ActionScript 3.0 :: Use AddChild With An Array To Create A Grid Of Movieclips?
Mar 15, 2011
I want to create a grid of movieclips using an array. But every movieclip added needs some sort of unique idenifier so i can access each individual movieclip.
The grid is 6 movieclips on the Y and variable on the X(that doesnt really matter to be honest)
I have managed to create an Array that displays 6 movieclips on the Y using this [code]...
now i tried creating another class and storing the 6 tickets i made in this class in another movieclip and then using the same method in the other class (i called it Ticket_Batch) i created another row of 6 movieclips. although this kind of worked visually i could no longer access each individual ticket.
my question is: how do i create a 6 x 36(or any other multiple of 6) grid of my movieclips in the same class using an array (or 2 arrays) and giving each movieclip an instance name that i can access and use?
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Sep 20, 2011
I'm new to AS3 so please excuse me if the question is a bit confusing.
I have 3 movieclips in my library with the Linkage names "Panel1", "Panel2" and "Panel3".
I want to create a new Array on my main timeline with the three movieclips.
i.e. var panelArray = new Array(Panel1, Panel2, Panel3);
How would I be able to do that?
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Dec 14, 2009
PHP Code:
var filePaths:Array=["thmb1.swf","thmb2.swf","thmb3.swf","thmb4.swf", "thmb5.swf", "thmb6.swf",
"thmb7.swf","thmb8.swf", "thmb9.swf", "thmb10.swf", "thmb11.swf" ];
function loadImages3(event:MouseEvent):void {
My problem is that I can't figure out how to decouple the loader from this loadNewRow function. Ideally, I'd like to figure out how to load all the swf's give them dynamic names... like thmb1loaded, thmb2loaded, thmb3loaded.. push into an a ("loaded") array and then have that be used to build the grid.Right now, its loading them every time the loadnewrow function fires. I'm sure its a simple matter of iterating a .name within a contentloaderinfo .onComplete when each swf is loaded...
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Aug 20, 2009
Basically I have this movieclip on stage that is suppose to load another movieclip from an swf. in that swf are 31 copies of the movieclip since theres no duplicateMovieclip function in as3. I am able to load and add child to the movieclips easy with this,
PHP Code:
function duplicateMovieclips():void{
for (var i=0; i<movieclipsToLoad; i++){
Below (which I excluded) are other various bits of code to edit the movieclip and what not. I can also remove it just fine with this bit of code here
PHP Code:
function removeF():void{
var repeat:int = 0;
for (var i=0; i<timesToRemove;i++){
if(i == timesToRemove-1){
loadSelected(); //THE PROBLEM
What this swf is trying to do is record the year and the month the user clicks on and then return every day's data from the xml if a day is filled out. when removeF(); executes, i get the error:
ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
Pointing at entrys_mc.removeChild(mcV[i]);...but when its NOT there, loadSelected(); that is, it works just fine. I even put a trace statement in it. The whole if condition works fine to.
LoadSelected is the one that retrieves the text needed to load in the movieclip. whatever year and month the user selects, it loads the information of it and puts it in a string. then it displays in the dynamic text field inside the movieclip. Also, when SWF loaded it loads all 31 movieclips using this.
for (var i = 0; i < 31; i++){
var groupMC:MovieClip=MovieClip(clip.getChildByName("group" + i));
trace("repeat # = " + i);
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Jan 8, 2011
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public function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void
_taskX = 300;
_taskY = 100;
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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
public class box_builder extends MovieClip {
private var _path:MovieClip;
[Code] .....
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private function arrangeClips():void {
for (var i:uint=0; i<7; i++) {
var tile_mc:whiteTail=new whiteTail();
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var _myThumb:Bitmap;
var _myThumbData:BitmapData;
function createThumbs()
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Oct 15, 2009
I have an array with names referencing movieclips, how do I add them so that I can control them in a function? I want to control each one seperately.
If I wish to control the .x value of say myArray[1][6][12] do I have to call them individualy as in:
Or can I control say the X coordinates of a bunch of movieclips in one line of code?
Here is my code:
ActionScript Code:
var myArray:Array = new Array();
var star:mcStar;
//var xpo:Number = new Number (Math.ceil(Math.random()* 400));//ignore
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Aug 10, 2004
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var numColumns:Number = 7;
var columnWidth:Number = Stage.width/7;
var numRows:Number = 6;
var rowHeight:Number = Stage.height/6;
var firstDay:Number = 1;
[Code] .....
How do I go about creating a new row in that 'if' statement? I don't want to hardcode any values in there.
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Feb 8, 2012
Is there a simple equivalent to what I used to do in AS2 to add a bunch of new objects to the stage and throw them into an array so they can easily be referenced? I'm finding this more difficult than it used to be.
Old code:
ActionScript Code:
mc_array = new Array();
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Feb 18, 2012
so i have an array containing many instances. let's say movieclips.
and i have another array which contains this case those numbers represent selected indices that i've somehow chosen!
var manydots:Array = new Array ();
for (var i=0; i<10; i++)
var newDot:dot = new dot ;
var indices:Array = [0,1,5,8,4]
i want to use AddChild to add those movieclips into my scene, but not all of them, only selected indices contained in my 2nd array
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Dec 22, 2009
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var myArray:Array=["mc1","mc2","mc3","mc4","mc5"];
for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
var classRef:Class=getDefinitionByName(myArray[i]) as Class;
addChild(new classRef());
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Jan 20, 2010
Is there a simple equivalent to what I used to do in AS2 to add a bunch of new objects to the stage and throw them into an array so they can easily be referenced? I'm finding this more difficult than it used to be.
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Dec 19, 2010
I am relatively new to flash. I am trying to create a square grid and add it to the movie.When I open the actionscript panel by pressing F9 and when I type the following code, var square:SquareClip = new SquareClip();addChild(square);
Things are working fine (the squareclip is appearing in the movie). Instead when I do this however, I deleted the above code and just create a new instance of Main,
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Jun 18, 2011
This is my current code:
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("noteGrid", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
for(i = 1; i <= 14; i++){
currentBlock = _root.noteGrid.attachMovie("block", "block" + i, _root.noteGrid.getNextHighestDepth);
currentBlock._x = Math.floor(i / 7) * 25;
currentBlock._y = (i % 7) * 25;
I have a movieclip with linkage set to block. When I compile this, the block appears however they are all on top of each other. When I used trace commands to find currentBlock._x, they are the correct values.
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Oct 29, 2004
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Feb 8, 2006
Let's say I have a movie clip of a square in my library and I want to use a for loop to create a 10x10 grid of those squares. How do I approach that?
Spacing each square horizontally or vertically isn't a problem for me but I'm hung up on how to add 10 squares and then start a new line.
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May 10, 2009
How can we create a grid containing pixels in flash . for example A square contains a matrix of 4X4 pixel grids and these gids must be visible like sudoku board.
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Jun 18, 2011
I'm trying to create a grid of boxes with actionscript. I have a box, with linkage set to block.
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("noteGrid", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
for(i = 1; i < 14; i++){
currentBlock = _root.noteGrid.attachMovie("block", "block" + i, _root.noteGrid.getNextHighestDepth);
currentBlock._x = Math.floor(i / 7) * 25;
currentBlock._y = (i % 7) * 25;
However, all the boxes are at the same position. When I add trace(currentBlock), I get _level0.noteGrid.block1 ... , however when I do trace(_root.noteGrid.block1) I get undefined.
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Jan 21, 2012
Im looking to move a movieclip through a grid array. I have it so that I can move it along any square but I need to set up a move selection. how can i query the specific grid square from the current placement?
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Sep 22, 2008
I just make a grid based on array... my problem is how to highlight boxes that contain only character I mean if the box contain character it will gotoAndPlay(2)[code]
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Nov 13, 2008
I have a grid of thumbnails that, when clicked, the entire grid is to be invisible EXCEPT the one clicked.
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Mar 26, 2009
I'm familiar with AS2 and just getting started with AS3. I found a submenu fla I would like to use, and I have everything set up, just not sure how to attach movies from the library when someone clicks a navigation button.In AS2 I would have made an empty mc and used attachMovie when the button is released.I've looked at some of the addChild questions and tutorials here, but since I'm working with pre-written code for a submenu, I'm not sure about how to modify what I've read to work in that code.Here's the code that sets up the submenu, the last function (navigate) is where I'm not sure how to instruct flash to load an mc when one of the buttons (from the var subButton:Array) is clicked. The MCs in the library correspond to the array entries ie: s.home has a library item mcHome, s.web has library item mcWeb that would load when they click that button. var s = //create a variable to shorten the path to the buttons in the sub barvar subButtons:Array = new Array(s.home,, s.web, s.graphic,; // create an array with all the buttons in the sub bar
for (var i:int = 0; i< subButtons.length; i++) // create a for loop to add the CLICK event listener to all the buttons in the sub bar at once
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Aug 18, 2010
I have an array of a custom class. The class includes 3 movieclips that all share the same position. I have 5 items in the array, and in the document constructor I fill them as such:
ActionScript Code:
glassArray[0] = new glasses(spot, beam1, glasses2, "index/nav/aboutus", new Point(156, 400));(different string and point for each of the 5 items)
Here's the glasses constructor:
ActionScript Code:
public class glasses extends MovieClip{ //I am the Constructor.
public var spot:MovieClip;
public var beam:MovieClip;
public var glass:MovieClip;
protected var target:String;
[Code] .....
It then goes on to fill each of those mclips with properties based on the point received. How to addchild from the class, I've got a simple for loop in the document constructor that adds them all in. Everything works, except what I'm seeing is that as each item in the array is added in, it overwrites the previous items' properties. In effect, I can create 5 items and give them each a different position, but when I go to addChild I see that all of them have taken on the position of the 5th one.!
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May 20, 2009
I am creating a container. When I press a button outside the container it adds a movieclip. The movieclip is the width of the container but only a fraction of the height.
I need to know how to get it so every time I press the button it adds the movieclip after the last one, almost like appending a list. Does anyone know how I would do this?Do I use an array or does flash have some sort of table feature?
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