Xml :: E4x Statement Conflicts With Local Variable?
May 18, 2010
Somewhere in code i have decalred variable:
if I use in statement xml-child distinct of nameWin (summa, e. g.), it works good. But with nameWin, e4x compares local variable nameWin (which not interested for me at all at this time) with "necessary name" instead of compare item's nameWin with "necessary name".
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Jul 4, 2010
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Sep 11, 2009
What I'm trying to do is simply this:
<variable> = mvcShip
var ship1 = _root.attachMovie( <variable>, shipName + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth() );
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var answer1:Number =1;
var answer2:Number =2;
var answer3:Number =3;
if(answer == 1 ) and answer == 2 and answer ==3);
if(answer == 1 and answer == 2)
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Nov 6, 2003
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name of the variable x.
if ((x == "") || (x == " ") (x == Nan))
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PHP Code:
Now can I do this? before calling the swf named deneme. When I press a button If I attain a number to a global variable with this code
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PHP Code:[code]...
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public class Factory
A break point on the "Okay" line shows that x1 is null but x2 is equal to "<entity id="DRONE" points="100"/>".
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Jan 29, 2009
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Jul 30, 2006
This shouldn't be too difficult. Heres my code:
for(i=0; i<30; i++){
var box[i]:Object = new Object()
box[i].id = [i]
box[i].name = "default"
box[i].location = "default"
box[i].type = "default"
But its not working. I keep getting error messages concerning the var box[i] statement.
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var featureLimit:String = "featureType == "logo_ci4" || featureType == "logo_ss2" || featureType == "logo_db"";
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//Do something
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May 28, 2009
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function createMainText():void{
var dynText:TextField = new TextField();// local var
How can I "pass" this variable to the resiz function?
{ Tweener.addTween(dynText, {alpha:1, y:stage.stageHeight-80, time:0.3, transition:"easeIn"});
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Feb 9, 2010
I am trying to get a high score table set up and I have it all working except for an if statement which decides whether to put a zero in the time or not.
ActionScript Code:
variable declared at the top
var gap:String;
This is getting data that is stored - it works fine except for the underlined "gap" - The "gap" is meant to be calling the variable which has the below if statement
if (SpotTheDifferenceGame._second<10) {
} else {
I thought by have the variable called in in the function and having the if statement with gap= it would do the specified text in the dynamic text box. When I put a trace on "gap" it traces with the correct text depending on what the number is but in my dynamic text box it displays as number null number.
// displays like this when trace put on it
// displays like this in dynamic text box
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Apr 24, 2009
I work with FlashDevelop, Flex SDK and FP10 debug. I am able to access a local variable (xcorner) which is never declared before, at the condition that it must be declared after... in an "if" for instance. If I remove the declaration of xcorner, within the if, errors occur at compilation, but otherwise it works.
PHP Code:
public function pushShape2Pool(name:String, sh:Shape, rotAngle:Number = 0):int{
// xcorner is NEVER declared before !!!
coordSprites[0] = new Rectangle(xcorner, 0, globalBmp.width, globalBmp.height);
trace("xcorner=" + xcorner); // display 0
xcorner += globalBmp.width;
[Code] .....
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Nov 20, 2011
I have two scripts in a View, one script is inside a Component. In the Component script I need to add numbers from data as they are added to a list and then display the total in a label placed in the View.If I declare the variable in the first script, the Component script can't see it and if I declare it in the Component Script the label can't see it.How will I declare it so that everyone in the view can see it?Here is the code, the problem is where should I place the var MyTotal so it can be used anywhere in the view:
//if I place it here the next CDATA inside IconItemRender can't see it.
private static var MyTotal:Number=0;
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Sep 7, 2011
I have a problem where I make a variable in one class and change it using the constructor method in another.Is there anyway that I can make that variable available in all methods in this class? Here is the code:
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Mar 28, 2009
Presently I'm building an interactive CD-ROM based presentation for stand alone individual machines. I'm using AutoPlay Media Studio 7 to package a flash movie along with a licensed adobe reader and adobe flash player. One of the buttons on the autoplay package will install and create folders and files on a local machine.
I've uploaded a file for you flash gurus out there to look at, it may help to examplify what I'm trying to achieve. What I'd like to do, is to be able to use a file (perhaps XML?) that the flash movie can reference and make changes to. If this is possible then such file would be included in the AutoPlay package (see background info above) and installed on the local machine.Security is an extremely low key issue here and the username password is simply a means for flash to lookup and recognise an existing user (if there is one) and set the states of some variables.
Why? - The project is like an interactive training manual with questions and animated examples split into 8 modules. I would like to be able to provide users a means with the of not having to review previous modules by logging in at the login frame.
Assigned to 'signInUser' button
on (release) {
if (user_name == storedUserName) {
if (pass_word == storedPassword) {
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Dec 13, 2009
I've built my web site using the ZigoEngine (mosesupposes)... I'm also calling my images dynamically from a folder.The problem is that the following code is making a conflict with the button which swithes the next image. If i remove the code, it works. However the purpose of thezigo is completely different and I can't see the connection..
import com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;
ZigoEngine.simpleSetup(Shortcuts, PennerEasing, Fuse, FuseFMP)
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Apr 11, 2011
If multiple instances of a singleton are trying to update the same property simultaneously, will there be any conflicts? How does AS3 handle the order?Flash is currently single-threaded.. will the write order be an issue when it becomes multi-threaded?
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Nov 14, 2003
I'm constructing a news section for a site with 3 cycling images in a single movieclip - with the intent to have a layer of 3 buttons within that movieclip, designated to run over their respective images, triggering an html page of news - I did this, exported and uploaded to my server with no luck on the web- the links didn't work and all I got was a little hand over the images, almost as if the computer was mocking me
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