ActionScript 2.0 :: Write A If Statement That Will GotoAndPlay According To That Variable?

Sep 22, 2005

In my movie I load a swf to a movieclip with this code

PHP Code:


Now can I do this? before calling the swf named deneme. When I press a button If I attain a number to a global variable with this code

PHP Code: on (release) {_global.myVar = 5;gotoAndPlay("CloseUpAnimation");} 

Can I read this variable from the swf which I load into my movie?If I can read how can I write a If Statement that will gotoAndPlay according to that variable?

PHP Code:[code]...

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So I've defined my variable:_global.current = 1;And below i am accessing an MC called 'carousel_holder', which has an MC named 'bar' and inside this MC is a final MC named 'bar1'.So ive tested my path and can hard code it fine, so its not a paths issue but i think my syntax is incorrect:_root.carousel_holder+".bar"+current.gotoAndPlay(" start");

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Dec 9, 2009

write a if/else statement. normally you would write:


but, as many of you might know, this would also work:

(condition) ? /*code*/ : /*code*/;

are there more of these alternative ways to write your code in actionscript?like for this problem:

trace("my name is: " + nameVar + ", and i like it!");

many programming languages have a nice way to enter variables in your string, like C:

("my name is: %d , and i like it!", nameVar);

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(tv_mc._x = 41.8;
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if (p<(total-1)) {


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var now = new Date();
var day = now.getDay(); // Returns integer between 0 and 6
var hour = now.getHours(); // Returns integer between 0 and 23


The weekday programming is the same every day.  We have some programs that are three hours in length.  I would like to cut down on the number of statements I write.  I am unsure how to  combine the weekdays and have a range of hours in one conditional statement.  Will the following work?

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private function makeISchedule(data:Array, label:String = null):ArrayCollection{
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String Variable With GotoAndPlay?

Apr 8, 2009

I am trying to go about a "smarter" way of setting up multi paged full flash sites. This has got to be something very simple that i can't seem to put my finger on.

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// declaring what the starting page is
var currentScen:String = "welcomeMovie";
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function animateOn(page:String) {


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and right now Flash doesn know what to do with it... I would like to make this variable global also which is nothing more than throwing the _global command before my variable right?

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for (var i=1; i<=arrayCount; i++){
var temp:String = "editremove_mc";
temp += i;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Include A Variable In Gotoandplay();?

Feb 23, 2004

I try to include a variable in gotoandplay(); like:

on (press) {
gotoAndPlay(_root.strScene, 1);

it gives me an error and say it must be quted, i tryed everything and im sick of it and i will breack my pc

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using One Variable To Write To Another

Dec 3, 2011

I need to have one variable contain the name of another variable so I can write the actual value using either variable.

On my main timeline I have this code:
var globalvariable = "blank";
On a movieclip I have this code:
on (press) {
var testsend = name._root.globalvariable;
testsend = "IT WORKS!";

I'd like the trace to read "IT WORKS!" but it's always "blank". The reason for this is that I have a controls options page where users can change their key binding for the various controls of a game. There is a list of the actions in the game with a field for the currently assigned keyboard shortcut. When they press that field, it's a button that pops up a keyboard graphic which has buttons on it for every key. Clicking one of those buttons should assign that keyboard equivalent to the corresponding field.

So I want to have something like this actually work:
Click the MoveFowards field and click "Spacebar" on the keyboard graphic and now _root.Moveforwards has a value of "Spacebar".
Click the Jump field and click "Spacebar" on the keyboard graphic and now _root.Jump has a value of "Spacebar".
Click the Shoot field and click "Spacebar" on the keyboard graphic and now _root.Shoot has a value of "Spacebar".
So I need to pass the name of the variable to the keyboard graphic so that it outputs to the correct global variable and writes its output to the correct field.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndPlay(frame); Depending On A Variable From Php?

Apr 28, 2004

I have set the variable in my page using <param name="flashvars" value="menustate=<?php $pagename; ?>"> which works perfectly fine when I use a dynamic textbox in flash with the var name menustate.

But I need to send a MC to frame 2 if 'menustate = 2'. Anyhow, I just want to know how to control a MC with an external var. I can't use loadVars () because this var is coming from any page, not just one.

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Use A Variable Within An AttachMovie Statement?

Sep 11, 2009

What I'm trying to do is simply this:
<variable> = mvcShip
var ship1 = _root.attachMovie( <variable>, shipName + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth() );
What i am trying to attempt here is to make the variable equal to the name of an item in my library. (Im using this to use different ships in an old arcade-style vertical shooter).  This is meant to make a ship appear on stage.
When <variable> is replaced with a library item (eg. mvcShip), it works fine, but if the variable is in place, i get a trace value of ship1 as "undefined", and the ship doesnt show up on the stage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Coding GotoAndPlay Variable Enemie_life Drops

Mar 25, 2012

I have trouble with a script for my game project. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. This is the code I'm using:


Now, if the variable enemie_life drops to 0 (which I'm tracking with a dynamic text box) it just ignores frame 241 and continues with the second part of the code. There I have another problem: from my understanding (and the way I'd like it to be) it should give me a 3/1 chance to go to 126 and otherwise go to 181. The latter almost never happens. It seems more like a 100/1 chance (and I tried it often ...).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Write / Read An External Variable?

Jul 9, 2009

I currently have a flash video player and I want to add some code that will update a variable in an external .as or .txt file. I then want to be able to pull this variable into a different .swf when required.
My variable I want to create will be CurrentVideo and it needs to be a number e.g. _global.CurrentVideo = 2

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Write A For Loop For These Variable Declarations?

Mar 28, 2010

I want to simplify my coding of the below code: 
var printImage1:MovieClip = new PrintImage1();var printImage2:MovieClip = new PrintImage2();var printImage3:MovieClip = new PrintImage3();var printImage4:MovieClip = new PrintImage4();var printImage5:MovieClip = new PrintImage5();var printImage6:MovieClip = new PrintImage6();
I tried everything I could think of but it still gives me compiling errors.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: String Variable In If Statement

Jan 22, 2010

I have a movie clip on the main timeline that includes a button.When pressed, I want this button to conduct an if statement to check the contents of a textbox on the main timeline and if equal execute the statement.So far I have this but the text does not seem to 'read'. Do I need to pass the textbox contents into a string variable rather than read directly from what is in teh text?[code]

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Xml :: E4x Statement Conflicts With Local Variable?

May 18, 2010

Somewhere in code i have decalred variable:


if I use in statement xml-child distinct of nameWin (summa, e. g.), it works good. But with nameWin, e4x compares local variable nameWin (which not interested for me at all at this time) with "necessary name" instead of compare item's nameWin with "necessary name".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check On More Than One Variable In An If Statement?

Sep 25, 2009

i am trying to find out if it is possible to check on more than one variable in an if statement at a time as i am usure how, so is it possible in as2 to check on more than one varialble if answer is equal to the number 1 and answer is to the number two and also the number three perform a function

var answer1:Number =1;
var answer2:Number =2;
var answer3:Number =3;
if(answer == 1 ) and answer == 2 and answer ==3);
if(answer == 1 and answer == 2)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: (mx 6)if Statement For A Undefined Variable?

Nov 6, 2003

How can I test a undefined variablewith an if statement.all a this did not work and I don't want to define a value for this of the variable x.

if ((x == "") || (x == " ") (x == Nan))


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable Reaches 0 GotoAndPlay Frame 4 - Doesn't Work

Jul 12, 2009

When a variable reaches 0 gotoAndPlay frame 4

ActionScript Code:
//Variable Name: ammo
if(_root.ammo = 0;

Doesn't work maybe?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Write To A Global Variable When In Specific Frame

Jan 27, 2009

When the value of _root.mc1._currentframe is 10 I want the value of _root.mc2._currentframe to be written (sent or changed) to a variable which I can use in mc1. So I want to be able to use this variable in different clips but I do not want it to be changed until the playhead in mc1 is in frame 10. However I do want the variable to be valid even if the playhead is not in frame 10.[code]

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