ActionScript 2.0 :: (mx 6)if Statement For A Undefined Variable?

Nov 6, 2003

How can I test a undefined variablewith an if statement.all a this did not work and I don't want to define a value for this of the variable x.

if ((x == "") || (x == " ") (x == Nan))


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Test An Undefined Variable With An If Statement?

Nov 6, 2003

How can I test a undefined variablewith an if statement.

all a this did not work and I don't want to define a value for this variable.
name of the variable x.

if ((x == "") || (x == " ") (x == Nan))

Someone could find me the correct if statemtn to check an undefined variable on action script 1, mx 6..develloped with MX2004Pro.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Do A Statement Such As If(string == Undefined) { }

Aug 15, 2006

Is it possible to do a statement such as if(string == undefined) { }?I'm pulling the strings from XML. I'm just trying to not have to go through and put x=" " for each empty childNodes in the XML where this variable isn't necessary.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Variable Set-up - 'if' Statement To Run From Variable When Playhead Encounters MovieClip

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I want to declare a variable on the main timeline that can be called from anywhere in my movie. So, _global var should be the right approach. I want to declare a movie clip 'MC1' "open", or "closed" so that when it is revisited, my flash file knows the user has been there before and performs a different task from the one it does when 'MC1' was first encountered. So, i need a 'if' statement to run from the variable, when the playhead encounters the movieClip.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Conditional Statement For Undefined Terms Within An Xml Node

Jul 7, 2009

How would I go about creating a conditional statement that checks to see if all the needed data in a particular node is defined or else move on to the next node in the iteration? AS3 to move through the XML:


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Actionscript :: Use Argument As Variable Within Variable Statement?

Apr 14, 2011

This may be an obvious search, but I'm not totally sure on the proper syntax... basically what I want to do is:

private function makeISchedule(data:Array, label:String = null):ArrayCollection{
var arr:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;
for (var i:int = 0; i<data.length; i++){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Variable And Test It With Trace, The Variable Shows As Undefined?

Jan 13, 2004

we have this variable from the internet, val(0), in a dynamic text field we can see a digit from this variable. but when we use this variable in actionscript and test it with trace, the variable shows as can we make this work without it coming up as undefined??

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Use A Variable Within An AttachMovie Statement?

Sep 11, 2009

What I'm trying to do is simply this:
<variable> = mvcShip
var ship1 = _root.attachMovie( <variable>, shipName + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth() );
What i am trying to attempt here is to make the variable equal to the name of an item in my library. (Im using this to use different ships in an old arcade-style vertical shooter).  This is meant to make a ship appear on stage.
When <variable> is replaced with a library item (eg. mvcShip), it works fine, but if the variable is in place, i get a trace value of ship1 as "undefined", and the ship doesnt show up on the stage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: String Variable In If Statement

Jan 22, 2010

I have a movie clip on the main timeline that includes a button.When pressed, I want this button to conduct an if statement to check the contents of a textbox on the main timeline and if equal execute the statement.So far I have this but the text does not seem to 'read'. Do I need to pass the textbox contents into a string variable rather than read directly from what is in teh text?[code]

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Xml :: E4x Statement Conflicts With Local Variable?

May 18, 2010

Somewhere in code i have decalred variable:


if I use in statement xml-child distinct of nameWin (summa, e. g.), it works good. But with nameWin, e4x compares local variable nameWin (which not interested for me at all at this time) with "necessary name" instead of compare item's nameWin with "necessary name".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check On More Than One Variable In An If Statement?

Sep 25, 2009

i am trying to find out if it is possible to check on more than one variable in an if statement at a time as i am usure how, so is it possible in as2 to check on more than one varialble if answer is equal to the number 1 and answer is to the number two and also the number three perform a function

var answer1:Number =1;
var answer2:Number =2;
var answer3:Number =3;
if(answer == 1 ) and answer == 2 and answer ==3);
if(answer == 1 and answer == 2)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Write A If Statement That Will GotoAndPlay According To That Variable?

Sep 22, 2005

In my movie I load a swf to a movieclip with this code

PHP Code:


Now can I do this? before calling the swf named deneme. When I press a button If I attain a number to a global variable with this code

PHP Code: on (release) {_global.myVar = 5;gotoAndPlay("CloseUpAnimation");} 

Can I read this variable from the swf which I load into my movie?If I can read how can I write a If Statement that will gotoAndPlay according to that variable?

PHP Code:[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing A Static XML Variable From Within A Switch Statement

Jun 1, 2009

In the following class

public class Factory


A break point on the "Okay" line shows that x1 is null but x2 is equal to "<entity id="DRONE" points="100"/>".

If I take the whole block out of the switch statement, both x1 and x2 are equal to the expected xml.

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Actionscript 3 :: Passes As True (or False) In An If Statement For A Variable?

Jun 27, 2011

Given this: if(myVar){}, what will pass as true or false?In JavaScript for example, false are values like null, undefined, 0, '' (empty string), false.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Statement - Change A Variable When A Button Is Pressed

Jan 29, 2009

I want to change a variable when a button is pressed. lingo: if this button is pressed then check varexample what number it has if it has a number then gotoAndPlay("example") and add 1 to varexample else, do nothing I'm sure if I get this kind of example down, I'll be able to figure the rest out by myself. =S

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Multiple Objects Using Variable Statement

Jul 30, 2006

This shouldn't be too difficult. Heres my code:
for(i=0; i<30; i++){
var box[i]:Object = new Object()
box[i].id = [i]
box[i].name = "default"
box[i].location = "default"
box[i].type = "default"
But its not working. I keep getting error messages concerning the var box[i] statement.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Argument In IF Statement Represented By Variable String?

Feb 6, 2009

I want to have the whole of the argument in an if statement represented by a variable string. Is this possible? I am yet to get the code to work:

var featureLimit:String = "featureType == "logo_ci4" || featureType == "logo_ss2" || featureType == "logo_db"";
//if statement contained in a for loop which gathers the featureType variables
//Do something

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ActionScript 2.0 :: For Statement Using Incrementing Variable - Dynamic Names

Dec 10, 2004

I have a for statement, using an incrementing variable "a." A dynamic amount of herbs are generated, so here is the for statement.
for(a=1; a<_global.herbAmount+1; a++) {
var herbMC = _root["herb"+a];
When I trace "a," it traces 1, 2, 3 or however many numbers there are up to the global herbAmount number. When I trace _root["herb"], _level0.herb pops out. When I add "a" onto _root["herb"], undefined is traced....why?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: High Score Table Setup - If Statement With Variable

Feb 9, 2010

I am trying to get a high score table set up and I have it all working except for an if statement which decides whether to put a zero in the time or not.
ActionScript Code:
variable declared at the top
var gap:String;

This is getting data that is stored - it works fine except for the underlined "gap" - The "gap" is meant to be calling the variable which has the below if statement
if (SpotTheDifferenceGame._second<10) {
} else {

I thought by have the variable called in in the function and having the if statement with gap= it would do the specified text in the dynamic text box. When I put a trace on "gap" it traces with the correct text depending on what the number is but in my dynamic text box it displays as number null number.
// displays like this when trace put on it
// displays like this in dynamic text box

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ActionScript 3.0 :: PHP Variable Is Undefined?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a flash file to start calling this function:

public function ConnectPHP():void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Variable Undefined From XML

Aug 24, 2004

I have a situation where I am reading a wide variety of data from an XML file, and if a particular bit of data is not there, I simply want to hide a button. Before I go further, all my XML data in and out works fine, that's not a problem.

If I have this node in my XML:
read it in, assign to a variable and check that variable in the debugger I get this:
Variable _level0.assocImageName1 = undefined
This is fine. It has no value, so it's undefined.

Now, if I do the most simple of If statements this check just doesn't work. I've tried something like:
if (_root.assocImageName1 == undefined) {
_root.linked._visible = false;
} else {
Now the odd thing, is that with quotes ("undefined") or without, this doesn't work reliably. It seems to just run right past the If and perform the hiding of the button regardless.

Also, if I put something in the XML like so:
I get this in the debugger:
Variable _level0.assocImageName1 = "data"
And check for that like this it doesn't work:
if (_root.assocImageName1 == "data") {
But oddly enough, if I take the quotes off it does work. What's going on there? I thought you also had to always use quotes when testing a string?

View 8 Replies

ActionScript 1/2 :: Variable Is Undefined Exactly After It Has Been Assigned?

Sep 1, 2010

I've written a class in AS2 that extends the Object class  It's an abstract class for debugging purposes. The class is defined in an external .as file. The problem is that in an .fla file, after I assigned a variable to a new instance of the class, and I trace that variable, it comes back as 'undefined'  The reason it's a problem is that I want to call methods on the instance of the Debug objectIn the .fla, I have the following code:

//import any external classes
import Debug;
//Create general application properties


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Check If Variable Is Undefined

Jan 9, 2008

How would I make an if statement to check if something is undefined

when I trace the variable, there are instances where it is undefined...I would like something to happen if the value of this variable is undefined...

I tried using null but that didn't seem to work

if(index == null)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable Undefined On Load?

Nov 2, 2009

I have this code:

ActionScript Code:
onLoad = function()


It monitors the sliders position, however, it doesnt track it. It only tracks it if i change it from onLoad to onEnterFrame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Global Variable Undefined?

Jul 16, 2004

here is the set up. I'm working with three files. Main.swf which contains navigation.swf in a blankmc, empty mc called mcContent where navigation sleclected materials are loaded.

In the navigation.fla here is the code
[AS]trace("now defining global");
_global.loadFile_str = strPicName;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable Shows As Undefined?

Jan 13, 2004

we have this variable from the internet, val(0), in a dynamic text field we can see a digit from this variable. but when we use this variable in actionscript and test it with trace, the variable shows as undefined.

how can we make this work without it coming up as undefined??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Http_build_query() And URLLoader - One Variable Is Undefined?

May 14, 2009

i'm using a php file to send some data fromm db to flash via http_build_query(). The code here looks like this:

$user = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM users ", $conn);
if (!$user){
die ("could not execute query: " . mysql_error());[code]...........

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How To Get Text To Fade Out / In After Interval - Undefined Variable

Apr 5, 2010

I have borrowed the code from Tiago's web blog. [URL]. I have noticed a few odd things, and have tried to send off to Tiago himself but have not received any response. The first thing I noticed is the code seems to call for the .php file before it can load, so at times it will generate a "undefined" for both the quote and author. The second thing is, which may tie into the first, there seems to be the occasion where the code doesn't load the php file at all. The author and quote will be blank for a duration. And the third question I have is how do I get the text to fade out again after the fade in after an interval.

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
var quote:Array = new Array();
var author:Array = new Array();
var totalQuotes:Number;
var rotateTimer:Timer = new Timer(10000, 100); //rotates the quote every 2 seconds for 100 times
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Set An Undefined Loaded Variable's Alpha To 0?

Jul 21, 2010

I'm trying creating a flash navigation bar that can be edited via a simple text file. I'm able to load my different variables properly but i also want to give the user the ability to remove links. I can simply leave the variable from the text file blank and and have the text in the swf disappear but i also want to be able to set the alpha of the movieclip behind the text to zero when the variable is left blank. Alternatively, even if the user could simply set the variable to the string "Blank" and both the alpha of the dynamic text and movieclip would change to zero that would be functional as well. Here is the code i have so far.

NavLoadVar = new LoadVars();
NavLoadVar.onLoad = function() {


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Flex :: Filtering By Attributes Has Undefined Variable

Aug 24, 2010

I have some xml and I am trying to filter it using e4x. My e4x statement looks like this:

My xml looks liks this:
<fee type="credit" min="0.00" max="200.00" amount="6.00"/>
<fee type="credit" min="200.01" max="370.00" amount="10.00"/>

When the e4x statement is run, I get an error message:
Error #1065: Variable @min is not defined.
But if I change my statement to model.config.source.fees..fee.@min it will return an xmllist of all the min attribute values, so min is defined, at least in that statement. Why doesnt the original statement work?

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