ActionScript 3.0 :: URLLoader Reply Before Continuing?
Mar 29, 2010
Is it possible to wait for a response from a URLLoader before continuing execution of code? Yes, I know it's not directly possible, but is there any workaround?
Also a "No, Andreas. For the n-th time, it's not possible!!" reply is acceptable rather that no response.
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I am wanting a mailto button in Flash MX which I can get to work nicely except that I need to specify either the return email address (ideal) or which email account to use. The reason for this is have have 5 email accounts running, and the default is not the one I want Flash to use.
e_name = "Mr Man"
e_address = ""
e_subject = "kebabs"
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Jul 23, 2010
When a user finishes a drag and drop activity, they get a text that says "Congrats, you're finished". How do I change the congrats text to celebratory image/graphic pop-up that appears after they've finished the activity?
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var startX:Number;var startY:Number;var counter:Number = 0;
Cls_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);
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[Code] .....
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Feb 20, 2012
How can I send a custom response upon a custom request on a xampp/wamp based Apache server upon a connection to a specific port?I'm trying to reply to the � a flash app is requesting in order to allow a crossdomain http GET request.The flash policy request, is made to port 843 by default and i'd like to keep it that way.The port should get a � (ending with a null char,� is just for the reference) and replying with something like:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only"/>
As far as i know, the request should be return as a plain text, although Content-type, might be needed as well.I've tried using the following:[URL] and although it listens to the port and accepts connections, it doesn't reply with the specified xml upon request.I wrote a simple C# web server which listens to port 843, and serves the aforementioned policy - it worked out just fine, however, when using a SecureSocket connection for a secure connection (i.e opening a socket to a HTTPS/SSL protocol) - the request that is sent is encrypted using the hosts certificate. As far as i know, there's no way of listening or acquiring the servers certificate and decrypting the data via an external app hence, the only way is to somehow 'teach' Apache to respond with the crossdomain policy after a proper request is sent via an appropriate port.
Another idea i have is to read the server's certificate file stored in the Apache directory regardless of what happens on the server itself, though imo it's an overkill.
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Sep 14, 2009
I have been on countless Flash forums, reading hundreds of posts with varying degrees of suggestions all of which leave me without a solution. Posts have been floating around regarding this topic for almost a decade now, and nothing seems to get resolved. So I come directly to the source. First off, here's a description of the problem. I am not the designer. The designer is very purposeful about the font styles, sizes, colors, etc, that he select. So to even consider bastardizing his work my substituting in any of these godawful "Fonts For Flash" would be inconceivable and potentially jeopardize my job. (Not really, but he is very passionate about his work... and who am I to question the master. What is baffling to me is if you watch the animation closely, the text is actually clearer during the movement... but as soon as the animation ends, that's when the text turns fuzzy.
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Feb 2, 2009
I am using set interval. I can clear the interval to stop it, but when I use the play(); command it continues from the beginning and I want it to continue from where I left off. The timeline is 10 frame long. I want to continue from a specific frame. I already tried gotoAndPlay (frame#) and it doesn't work. Maybe I had it in the wrong place. I bolded the area that needs some sort of code, somewhere within/below it.
Here is the code.
frame #1
callback1 = function (){
if(_currentframe == 10){
[Code] .....
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May 23, 2010
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ActionScript Code:
timer = 60;
countdown = function () { timer--;if (timer == 0) {clearInterval(countdownInterval);}
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Jul 7, 2011
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on (release) {
if audioPlayerStatus = "loading" or "buffering" {
WAIT a bit and check again
} else if audioPlayerStatus = "playing" {
The status function is bulit into the player. "wait a bit" code.
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May 18, 2007
I have an animation stored in a movieclip.I have 5 instances off this mc stored off the stage. Whenever the user enters a wrong response, one of the mc's play a walk animation and a person 'walks' onto the screen. After moving 80 pixels, an if function in the onEnterFrame deletes the onEnterFrame.However, if the user enters more then 5 wrong answers, the persons start a new animation. The problem is that if the user gets a question wrong before the person has finished moving - the person stops and does the new animation.
Thus I was hoping to use setInterval after a check to see if anything is moving. Yet it doesn't see to work. My traces show no delay between the interval trace and the trace after the interval.Here is a section of my code; basically when k = 6, the fifth person has been called previously and the moving variable is a boolean set to true. But when run, there is no 20 second delay, it just says 'slow' then 'delay' and then kicks into the final animation.
if (k > 5){
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Jan 20, 2010
I have two problems:
1. Despite lots of searching/reading, i am still not sure how to listen for the end of a function in a child class from a parent class.
2. Building on question 1, I need some thoughts on best practices for halting execution until a number of events are met.
E.g. I have a class 'ContentBrowser' that instantiates a variable number of 'StuffList' classes. Upon instantiation of a 'StuffList' class an xml file is loaded for that instance. So I could have 4 or so xml files loading at once. What is the best way to wait until all the 'StuffList' instances have been loaded and parsed before continuing execution of my code within the ContentBrowser class?
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Apr 19, 2011
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Mar 19, 2012
Here is an excerpt of my XML file. (It is properly formatted, and has a root node, etc., but is too long to post the entire thing. Below is just the part I am concerned with.
<question id='Q1' uId='99036' no_ans='2' txt='In a flat structure employees are not expected to provide their bosses with their opinions.' feedback='' type='MC' passingWeight='1' url='media/'>
<answer id='Q1A1' uId='311288' txt='True' weight='0'/>[code]...
What I now need is a way to grab the txt attribute value from the answer tags and be able to access them from anywhere in the fla. Keep in mind that there are two answers for every question. ie:
< answer id='Q1A1' uId='311288' txt='True' weight='0'/ >
< answer id='Q1A2' uId='311289' txt='False' weight='1'/ >
View 1 Replies
Jul 31, 2009
Is there a easy / good way of getting the url from the URLLoader object? It seems at least two other people (this guy and this this guy) have wondered the same thing. Maybe we can get an answer here on s.o.?
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Mar 26, 2010
I'm building a portfolio website and I'm using URLloaders to load new content.I want the user to be able to change the content they're loading before it completes. aka, stop the current load and load something else.
Adobe Actionscript 3.0 reference says I can use the following:"Use the unload() method to remove movies or images loaded with this method, or to cancel a load operation that is in progress."
Here's what I have (my attempt to stop the loader is in bold):
button_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, newPage);
function newPage(e:MouseEvent):void { loaderState=true; newDescription();
if (loading){
I'm getting the following error on loader.unload(req); : "1137: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected no more than 0."I've also tried just using loader.unload(); but it doesn't work - the url loader just continues to load and doesn't load the new content.
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Apr 13, 2011
I'm trying to do a real simple POST HTTP request using URLLoader. I'm following the next steps:
But, actually It does a GET request instead of a POST request. Is it possible to do a POST request without anything in the body of the request??
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Jun 3, 2010
I am loading multiple xml files with URLLoader.
for (var i=0;i<xmlCount;i++) {
loadXML(xmlFiles[i], i);
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Apr 21, 2011
I'm want to use a URLLoader in one line, but I know Internet Explorer has given me problems loading local files when the listener is added after the load call.
new URLLoader(new URLRequest('')).addEventListener(
Event.COMPLETE, handleLoadedData
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Jul 8, 2009
Everything runs fine in Firefox, but when the SWF tries to make a request in IE, I get an IOError. I've read that it might have something to do with no-cache settings and that a possible solution is to use URLRequestHeaders.
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Nov 4, 2009
I'm trying to add a name property to the xmlLoader object just as I have successfully done with the photoLoader object. When the last line of code is present the following error is thrown:
1119: Access of possibly undefined property name through a reference with static type
I suppose this has something to do with the URLLoader not inheriting from Display Object like Loader does. Is there anything I could do to add a name property to this URLLoader?[code]...
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Mar 11, 2009
I am having an issue in getting flash to call my PHP script and then get the variables back into flash once the PHP script has queried a mysql database. I have tried to chop things in the php script down to their bare essentials. I am new to AS3 so I am having some trouble integrating the two. I know that my DB info and querying works so it must be something with passing data between flash and PHP.
import caurina.transitions.*;
import fl.controls.DataGrid;
import fl.controls.ScrollPolicy;[code]........
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Jun 15, 2009
Anyone have any suggestions about unloading an URLLoader. I'm loading xml data and trying to load different data on button click, but it just keeps piling up, I'd like it to replace the old data.
View 7 Replies
Jul 21, 2009
Recently i got job that finaly includes some AS3, so im getting back into the world of flash again. But as you all can imagen, not without problems... let me explain what i'm trying to get working:
A little background:We are currently recreating a game within flash, the game requires a login to create a sessionid (server side) to retrieve gamedata based on that sessionid. The login page for this, is done with a certain framework (cake), wich we are not going to change, because the existing game is already in production phase.
The problem:The original form sends the username and password with nested variables like this:
<input id="LoginUsername" type="text" value="" maxlength="40" name="data[Login][username]"/>
<input type="password" id="LoginPassword" value="" name="data[Login][password]"/>
AS3Trying to replicate the request in as3 like this:
public function login(username:String, password:String):void{
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(this.baseUrl + this.loginPath);
View 9 Replies
Aug 5, 2009
Whats the difference between a URLLoader and just a loader?
and when would you use each one? Just been watching a video tutorial and the guy loaded some XML using the URLLoader but I've seen just the Loader being used for other items such as jpg's.
View 1 Replies
Feb 14, 2010
I am having a problem with my ProgressEvent.PROGRESS handler. It looks like this:
function handleProgress( event:ProgressEvent ):void {
var percent:Number = Math.round( event.bytesLoaded / event.bytesTotal * 100 );
trace("Uploading %" + percent);
It just traces "Uploading %100" every time
I am using a big file so I know its taking several seconds between calling URLLoader.load and complete. There just doesn't seem to be a report in between 0-100..
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Feb 21, 2010
I am loading a sound file with the URLLoader class passed to the URLRequest class, just as one would load any other external content type.
var loader:URLLoader=new URLLoader;
loader.load(new URLRequest("file.mp3"));
When the loading is complete I would like to pass the data to a Sound Object.
The object returned on the complete event is of type
How can I turn this URLLoader into a Sound Object?
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May 23, 2011
I have encountered an interesting problem when I try to load an .xml file using a URLLoader (within my own custom class). I have several configuration .xml files which I use to configure the application when it launches. For example, in the code below, myCustomLoader is a custom class I wrote that takes an .xml file as a parameter. The myCustomLoader class encapsulates all the instantiation of the URLLoader class and error handling etc. The code below operates as expected, the configuration files load into memory, and they're accessible throughout my App.
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Oct 9, 2008
I want to instruct a server-side PHP script to generate a dynamic PDF using variables I submit from Flash. I then want to download that PDF back into my Flash application. Can I use "Loader" or "URLLoader" ? If so, how do I structure my code to render the PDF within Flash when it comes back from PHP? ...or do I have to use Flash Remoting or other means to achieve my goal?
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Dec 17, 2008
I want to use URLLoader to load a textified article from my joomla website [code]...
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May 7, 2009
I have started creating a panel plugin for Photoshop, but I seem to have run into a road block. I am using a simple URLLoader to grab some info from the internet, but when I load the plugin it never seems to be called nor does it fail. Here is an example of what I am trying to do.
var url:String = "";var urlR:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);urlL = new URLLoader();urlR.contentType = "text/plain"; = "var=something";urlL.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,
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