ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Website With A Couple Of LoadMovie Bits Of Script In

Apr 18, 2008

I'm making a website with a couple of loadMovie bits of script in. I'm loading these into empty movie clips in the .fla file, to load a photo gallery and a portfolio.

The problem I'm having is they're not keeping the individual paramaters (if thats the right term) of each .swf file (the movie it's loading)

For example, my gallery.swf requires the scroller to be at x. 29 for it to work. Dunno why, but i worked around it. However when it's loaded into the website.fla file, it's using the x and y co-ordinates of the website, as opposed to the original movie. So, if I place the empty movie clip where i want the movie to load, the scroller doesnt work. However if I place it a 0,0 it does.

With my portfolio.swf the files are not located in the root folder. But my website .fla is. It's not possible to have the files in the root folder because of the way it works. When loading the portfolio.swf on it's own the files work fine and are linked okay. But when the .swf is inside the empty movie clip on the .fla file, it's not going to the correct source, it's seaching for the files from my root folder as opposed to the portfolio folder where the .xml and sub folders are located. Changing the path it looks for doesnt help either. I tried to make it search for "portfolio/gallery.xml" (as opposed to "gallery.xml") and that made the rest of the code try to look inside a portfolio folder (so instead of "gallery/design/image1.jpg" it was looking inside "portfolio/gallery/design etc." whilst already being inside the folder).

What I want to know is, is there a piece of actionscript that will tell the loadMovie function to use the original paramters of the movie it's loading, and not intigrate them with the .fla you're working on.

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myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouseClick);
function onMouseClick(e:MouseEvent):void {


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Well first off here is my script so far on the page:
Using Pastie to keep amount of text on thread low to make things easier to read.
Here are the errors I get everytime I try to debug or Test Movie:
Also maybe if you can help a bit with it heres the check list that this is graded on. Also no I am not trying to make you guys do my work for me its just he gave us this project but I have been at work (17) and unable to finish it at all. Please help I dont want  a bad GPA this ending semester.[URL]

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The site is [URL]

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CS3 Timer That Will Stop After Couple Of Minutes

Oct 8, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Textoutput Inside A Couple Of MCs

Jun 26, 2009

I'm trying to output some text inside a dynamic textfield that is a child of 3 MCs, but nothing happends. When the textfield is placed in the root timeline it works just fine.

I'm using PHPObject, and as I said it works fine in the root timeline, but not in the MC called "fade".

The textfield is called mini and is placed inside minifeed -> slide -> fade My question is how i output text to mini inside all those MCs. = result does not seem to work.

Here is the code:

ActionScript Code:
#include ""
_global.defaultGatewayUrl = "http://localhost/uknowit/phpobject/Gateway.php";
_global.defaultGatewayKey = "secret";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fade In After A Couple Of Seconds

Feb 21, 2004

I am trying to create a timer to fade in a dynamic textbox that is a dfferent size depending on the button. This is kind of complicated so if you got lost I am going to say it again a bit simplerly.I have three buttons, and when you click each a box moves to the correct size.I am trying to get a textbox that will fade in once the box has moved, proably about 3 seconds, and have the textbox a different size depending on the button.When another button is clicked, it should fade out, and then the box should move.You should understand what I'm trying to do when you look at the FLA. By the way, the textbox is going to have dynamic content from either a mysql or xml database.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Images - Couple Of Q's?

Feb 25, 2005

Ok so I'm working on a project at my job and things are going very well. The Flash application is 100% dynamic from text to text field colors, to panel colors, etc..The back end runs off of ASP in case you're curious.

Now we are up to the part where we have to load images into a panel. The images are uploaded by the user and the names are stored in a database. The panel should load 6 images at a time, 3 rows 2 columns.

Our ASP programmers aren't 100% sure on how they should be sending me the images. I started toying around with some code, assuming I have an image count which they will provide.


So as of now I have 6 panels going across my movie, which is fine, but now I need to columnize them into 3 rows 2 columns. So that's my concern as of now. Later on I will need to figure out how to say "if there are 6+ images have next and previous buttons to load the next ones". So if anyone has any good links on that it would be cool.

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Feb 10, 2011

I need a couple of buttons to take me to scene1 and scene2(CSR AS3)?

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Sep 26, 2011

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Sample code:
function breathe_play_video(event:MouseEvent):void {Video_Breathe.load();
addChild(close_cross_btn);close_cross_btn.x = 938;
close_cross_btn.y = 5}

I would like to add close_cross_btn after about 2 secs...

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Jun 28, 2010

am getting a couple 1084 errors I can't figure out:

//listener for the ProgressEvent when a download of the new
version is in progress


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