ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Grid Based On Array

Sep 22, 2008

I just make a grid based on array... my problem is how to highlight boxes that contain only character I mean if the box contain character it will gotoAndPlay(2)[code]

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ActionScript 3 :: How To Make Array That Index Things Based On Object

Nov 8, 2010

How to make a kind of array that index things based on a object? but not being strict like dictionary.

What I mean:
var a:Object = {a:3};
var b:Object = {a:3};
var dict:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
dict[a] = 'value for a';
// now I want to get the value for the last assignment
var value = dict[b];
// value doesn't exits :s

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Square Grid Of Fixed Side Length But Varying Grid Number Using Code?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Xml Based Grid Gallery

May 11, 2010

I have a store style website that uses a grid format gallery to display a grid of thumbnail products which can then be clicked.url...I have created xml captions that sit ontop of each thumbnail in the grid. They display fine when static but I wanted them to only display when you mouse over the corresponding thumbnail.I have code that tweens all of the captions (thumb_caption) to 0% alpha and the tweens to 100% alpha upon MouseOver and then back to 0% alpha on MouseOut.At the moment there is one problem - When you hover over ANY thumbnail the caption for the LAST thumbnail fades in not the corresponding one for THAT thumbnail.Example - if I have 10 thumbnails and I hover over thumbnail 1 the caption for thumbnail 10 appears ontop of thumbnail 10. (not caption 1 over thumbnail 1 like it should!)[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Grid Based Games - MovieClips Combining Unexpectedly

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Aug 9, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Separating Loader Array And Array For Grid Of Images?

Dec 14, 2009

PHP Code:

var filePaths:Array=["thmb1.swf","thmb2.swf","thmb3.swf","thmb4.swf", "thmb5.swf", "thmb6.swf",
"thmb7.swf","thmb8.swf", "thmb9.swf", "thmb10.swf", "thmb11.swf" ];
function loadImages3(event:MouseEvent):void {


My problem is that I can't figure out how to decouple the loader from this loadNewRow function. Ideally, I'd like to figure out how to load all the swf's give them dynamic names... like thmb1loaded, thmb2loaded, thmb3loaded.. push into an a ("loaded") array and then have that be used to build the grid.Right now, its loading them every time the loadnewrow function fires. I'm sure its a simple matter of iterating a .name within a contentloaderinfo .onComplete when each swf is loaded...

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Actionscript :: Flex - Dynamically Populate The Options In A Combobox Inside Of A Grid Based On Another Row In Flex?

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<mx:DataGridColumn editorDataField="selectedItem" dataField="type" editable="true" >


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sorting An Array Based On Another Array?

Apr 10, 2012

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//sort the chosen ones into an array


My problem now is being able to reorder a separate array which contains all the screens, called screenArray, based off of that. screenArray currently returns [Object Screen], [Object Screen], [Object Screen], etc... and is in the order of 1,2,3,4,5,6. How do I take then and get it to be equal to the order of my displayButtonsChosen Array of 1,3,5,2,4,6?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Array.every() - The Entire Grid Is To Be Invisible

Nov 13, 2008

I have a grid of thumbnails that, when clicked, the entire grid is to be invisible EXCEPT the one clicked.


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Php :: Flex 3 Query For Recordset Array For Data Grid?

Jul 22, 2010

I am building an application in Flex Builder 3. Yes, I know that it has an auto-magic feature to build datasheet, but that will not work. I see many Flex controls, such as combo box, can take an array as a data source.

My question, therefore, is (1) How do I send the request from my action script to my PHP form to request a record set. (2) Presuming that my dataset is in a PHP assoc array, how do I format it to send it back to Action Script. (3) How do I take the data received from the recordset, and put it inot an actionscript array, suitable for use as a data source.

I can connect to my database in PHP, and query it just fine, so I don't need help with that. For consistency, and humor, lets presume that I have the following data in an assoc array that I pulled from a database.


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Actionscript 3 :: Defining An XML Format For A 2D Array (Grid) Of Items

Sep 11, 2010

I need to define an XML format and then read it in ActionScript3, which will be storing:the number of rows and columns in a grid the horizontal and vertical spacing in pixels the size of each square in the grid in pixels an optional label for each square in the grid an optional hyperlink for each square in the grd.The following is the kind of thing that would meet my needs at the moment, which demonstrates the four square types:[code]

My questions are things akin to "Should there be units on the spacing and size? (like 10px or 300px)" and "How bad would it be to use a XHTML subset of (table, td, tr with a elements in each cell)."But really I'm fishing for any precedent, ideas, or best practices. Particularly as they are relevant to processing such a file in ActionScript3. The goal is to be able to read the grid properties and to define a function that will give back a square's label and url given a row and column. (The easy thing about this format is that getting a square is just a matter of indexing into children of the grid node by integer... first column, then row.)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use AddChild With An Array To Create A Grid Of Movieclips?

Mar 15, 2011

I want to create a grid of movieclips using an array. But every movieclip added needs some sort of unique idenifier so i can access each individual movieclip.

The grid is 6 movieclips on the Y and variable on the X(that doesnt really matter to be honest)

I have managed to create an Array that displays 6 movieclips on the Y using this [code]...

now i tried creating another class and storing the 6 tickets i made in this class in another movieclip and then using the same method in the other class (i called it Ticket_Batch) i created another row of 6 movieclips. although this kind of worked visually i could no longer access each individual ticket.

my question is: how do i create a 6 x 36(or any other multiple of 6) grid of my movieclips in the same class using an array (or 2 arrays) and giving each movieclip an instance name that i can access and use?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Build Grid Of Identical MCs In Multidimensional Array

May 17, 2009

I'm trying to build an 8x8 grid of identical movieclips, in a multidimensional array, that I can then access by row, and play each in order. So far, I can get them into the array, but I'm having trouble playing each item in a row. Basically, I have 8 more selector buttons in another array, and I added an event handler to each of those, and I want to use the index position of each selector button to play the corresponding row in the first array.

//The first Array
for ( i = 0; i< 8 ; i++) { //create a row
beatsArray[i] = new Array();
for (var j:Number = 0; j<8; j++) { //add 8 instances to the row
beats = new Beats;
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Result In An Array And Show 20 Records In The Grid At A Time?

Sep 27, 2010

I have datagrid. the source for this datagrid is a url that returns n number of rows in json format.

i want to save this result in an array and show 20 records in the grid at a time. and cycle to the next 20 records in a time interval.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make Grid With MovieClip

May 29, 2009

All I want to make a grid with movieClip. But I can't make no matter how much time I have used exploring and trying. I have 2 movieClips and button
1 - mc_main
2 - Row
Both movieClips are linked to classes. mc_main is on stage its a small dot. When I press button a new instance of Row should be attached to mc_main and should append.

PHP Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Main extends MovieClip {
public function Main(){
[Code] .....

View 21 Replies

Make A Grid Over World Map With Buttons?

Aug 11, 2010

Im making a game, and im very new to this, so please explain as good as you can. I have started with making the background which is a simple world map. I put in script so you can scroll around the map with the arrow keys. Now this will be a wargame, so i need some kinda grid over the map, like buttons of 50x50 placed all over the map, like the board game Risk for an example, so people can fight for territory. I tried doing this with buttons but made the game file very large, and it used to much ram.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Grid From Images?

Sep 17, 2009

I'm having trouble getting my mind around this. I need to take images randomly from a folder, and add them to the stage arranged in a grid. I know how to get the images from the folder onto the stage, but how would I write the code so the images are arranged into a grid?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make An Isometric Grid?

Jul 15, 2011

I've built a grid of tiles using a bunch of variables and arrays, but what do I have to do to make it isometric?

As a note, I've done a few searches on isometric games, but none of their placement methods have worked so far (I don't know why).[code]....

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Make A Grid With Different Frame For Each Movie Clip?

Jul 5, 2009

I am trying to make a grid with different frame for each movie clip

function dup() {
var maxNum = 7;
var Col = 4;


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Actionscript 3 :: Make A Table Grid In Flex 4?

Mar 30, 2011

I want to make a grid with 3 images in a row and then should the next row start. How do I that in Flex 4? Are there any controls or can you do it with the Repeater? Or am I forced to do some math on my own (modulus here we go again).

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Actionscript 3 :: Make A Grid Cell Uneditable?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm using an AdvancedDataGrid in ActionScript 3/Flex 4. The grid has 5 columns: Caller Intent, Labels, Strategy, Confirmation Mode, and Confirmation Promptlet. All columns are editable except for Labels. However, if you change the Confirmation Mode value to NEVER, the next column Confirmation Promptlet becomes uneditable and is set with the value 'n/a' (this is the desired functionality).Unfortunately, the image is not clear. In the second row, I changed the Confirmation Mode value to NEVER. This is what happens when I start tabbing out of the Confirmation Mode cell:

1st Tab: Confirmation Promptlet populated with 'n/a'. I don't see anything in focus.

2nd Tab: The 5th tab from the left in the view stack (dark grey) is in focus.

3rd Tab: I don't see anything in focus.

4th Tab: The button with the green '+' (top left) is in focus.

5th Tab: The grid itself is in focus.

6th Tab: Finally I get to the Caller Intent cell of the next row (when this image was captured)

I tried setting tabEnabled="false" and tabFocusEnabled="false" for the button. I set only tabFocusEnabled="false" for the AdvancedDataGrid. But then the Tab focus starts moving to the components in the upper right panel and lower right panel.

I need to accomplish 2 things:

1. Have tabbing be contained in the grid, in the upper right panel, and in the lower right panel. Meaning tabbing should not cross from one area to another.

2. Have an uneditable field not mess up the normal tabbing behaviour.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make Grid Fade In From Random Spots On MC

Mar 25, 2005

I've done the fading grid tutorial at: [URL], but I was wondering if someone knew how to make the grid fade in diagonally from the left or right top corners (or bottom corners too) like this site [URL]. I also have another question with the fading grid, does anyone know how to make the grid fade in from random spots on the movie clip instead of the left to right, up to down, etc. way?? I'd really like to see that effect happen, if possible.

View 9 Replies

Actionscript 3 :: Reordering An Array Collection Based On Another Array Collection Hierarchy?

Sep 16, 2011

I have an array, crewPositionsAC that contains a list of position abreviatations - EP, PR, DR, WR, and so on. These positions are read in through an XML file each time my flex application loads. Also being populated from an XML is a project. Within a project, there are positions (a student assigned to a type of position listed within crewPositionsAC). These positions are not necessarily in the correct hierarchy order dictated by crewPositionsAC. I have all the positions within an ArrayCollection (positionsAC) with the following structure:

positionsAC (arrayCollection)
[0] = Array
[0] = startOffset
[1] = numDays


Then, the user can click a button to add another position. When the "Add Crew Member" button is pressed, the user is presented with a list of possible positions to add. Currently, I simply add another array to positionsAC. This results in the recently added crew member to placed on the bottom of the list. I need to take positionsAC and reorder it based on it's [2] item (role) based on the hierarchy defined in the crewPositionsAC. crewPositionsAC has the following structure:

[0] = EP
[1] = PR
[2] = DR
[3] = WR

* continue until all possible position types are listed

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