ActionScript 2.0 :: Loops And Continuing When Condition Is Met

Jul 19, 2007

I have this function that has a loop in it.[code]How do i get it to hold until col_mc[name] has reached frame 80 in its timeline?So it loops then waits for the movie to get to frame 80 before carrying on.

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Actionscript 3 :: Loops - Not Check Condition The First Run?

Oct 19, 2011

I want to start my for loop at a certain number, and make it loop. Like this: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

If the maximum number is 10 and it starts at 5. The reason is because I want to loop through every tile in my game in a certain order (top to down, then go right).


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Flash :: CS4 - Blurry Text Still A Continuing?

Sep 14, 2009

I have been on countless Flash forums, reading hundreds of posts with varying degrees of suggestions all of which leave me without a solution.  Posts have been floating around regarding this topic for almost a decade now, and nothing seems to get resolved.  So I come directly to the source.  First off, here's a description of the problem.  I am not the designer.  The designer is very purposeful about the font styles, sizes, colors, etc, that he select. So to even consider bastardizing his work my substituting in any of these godawful "Fonts For Flash" would be inconceivable and potentially jeopardize my job.  (Not really, but he is very passionate about his work... and who am I to question the master.  What is baffling to me is if you watch the animation closely, the text is actually clearer during the movement... but as soon as the animation ends, that's when the text turns fuzzy.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing And Continuing Set Interval

Feb 2, 2009

I am using set interval. I can clear the interval to stop it, but when I use the play(); command it continues from the beginning and I want it to continue from where I left off. The timeline is 10 frame long. I want to continue from a specific frame. I already tried gotoAndPlay (frame#) and it doesn't work. Maybe I had it in the wrong place. I bolded the area that needs some sort of code, somewhere within/below it.

Here is the code.
frame #1
callback1 = function (){
if(_currentframe == 10){
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Continuing Countdown To Next Scene?

May 23, 2010

I have created a countdown timer from 60 seconds.I tried copy and pasting it onto the next scene, but it starts from 60 again.How can I make it continue from it's vaule on the previous scene?Here is the code I use to create the countdown timer:

ActionScript Code:
timer = 60;
countdown = function () { timer--;if (timer == 0) {clearInterval(countdownInterval);}


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check And Wait Before Continuing?

Jul 7, 2011

I have a site with a music player that streams the music. On the site I also have a button that opens a video page. When I press the button, I want to pause the player. That works, except when the player is loading or buffering, I cant pause it. So I want to put something like this on the button...

on (release) {
if audioPlayerStatus = "loading" or "buffering" {
WAIT a bit and check again
} else if audioPlayerStatus = "playing" {

The status function is bulit into the player. "wait a bit" code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Waiting For A MC To Stop Before Continuing?

May 18, 2007

I have an animation stored in a movieclip.I have 5 instances off this mc stored off the stage. Whenever the user enters a wrong response, one of the mc's play a walk animation and a person 'walks' onto the screen. After moving 80 pixels, an if function in the onEnterFrame deletes the onEnterFrame.However, if the user enters more then 5 wrong answers, the persons start a new animation. The problem is that if the user gets a question wrong before the person has finished moving - the person stops and does the new animation.

Thus I was hoping to use setInterval after a check to see if anything is moving. Yet it doesn't see to work. My traces show no delay between the interval trace and the trace after the interval.Here is a section of my code; basically when k = 6, the fifth person has been called previously and the moving variable is a boolean set to true. But when run, there is no 20 second delay, it just says 'slow' then 'delay' and then kicks into the final animation.

if (k > 5){

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ActionScript 3.0 :: URLLoader Reply Before Continuing?

Mar 29, 2010

Is it possible to wait for a response from a URLLoader before continuing execution of code? Yes, I know it's not directly possible, but is there any workaround?


Also a "No, Andreas. For the n-th time, it's not possible!!" reply is acceptable rather that no response.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Waiting For Multiple Events Before Continuing ?

Jan 20, 2010

I have two problems:

1. Despite lots of searching/reading, i am still not sure how to listen for the end of a function in a child class from a parent class.
2. Building on question 1, I need some thoughts on best practices for halting execution until a number of events are met.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Continuing Code Execution After The Error?

Apr 19, 2011

I want to be able to throw an error to be traced to the trace output window and to my flashlog.txt file but continue code execution after the error. Is this possible in Actionscript 3? A try catch will not work either because I need the error to be logged with its call stack.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Condition - If The Variable Change Condition Don't Change

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I have a BD return by PHP without problem : I have "all_good" and "no_good" If the variable change my condition don't change ..... why


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Actionscript 3 :: The Continuing Saga Of "XML - Targeting Node Attribute, Push Into A Flash Array"?

Mar 19, 2012

Here is an excerpt of my XML file. (It is properly formatted, and has a root node, etc., but is too long to post the entire thing. Below is just the part I am concerned with.

<question id='Q1' uId='99036' no_ans='2' txt='In a flat structure employees are not expected to provide their bosses with their opinions.' feedback='' type='MC' passingWeight='1' url='media/'>
<answer id='Q1A1' uId='311288' txt='True' weight='0'/>[code]...

What I now need is a way to grab the txt attribute value from the answer tags and be able to access them from anywhere in the fla. Keep in mind that there are two answers for every question. ie:

< answer id='Q1A1' uId='311288' txt='True' weight='0'/ >
< answer id='Q1A2' uId='311289' txt='False' weight='1'/ >

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CS3 :: Set The Variable Value Condition?

Sep 23, 2009

I'm working under as2 with variables in a web site navigation, i want to create a condition, a simple condition, for frame controling but i'm not sure how to code it.I have the content_fade_out variable, whenever a user clicks a navigation button, the variable should be checked to see wich movie clip to play. I know i can do it with an if but, if i do it with a "if" I would need add 5 ifs to each button, while i think somethin like this can be done:

variable value = Y
y = 0
y = 1

and so on, I'm just not sure how to set the variable value condition.

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Professional :: How To Add A Condition

Sep 29, 2010

I'm making a simple animation in flash, but I need to make an OR statement:

if (xxxxx or yyyyy){
this is my code, but an error appears because of the "or", I had the same problem with "AND", but it was fixed by replacing it with .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Have More Than One Condition On If Statement?

May 18, 2002

Is it possible to have more than one condition on an if statement?eg. if something is black and if it is 40cm then do the following..both conditions must be fulfilled before the action can occur.

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Hit Test Inside IF Condition?

Nov 28, 2011

ive tried with this script (as2)

on (press) {
if (triggermc._visible == true) {
if (d1.hitTest(_root.d2.hit)) {


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Flex :: Specify More Than 1 Condition With && For A Property?

Sep 16, 2010

I need to specify more than one condition for visibiltyvisible="{data.allow &&}"However, this gives the error "The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference."I could use a function, but I'd like to know if it is possible to do this directly with different syntax.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Condition Asking For Two Variables To Be Set

May 17, 2005

for i know that i often fail when it comes to syntax, i thought i might ask how the syntax would be if i'd want to ask if two variables are set. say i'd want to let things happen if the variables _root.move==1 and at the same time _root.window==0.

in this piece of code:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.move == 1) {
if (_root.mainVarX == 0) {


my problem is, that i let something scroll in front of a button on mouse release, and flash now thinks that i left the button and thinks it should fire up stuff that should happen on rollout, which shouldn't when i mouse release on the button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: If Condition Using Code?

Oct 26, 2011

Just I want to write a condition in a Function stating If condition. The following is the situation.

If myButtons_mc.alpha=0 then
Else myButtons_mc.alpha=0

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Mc Appear On Condition?

Apr 13, 2012

I have 5 movie clips on stage made invisible. Each time only 1 movie clip appear randomly. The next movie clip appear on condition that the previous movie clip must disappear by pressing of a button. Example: mc - A,B,C,D,E

If B appear, a button must be pressed to make B disppear in order for the next button to appear randomly.

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2 Input Text Fields And 1 If Condition?

Aug 25, 2010

So, what I'm trying to do can't really be that hard, I still can't get it to work properly...

So, I have two textfields and one button. Whenever I type a set message into one of the textfields and then press the button, I want the other textfield to return another set message. Probably the trickier part: this should work both ways.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: For Loop WITHIN An If Condition Statement?

Jan 21, 2012

Is it possible to use a for loop within an if condtional statement? I have been trying but just get errors no matter what I do. I have a series of buttons that pop up in a window and I want to make it so a click anywhere outside of the buttons will close the pop up window. I have been doing this by running a hitTest that checks if any of the buttons are being touched one at a time. It works, but it seems overly tedious, especially since there are a lot of buttons. I do not want to put the hitTest on the background of the window because it will cause the mouse cursor to turn into a hand even when it is not over one of the actual buttons.

If the for loop can't be within an if condition, then maybe there is a better way to use the hitTest code, but I couldn't figure that out either. Here's a simplified version of what I have now (it works, but is too much code..):


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ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveEventListener Is Not Working On If/else Condition?

Dec 22, 2008

It is very ridiculous that I can't remove a simple listenermethod :). I think this is a common problemWhen I am using removeEventListener manually, i.e outside thecondition its working fine, but whenever I am using it inside theif/else condition it is adding the listener in "true" mode but notremoving in the "false" is my code:

if (proAlign == true) {
trace("align Option = " + proAlign + " -- " + "this is true


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IF Condition To See If A Function Or Tween Has Started?

Jul 8, 2009

I have a movie clip which is brought on to the stage by a tween function called introTween. After the introTween has finished, it has an eventhandler inside it which calls on 2 new tween functions to start. These are tweenX function which contains the myTweenX tween and tweenY function which contains the myTweenY tween. these functions loop round to keep the movie clip floating along the bottom of the stage. The movie clip can be dragged by the user. The problem I have is that when the user drags the movie clip during the introTween the dragIt function is called (see below) and when called its looking to stop the myTweenX and myTweenY tweens. However, because the introTween function hasn't finished, and thus hasn't called the tweenX and tweenY functions...then the dragIt function can't find myTweenX and myTweenY to stop(). how I would go about solving this problem? Is there some sort of IF condition I can put in the dragIt function which looks at whether the tweenX and tweenY functions have started or even the myTweenX and myTweenY tweens have started?


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Professional :: Calling MovieClips With If-else Condition

Jul 28, 2011

I've a problem with calling the movieclip from the library with the if else case.If I take out the if else condition, the code runs normally but when I do I can't. I tried numerous attempts to fix the code but it still failed.What I wanted to do is, when I click one button out of 3 buttons at the 1st frame, it will pass the string (either red, blue or orange) to answer textbox. Then I store the string into a var called tarotno to go through a if else condition to call the MovieClip according to the string passed.[code]

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ActionScript :: How To Make Code Run Under Certain Condition

May 18, 2010

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class FileReferenceListExample extends Sprite {
[Code] .....

Code like the above will get executed as soon as loaded, how can I make it run under certain condition? Pretty much this in this answer:
function keyEvent(code:String):void {
// do something with the "code" parameter,
that looks like "alt+ctrl+D", may use .split('+'), etc

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Actionscript 3 :: Is This Statement About The Following Condition Correct

Feb 17, 2011

Look at this code:

var a:Number = 1;
var b:String = "hello";
if (a == 1 && b == "goodbye") {
trace("options a and b");

The book I am reading says: "In this example, the test would evaluate to true, because one of the two conditions (the first) is true. As a result, "option a or b" would be traced."Isn't the above statement incorrect? this if statement to me reads as "if a is 1 and b is goodbye THEN output it"

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C# :: Multiplayer Whiteboard Race Condition?

Jun 5, 2011

Imagine a multiplayer whiteboard where several people can draw at the same time. To keep it simple, lets say there's a single object on the whiteboard which can be moved or deleted by any user. There is no notion of user-owned objects (i.e. it's important that any user be allowed to manipulate any object... it's a free-for-all whiteboard)My problem is this... if two users try to do a different action on the object at the same time, i.e. one deletes it the other moves it, what happens?

Right now- in just letting the messages go through, it gets all out of whack.One idea was to have a serverside control which resolves who has control of the object, and nothing is allowed to happen clientside until that conflict is resolved. Conflict resolution can be based on a first-come, first-serve basis.Even though this can happen very fast, the small delay (~50-300ms) is unacceptable since movement must be instantaneous on the client side. For example, instead of manipulating objects, think of a pen. For there to be a delay till they've already started drawing... not good!

Another idea was to have a "request control" button, which asks the serverside extension for control.... same idea as before, but now they aren't frustrated by the initial delay of pen drawing. This is also not so good though since they must hit that button till they can do anything, and this whiteboard is really meant for kids..

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Flex :: Hide Hgroup On Condition

Mar 6, 2012

i have my hGroups as like [code]and i m trying to hide the hgroups on a condition when this bean tagInfoData have a value "notworking" otherwise it will shown..should i need to write code in the creation complete as all this is in a pop up window of the button click event.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: While() Loop With Condition For Each Value In An Array?

Jul 15, 2009

Just wondering...s it possible to create a while() loop with as condition comparing a value against all items in array?e.g.

ActionScript Code:
while(myValue == for each(var i in myArray)) {
//Do Something


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