ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Magic Ball With Mist?
Jan 28, 2008
Something in the line of the preloader of [URL]
how to create a magic ball with some moving myst inside.
I am looking into the flash particles, but i could use some more pointers examples and/or tutorials
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May 24, 2004
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Jun 20, 2006
i wanna ask how do i make a ball bounce off something like a ball bouncing off a bumper in a pinball game? i've tried a lot of times but everytime the ball get stucked to the box and it doesn't move anymore...will be grateful if anyone noes the actionscript of it..
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Apr 13, 2003
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Feb 13, 2011
So I am trying to get a ball to move around the screen, and when it gets to the walls of the stage I want it to change directions. So far, I have this code:
var ballVelx:Number = Math.random() * 15;
var ballVely:Number = Math.random() * 15;
var ballDirx:Number = 1;
This is not in the main timeline, it is in the symbol timeline for Ball. With this, I have the ball moving around and when it reaches the end of the stage it resets with a random velocity/angle. When I uncomment the ballDirx and ballDiry lines and comment out the this.x = 0 line, the ball doesn't change directions, it just stops moving when it reaches the end of the stage.
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May 1, 2005
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<a href=""></a>
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May 5, 2010
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May 1, 2005
I haven't done much actionscript stuff ...and at the moment im trying to make a ball bounce across the stage, but im unsure how to go about doing that.
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Jun 5, 2009
ball collision inside another ball using gravity.I have one large circle in the middle of the stage (its radius is 150 pixels). I have another circle inside of that one (20 pixels radius), this is the smaller ball that I would like to have bounce around inside of the larger one with gravity. When the small ball hits the edge of the larger circle, I would like it bounce inwards to the center of the larger circle. It keeps doing this until it eventually stops in the center of the larger circle at the bottom.
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mcMain is the character(ball)
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Variables for key downs
var leftKeyDown:Boolean = false; //left key down false
var upKeyDown:Boolean = false; //up key down false
var rightKeyDown:Boolean = false; //right key down false
var downKeyDown:Boolean = false; //down key down false
var mainSpeed:Number = 7; // speed of character
[Code] .....
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I cant figure out how to make the ball move and bounce around the stage. and i also need help on the paddle that the ball bounces off of. if u could help me out that would be awesome.
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Mar 17, 2002
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May 11, 2005
i want to make flash drag a ball onpress and if its onrelease and if its on the Suquare movieclip it should stop draggin.
my code is like this
dynamic class Ball extends MovieClip
function onPress()
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Oct 23, 2009
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Apr 26, 2011
i want to make a ball move at a constant speed into a wall and bounce of, initially it should move back but then It should carry on moving towards the wall.
I managed to make it bounce but once it hits the wall it carries on in the opposite direction!
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Jul 5, 2009
I followed this tutorial to make a bouncing ball in flash. Its AS2 so it took me some time to make it work in AS3 Now I want to make the ball roll down a slope, fall and bounce when it hits the ground. I have attached my .fla.
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Jul 22, 2010
//stop on current frame
//ball follows mouse[code]....
What I am trying to achieve is to make my ball get larger each time it collects a particle (Pixel).
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Oct 29, 2003
how to make the ball move and bounce around the stage. and i also need help on the paddle that the ball bounces off of.
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Apr 20, 2010
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Apr 25, 2011
I have a feeling this would be easy or has already been accomplished with someone who's good at AS3... I was customizing "xml magic pages" which I found online, and doing pretty well with my limited knowledge. BUT I need to have "previous" and "next" buttons, so users won't have to click each button (one section has 14 pages).
I learned how to name the dynamic buttons, but I still can't use that info to show that page (or ultimately the next or previous page). Magic pages is free and easily found online, but I could post the code here (or my code).
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Aug 1, 2011
this is the error Iam getting and my code below, I keep getting an error and can't understand why could someone with a bit more experience 'm at my wits end-TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert to
var upArrow:Boolean = false;
var downArrow:Boolean = false;
var rightArrow:Boolean = false;
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Jan 6, 2012
Is there a way to implement buttons inside the "big Pic" movieclip?
The activator mask seems to cancel out any buttons I make inside
the "big Pic" movie clip.
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Feb 26, 2010
I need to build a flash learn game to my students. It is to explain the angles and phisics over the billiard/snooker Table. Something similar to this: [URL] The only thing I can do until now is drag the ball! My doubts are:
- How to make the stick move with the center in the point near the ball;
- How to draw the yellow line;
- How to calculate the corners;
- And in the last, how to move the ball with accelerated motion when press a button.
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Oct 27, 2010
I am making a breakout type game where you bounce a ball around and it hits & breaks blocks.The issue im having is with handling the ball after a collision is detected.Every frame the ball checks four points on its surface to see if they are colliding with any of the blocks. The problem occurs when the ball starts moving fast. The ball's radius is 7 pixels. If it is moving upwards at higher than7 px/ frame, then the ball might end up half way into one of the blocks.
In that case the ball detects a collision on its top AND on its side (which is bad -- If the ball is travelling upwards it should detect the collision at the top of the ball)how I could fix this so that I can make the ball move fast without sacrificing the accurate detection of collisions??
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May 11, 2005
i want to make flash drag a ball onpress and if its onrelease and if its on the Suquare movieclip it should stop draggin. my code is like this
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