' i want to load onto 'myMc'..the mc in spaceData.swf i want to load onto myMc is called 'ss'.how would i accomplish that?i want 'spaceData.swf' to contain all my data and external mc's (atleast most of them) so it can easily be loaded into the main movie.

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var tab_mc = [this.my_mc1, this.my_mc2];
function randomMC(tab_mc) {
var i=tab_mc.length;
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'Error opening URL

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//var fm_tween:Tween;
var total:Number;
var photos_xml:XML = <thumbnails>


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Cannot Remove Internal Frames Of File

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using CacheAsBitmap W/ Internal Timeline

Jan 4, 2008

CacheAsBitmap stores a raster copy of a movieclip in memory to use. If that movieclip is rotated or scaled, the performance gain is lost as it must re-cache the new movieclip. I assume this also applies to a movieclip that has a constantly repeating internal timeline, even if that movieclip isn't rotating or being scaled. However, do additional frames (that aren't being used) affect this?I have a 'player' movieclip. This movieclip consists of about ten frames, each its own animation. Idle stance, walking, jumping, all the standard stuff. THe movieclip remains stopped on frame 1 (idle stance) for most of the game. Right now the Idle stance is an animation, so to use cacheAsBitmap I need to stop the idle animation. That's fine, but does the additional content in the movieclip interfere with this? If I go from a walking animation back to the idle stance will it re-cache the idle stance for me?

The main reason I ask is that I wasn't able to notice much of a performance difference between either method. Cacheasbitmap on a player sprite with animated idle stance, and Cacheasbitmap on a player sprite with a static idle stance. Both resulted in 39 fps (set to 40) in the flash player. Which is good I suppose, but I don't know how the results will vary for someone with a slow computerThis is an important area of the game because at any given time there could be up to 12 player sprites on the screen (all with filters attached to them). So if one player is moving left/right the other 11 must be re-translated on each frame (since the stage moves too) so if all 11 players are playing their idle animations, with a glow filter, WHILE flash tries to re-cache all of them, that could lead to performance issues (although it hasn't yet for me)I want to give players the option to disable the idle animation, I just hope that it's actually working the way I intend. If cacheasbitmap fails because of any other content inside the movieclip then this would be a useless feature.

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IDE :: Controlling Root-level MC With Internal MC?

May 21, 2009

I've reworking a client's site, so I'm somewhat limited on the changes I can make to the overall structure -BUT - here's my quandry: I have a nav system that is on the _root level - the main content of the site exists in one large MC that sits underneath the nav, and moves to different target positions when the nav is clicked (within THIS mc are individual MC's that house the content for each individual page)So the nav doesn't change positions on the timeline at all - once it loads in, it stays constant on one frame, while the main_mc moves positions underneath I need to make the nav change color when that page is activated (when the main_mc moves into certain target positions), and I can't figure out how to communicate w/ it from within these embedded mc's.

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IDE :: Passing Parameters To Internal Classes?

Nov 18, 2009

is there a simple way to pass a parameter in the "new" statement for a class that has been defined in the IDE? Like so:var newInternalClass:InternalClass = new InternalClass (someVar);So that when the new class is instantiated it has someVar to work with?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash External AS To Internal?

Feb 14, 2012

im now working for a school assignment of flash game with AS3.0 which allows us to use someowever, i found that many source codes i downloaded are in external classes( ),I want to convert it back to inner flash AS.. like: package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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IDE :: Export Animated Gif With Internal MovieClips?

Apr 15, 2012

Im having a problem where i have a project with 1 frame but in that 1 frame is a movie clip that has more frames inside of it but when i export as a gif it only shows the 1 frame. how can i export my project to an animated gif?

and yes i have the publish settings for gif set to animated.

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May 25, 2010

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i originally set my flash up to load external swf files via the loadMovie command, but would now like to package the whole thing up to consist of only one file.

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