ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Mc Bounce Then Travel Forward Again?
Apr 24, 2011I managed to get the bounce working how do I make it continue to move forward after the collision?
View 5 RepliesI managed to get the bounce working how do I make it continue to move forward after the collision?
View 5 RepliesHow do you make an MC travel in a single straight line (not two, not three, only one) according to mouse position and current position?
View 3 RepliesI followed the bit101 tutorial on gravity and now have a movie clip called "ball" (instance name) with an embedded invisible button (so you can throw it all over the place).I also have a movie clip called "block1" (instance name too! what a coincidence, isn't life lovely). I want to make them collide, and make the ball bounce away.
View 1 RepliesI'm trying to make a ball to bounce on something realistic.How can I make it work? It's impossible.
View 3 RepliesOkay, so I have a movieclip of a letter (done in photshop to look like jelly). I want to animate it to fall from above, bounce on an invisiable plane, squash when it hits, and squash and go back up and decrease it each time until it comes a rest.I have the bounce but I need to squash.
I am just restarting my flash adventures and am trying to learn AS3. I can a real quick code request. I am trying to make a MC bounce off the sides of the stage. When I use the following code, the MC gets stuck going -2 then +2 at the edge of the stage.
How do I get it disregard the first part of the if/else and then go the other direction? know this is a really beginer question,
ive been working on boucing code and ive got this
onClipEvent(load) {
gravity = 2;
speed = 0;
onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
speed += gravity;
this will make your movie clip bounce. that i need to know is why does it bounce. i cant quite get my head around it. i start of and accelerate, hit 300 on the stage but then go up decreasing my speed by 0.8 every frame..
I have this game, got various levels. The point of the game, is you have to shoot all the zombies in the level to proceed. But I need it so the 'cannonball' bounces of the walls so there is more of a chance to hit multiple zombies.
Incase you wanted to see my document class here it is below.
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.TextField;
for (var k:int = 0; k < 1; k++)
money = new Money;
Imagine loop that contains a ball_mc that bounces off walls for how ever long the loop. I am asking what the math part would be to make the ball_mc bounce off at the correct angle and such.
View 1 RepliesSo I am trying to get a ball to move around the screen, and when it gets to the walls of the stage I want it to change directions. So far, I have this code:
var ballVelx:Number = Math.random() * 15;
var ballVely:Number = Math.random() * 15;
var ballDirx:Number = 1;
This is not in the main timeline, it is in the symbol timeline for Ball. With this, I have the ball moving around and when it reaches the end of the stage it resets with a random velocity/angle. When I uncomment the ballDirx and ballDiry lines and comment out the this.x = 0 line, the ball doesn't change directions, it just stops moving when it reaches the end of the stage.
I have a number of random balls bouncing around the stage.What I am having difficulty with is making them bounce off each other when they run into each other.The balls bounce off the walls just fine, but I can't seem to figure out the hitTest thing.
View 3 RepliesI haven't done much actionscript stuff ...and at the moment im trying to make a ball bounce across the stage, but im unsure how to go about doing that.
View 3 RepliesI'm having problems with my flash game, i am making slimeball and im using the hitTest to make my ball bounce off of the players, but because my players are semi circular when it hits off the back of my player the ball still goes forward when it should bounce off the player in the direction that it came from, if that makes sense
I haven't done much actionscript stuff ...and at the moment im trying to make a ball bounce across the stage, but im unsure how to go about doing that.
View 3 RepliesI have a MC (a ball) with this AS on it:
This bounces the ball off each 'wall'. how to add more balls (using actionscript - ie not copying and pasting on the stage) and to make the balls bounce off eachother too?
im trying to make a box that will bounce slowly between 2 and repeat ( i hope that makes sense 0_o) so far the code i have is
var speed:int = 3;
var hit:Boolean = false;
but one it hits wall 1 it moves 3 pixels to the right and stops =/ i tried changing the if(hit == true) to
ball.x += speed;
but it does the same thing.
I cant figure out how to make the ball move and bounce around the stage. and i also need help on the paddle that the ball bounces off of. if u could help me out that would be awesome.
View 11 RepliesI am familiar with hit test, but how do you make a ball bounce off a wall with the same angle that it bounced on it with?ex. it hits the wall at 45 degrees, and it bounces off the wall at 45 degrees
View 6 RepliesI have a number of random balls bouncing around the stage. What I am having difficulty with is making them bounce off each other when they run into each other. The balls bounce off the walls just fine, but I can't seem to figure out the hitTest thing.
View 3 Repliesi want to make a ball move at a constant speed into a wall and bounce of, initially it should move back but then It should carry on moving towards the wall.
I managed to make it bounce but once it hits the wall it carries on in the opposite direction!
I followed this tutorial to make a bouncing ball in flash. Its AS2 so it took me some time to make it work in AS3 Now I want to make the ball roll down a slope, fall and bounce when it hits the ground. I have attached my .fla.
View 1 Replieshow to make the ball move and bounce around the stage. and i also need help on the paddle that the ball bounces off of.
View 11 Replies[Code]....
I need to make the back and forward button that goes to the next/previous block in XML file.
When landing on a certain frame, I'm trying to make a MC jump randomly either forward or back ONE frame in the timeline. Can't get random(whatever); to cooperate.
View 1 Replieswhat im trying to do here is have a button's (named btn) over and out states make a movie clip play forward or reverse. and my fla is named MCC. im fairly new so the more detailed explaination of the code the better. this is my code so far in the MC
i wanna ask how do i make a ball bounce off something like a ball bouncing off a bumper in a pinball game? i've tried a lot of times but everytime the ball get stucked to the box and it doesn't move anymore...will be grateful if anyone noes the actionscript of it..
View 3 RepliesAttached is the red blood cell (rbc) animation. Each rbc is derived from the same symbol under multiple instances. And they all move randomly in the same x direction at random speeds. Unfortunately, I am unable to code for an arterial wall (ie. a boundary) so some of the rbc's end up leaving the animation at the wrong point (eg. from the top and bottom, instead of the right side).
I have two boundaries (named "top" and "bottom") but would like some help with AS2.0 to make these boundaries active rather than a part of the background. The code is inserted below, however it may be better to take a look at the actual fla:
amountOfrbcs = 220;
rbcsize = 240;
rbcWidth = Stage.width +10;
I want to make a box come from off screen then bounce back and forth and then come settled down in the middle of the screen. It can be random bouning intervels or a set amount.
View 6 RepliesI'm wondering how I would go about making a Mouse Trace, on a line that's preset but my choosing to let people enter into my Flash and/or progress throughout it. Basically, I have a picture of say, the number 5, I want to be able to have people use the mouse cursor to trace the 5 from one end to the next, and once completed the sites move forward. Though, I will be using my company logo which is a bit more advanced than a single number or letter form. If no one is sure what I'm talking about I've added a picture to demonstrate what I'm trying to do. Another idea I have if this one can't be accomplished, is a slide bar.Basically, it would look like a timeline control in say, VLC, and I would have the user drag a button from one side to the next to unlock and move forward. Though that may seem a bit more simple that my main idea, I would also like to be able to get really advanced with this second function and make a series of slide bars, say, 3, and they have to be slid in a certain manner, like slide bar 1,3,2 then it unlocks and moves forward.
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