ActionScript 2.0 :: More Dynamic Masking *sigh?

Jan 3, 2006

Ok so I'm trying to make a navigation system that is loaded from an XML file and has sub menus. Trying to do it ALL in AS. I don't have any symbols in my library except for the embedded font. Now, sometimes I need to mask something, is it possible to use a dynamically created mc to mask another dynamically created mc dynamically oh, did I forget to say dynamically?? Ok so let's use this as an example, two boxes. One orange, one purple.

mask = createEmptyMovieClip('orange', 1);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Textfield Masking With Non-dynamic Mask?

Aug 11, 2009

I'm creating a playlist for a music player, and I've got the song names displaying correctly in my songTitle holder MC, but there's limited space for the song names to be shown in, and I'm going to eventually have it inside a scrolling movieclip. Problem is, the text inside the textfields disappear when I try to add a mask to the movieclip they're being loaded into. I've tried adding all combos of embedFonts, antialias, and blendModes I ran into, to no to mask dynamically created textfields with a non-dynamic (Flash IDE-made) mask.


for (var i:int = 1; i <= _size; i++) {
var pl_artist:TextField = new TextField;
//all embedFont = true and antiAlias commands no workie

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IDE :: Dynamic Masking Using The Drawing API?

Nov 15, 2009

I've been having some trouble with this code:

dO = 3.6;
r = 75;


I've created a movieclip with a donut graphic.Set the actionscript to the clip. Created a 2nd frame in the timeline with a photo.Nothing happens.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Masking Dynamic Content?

Feb 3, 2009

I'm loading images into an otherwise empty MovieClip called container_mc using UILoaders and spacing them horizontally. I also have the image names as TextFields below the images all within the container. I'm masking the container clip using the following syntax:

container_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
mask_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
container_mc.mask = mask_mc;

This USUALLY works, but for some reason when I load over 20 images into the container -- the mask no longer works. At first it appears as though it's working but then the text disappears and when I mouse over the images to scroll them horizontally, the mask (which is magenta) appears and disappears -- flickering strangely. Should I be caching? I was under the impression I had to for the dynamic text to show up. Maybe it's the where I placed the code (load-order)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Masking Using The Drawing API

Nov 15, 2009

I can't get this code to work. Is this complete?




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ActionScript 3.0 :: Masking With Dynamic Shapes - Overlapping

May 26, 2009

I draw a shape with the AS3's drawing API, then I draw another shape that intersects the previous shape, both the shapes have fill in them, but the intersecting area does not have any fill. I am not able to manage the "direction" that the shape is drawn in. what I need is for flash to just fill everything up to the outer borders of all the shapes, how would i achieve this? I found this forum thread that has almost the exact same problem that i have, but it is not resolved. [URL]

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Masking An Image Inside A Dynamic Mc?

Mar 9, 2009

I have a 8x 10 array of mcs on stage each which contains a small image. So, there are 8 parent clips (columns) each containing 6 child clips containing the thumbnail images. If the movie clip arrays are created dynamcally (therefore loaded into the top layer) how can I mask them? I'd like to be able to mask 1 vertical (parent) column at a time (so only 1 of the 8 columns (6 images) is visible.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Masking Dynamic Text Not Showing Up?

Feb 28, 2007

And my problem isn't the mask but the dynamic text is not loading from the XML file anymore.I think this is because in the tutorial the first thing you do is make the dynamic text field a movie clip. As soon as I do that the text data doesn't load from the external XML file. The code that previously worked was:_root.prompt = this.firstChild.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue; prompt_txt.text = _root.prompt;But now I made the dynamic text field prompt_txt a movie clip named prompt_mc and it doesn't load. So I realize now that prompt_txt lives inside prompt_mc but how do I get the text data from the XML file there???

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Semi-Dynamic Masking Gallery?

Jul 1, 2004

I'm loading 10 jpg images into _root.content.section_4.mc_anim, each is placed into its own movieClip.

These movieclips are hidden and then have the images from an array loaded into them.


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Masking Dynamic TextFields To Display When Using A Mask

Aug 14, 2009

I cannot get dynamic text fields to display when using a mask. Here is what I have done: Created a new Font object in Flash - Linkage: Export for Actionscript , class: Euro


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Dynamic XML Buttons Size And Placement With Masking?

Dec 3, 2011

what I am doing is making an XML menu for a website. Each button has a background and and over-state background. The backgrounds are 9 sliced scaled movie clips, well the over-state background is set up to mask an animation movie clip that is larger than any button will be. The mask is 9 slice scaled and is always the same size as the regular background. These backgrounds are x-scaled in a function in the The title passed in through the XML determines the width. All of this so far works perfectly.

Now a navigation movie clip processes and adds all of the button movie clips based on the amount of nodes in the XML, this also sets the X and Y coordinates as well as sets a "spacer" between the buttons. Here is my problem, every time the function runs to create a new button, it sets the x value at:

Code: Select allbutton.x = this.width;

This is great if I don't use the mask though. What happens since the movie clip I am masking in the over-state background is wider than the buttons are is that there is wayyy to large of a gap. When each button is added, actionscript sees the width of the button with everything in it, masked or not. So I've tried a for-loop in the button creating function to increment a number variable from 0 - the max number of buttons in the XML. I then want to set the x value to:

Code: Select allbutton.x = (button.background.width * i);

This is the background of the button that has the correct width that actionscript should be using. By multiplying it by the i variable, it should move the x right with every button. Unfortunately it's not working.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Masking Some Dynamic Content That Is Brought In Through An External Swf?

Mar 25, 2009

it is masking some dynamic content that is brought in through an external swf. there is a dynamic text field and also a picture loader. whenever either one of these changes, the mask gets all distorted with holes/lighter areas in it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Masking For XML Driven Photo Gallery?

May 24, 2009

I am creating a photo gallery using xml and a thumbnail bar at the side. I want each picture to fit into a square without distorting the image, so I will need to use masks. Currently I am using the loadClip metohd for loading pictures then I am attempting to use onLoadInit to dynamically set the masks. It is hard to show the problem on here so I have here's the link..[URL]...

It seems that you can't place "i" values in the onLoadInit part which I tired previously, atm I can only get one to work as you will be able to see.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Masking Dynamic Objects - Placing On The Timeline

Aug 3, 2009

In my current project I'm building a waterfall. Each drop in the waterfall is generated from the class and added to the stage via addchild. Now I have a mask that I want all of those drops to use however I can't seem to get this to work. I've tried placing the mask on the timeline and I couldn't seem to access the mask from the file. I've also given the mask it's own class and added it dynamically to no avail.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Dynamic XML Buttons Size And Placement With Masking?

Dec 3, 2011

making an XML menu for a website. Each button has a background and and over-state background. The backgrounds are 9 sliced scaled movie clips, well the over-state background is set up to mask an animation movie clip that is larger than any button will be. The mask is 9 slice scaled and is always the same size as the regular background. These backgrounds are x-scaled in a function in the The title passed in through the XML determines the width. All of this so far works perfectly.

Now a navigation movie clip processes and adds all of the button movie clips based on the amount of nodes in the XML, this also sets the X and Y coordinates as well as sets a "spacer" between the buttons. Here is my problem, every time the function runs to create a new button, it sets the x value at:

button.x = this.width;

This is great if I don't use the mask though. What happens since the movie clip I am masking in the over-state background is wider than the buttons are is that there is wayyy to large of a gap. When each button is added, actionscript sees the width of the button with everything in it, masked or not. So I've tried a for-loop in the button creating function to increment a number variable from 0 - the max number of buttons in the XML. I then want to set the x value to:

button.x = (button.background.width * i);

This is the background of the button that has the correct width that actionscript should be using. By multiplying it by the i variable, it should move the x right with every button. Unfortunately it's not working.

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Actionscript 3 :: Masking Parent Of Dynamic Text Removes Anti-Alias?

Nov 8, 2010

when adding a mask to a parent sprite with a dynamic text field, the text loses anti-aliasing. how can i maintain the text's anti-alias while still applying a mask to its parent, and subsequently to itself.the font is embedded, and the text field will be animated so it must also be masked along with its parent.

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.text.*;


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Have Two Makslayers That Is Masking One Layer Under?

Jan 13, 2010

I want to have two makslayers that is masking the one layer under.

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Size Too Large Of Masking?

Jul 25, 2010

i made a masking anim using frame by frame animation on the mask layer...

when i exported the swf it was of 83 kb (too huge) and i checked it was all due to shapes in the mask layer....

i found "eltima swf optimizer" on internet but it gives only black and white output in the demo version ....

i opmitized all shapes one by one by using modify>shape>optimize using 100% optimization but when i exported swf this time was 114kb(even more) this sux!!!

my question is that is there any other "swf optimizer" that i can use for free.. (hey its my school project and i just need to mask a single jpeg)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Masking 2 Objects At Once?

Nov 6, 2009

I posted a message a while ago about creating a spotlight effect over a background and it was suggested that I use masks to create the desired effect. This worked fantastically.... until now lol. I need to mask both the background image AND some randomly generated on-screen objects. Whever I try to add the mask to the objects generated at run-time, it ceases to mask the background as well!
I should probably have expected this one... but was just wondering what was the best wat to get around this? Should I create 2 'spotlight' objects which directly overlap each other, but have one set to mask the background while the other masks everything else? Or is there an easier approach?

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Have Two Makslayers That Is Masking The One Layer Under?

Feb 23, 2012

I want to have two makslayers that is masking the one layer under.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Masking The XML Menu?

Jul 28, 2005

I'm trying to make a mask for this menu, I was trying in many different ways, but I still do not understand why it doesn't work.

menu = new XML();
menu.ignoreWhite = true;
menu.load("the destination That we are loadin xml from");
menu.onLoad = function() {


That was the code of menu. This menu is inside the main movieclip. But I want to mask this menu incase making the shape of the last and first button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using BitmapData For Masking?

Jul 13, 2007

I have a PNG file with transparency imported into the library and converted to MovieClip.Now I want to use this PNG file for masking another sprite drawn dynamically using the drawing API. I know that you cant mask a runtime generated sprite with a author time movieclip. So i created another runtime sprite and copied the BitmapData of the PNG in the library to it. The masking happens, but not the way i want. The BitmapData is always a solid box and the masking apears across this box. I would like to have the transparent region of the PNG omitted from the mask data

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IDE :: Advanced Masking With Flash?

Jan 14, 2009

Lets say I have 3 layers A, B and C. I want A to be the mask for B which is pretty easy, but at the same time I want B to be the mask for C. Is that possible?

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IDE :: Masking In Flash Like In Photoshop?

Apr 7, 2009

Is there a way to make Flash work with masks in the same way as in Photoshop?In Flash, for a mask layer to work, it needs to be in shades of transparency.In Photoshop, you can use a fully opaque mask layer, and the mask is applied by using the different shades of black and white.

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AS3 :: IDE - Masking The Image For A Transition

Apr 14, 2009

I'm extending a tutorial from Flashtuts by Michael Chen. My goal is to have the grid fill in random, masking the image for a transition, as the famed Mask Effect transition from Flash-filter. This is what i got so far: URL]


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IDE :: Masking An Image Loader?

Jun 10, 2009

I'm coming from AS3 and I'm trying to mask a SWF file that's being imported in but it's doing something pretty funky. The SWF file is coming in fine, but when I'm masking it, it shows the shape I'm masking with, but it's also masking because nothing is going beyond its' edges.

var mask_mc:Shape = new Shape();;


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IDE :: Masking The Special Text?

Jun 26, 2009

How do I add text effects such as a mask to text that has strokes, or decorated text? I would like to have a masked effect on special type that has a stroke to it.Currently the mask works on static Arial text and when I convert the static text to a movie clip. But the mask doesn't work when I convert the static text to dynamic text.

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IDE :: Masking A Handwritten Word

Nov 10, 2009

I need to create the effect of something appearing dynamically. I have th�s script type font, that I want to have the effect of being written out. So I guess what I need is some tutorial on masking.

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IDE :: Alpha Masking Insanity?

Jan 31, 2010

I have gimp. I have flash cs4.I have a picture of a dog that is 200 by 200 pixels with alpha transparency (you only see the dog no background, it's a png).Now I want to make only the dog listen for a mouseclick event. I saw some way of doing this by looking at the point where the mouse click event occured, and then stopping or continuing the event propogation based on if the pixel clicked was transparent or not. This seems sort of hackish. The "Clean" way I propose is by using a mask over the 200 by 200 image, but the mask should be shaped like everything that is NOT the dog. So it's a mask with a hole in the middle. the hole in the middle being nothing. not even alpha. Or the other way if this isn't possible, is to create a 200 by 200 image with just alpha value 0, and then stamp the dog on top as a mask... It appears there is nothing out there that describes how to do this.All I see are "bitmapfill" on squares and circles, which is utterly basic.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Masking Of A Duplicated MC

Mar 22, 2004

I am trying to mask a duplicated mc.

I am attaching my .fla so you can take a look. The code is a bit long, but I marked the setMask code line with dashes (it's right on top). I marked out the setMask line so you can see how it looks like, because when I do mask, you can see any of the MCs that are being masked.

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