ActionScript 2.0 :: Button And Movieclip Conflicts?

Nov 14, 2003

I'm constructing a news section for a site with 3 cycling images in a single movieclip - with the intent to have a layer of 3 buttons within that movieclip, designated to run over their respective images, triggering an html page of news - I did this, exported and uploaded to my server with no luck on the web- the links didn't work and all I got was a little hand over the images, almost as if the computer was mocking me

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove Button And Movieclip Conflicts?

Nov 14, 2003

I'm constructing a news section for a site with 3 cycling images in a single movieclip - with the intent to have a layer of 3 buttons within that movieclip, designated to run over their respective images, triggering an html page of news - I did this, exported and uploaded to my server with no luck on the web- the links didn't work and all I got was a little hand over the images, almost as if the computer was mocking me.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: ZigoEngine One Command Conflicts Another?

Dec 13, 2009

I've built my web site using the ZigoEngine (mosesupposes)... I'm also calling my images dynamically from a folder.The problem is that the following code is making a conflict with the button which swithes the next image. If i remove the code, it works. However the purpose of thezigo is completely different and I can't see the connection..

import com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;
ZigoEngine.simpleSetup(Shortcuts, PennerEasing, Fuse, FuseFMP)

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Xml :: E4x Statement Conflicts With Local Variable?

May 18, 2010

Somewhere in code i have decalred variable:


if I use in statement xml-child distinct of nameWin (summa, e. g.), it works good. But with nameWin, e4x compares local variable nameWin (which not interested for me at all at this time) with "necessary name" instead of compare item's nameWin with "necessary name".

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AS3 :: Flash Singleton Conflicts And Order

Apr 11, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class Definition Conflicts?

Apr 23, 2010

I came across the following issue:

- I am loading a particular FLA (let's call it Module1.fla) which contains a Symbol with an associtated class "FakeImage1"; the class file DOES NOT exist,s Flash creates it when compiling the FLA. This FLA has a Document Class (, in which I instantiante FakeImage1 (which is a different asset/graphic) by calling FakeImage1()

- then, I am using a custom ModuleManager to unload Module1 and load another SWF (Module2.swf/ This one also has a FakeImage1 Symbol in it's Library and also instantiates it in the Document Class.

- now, assuming that I am correctly unloading Module1 (in my ModuleManager) before I load Module2, why is it that FakeImage1 in Module2 is instantiating the same asset that was instantiated in Module1 ?It seems that the automatically-created FakeImage1 class is still in memory (or wherever Flash puts it) when I load Module2 and therefore, my *new* asset isn't being loaded - instead, the first one is.

Note1: I DON'T want to use class/as files for my Library symbols;

Note2: of course, I could just use different class names in my modules/flas, but le'ts assume that I don't want to do that

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MouseDown And MouseClick Event Conflicts - Get Ignored

Nov 5, 2008

I'm working on a custom AS visual component, based on UIComponent class. Inside this component, I have a button I programatically added. I set the mouseClick event of it, and it works fine. When the mouseClick for the button starts, it adds a listener for MouseDown on the stage. This is my problem. Once that MouseDown event listener is initiated it won't ever pay attention to the MouseClick listener of the button (which will
turn off the MouseDown listener!). I've tried setting the priority number when creating the listeners, but this is not working. My mouseClick listeners gets ignored.

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Flex :: Conflicts Between SWC Skin And Spark Drawing API

Aug 4, 2010

I have a project where we are trying to skin Spark components from a third party library that are built up from the drawing API primitives. Our first attempt involved creating a Flex skin (SWC) in Illustrator/Flash and applying that skin to the Spark components via CSS. We found that even with only a single instance of one of the components skinned in this way on stage, the application was brought to it's knees. For example, it failed to respond in repaint scenarios in a timely manner, and exhibited all the symptoms of being hung.

Our next approach will be to recreate the same skin artifacts in MXML classes that are in turn associated with the third-party components. Although the complexity of some of the skins leads me to believe that we might not avoid performance problems with this approach either. My question is the following: Is there a correct or recommended way to apply either a SWC or based skin to a component that is built up from the Spark drawing API to begin with? Even as I ask the question I recognize that the approach means using the Spark drawing API in two places and will probably have unexpected consequences.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Identifying Naming Conflicts When Consolidating .flas?

Jun 27, 2009

Over the past years I have created many different .fla's of aircraft panels( ie. hydraulic panel, electrical panel, pressurization panel, etc.)  Each .fla has only one panel in it.  Each panel is a movieclip and made up of movieclips, graphics, etc.  It has it's own code built in and the idea was to be able to copy the panel from the original .fla to a new .fla, that contained other panels, and together would become part of a training program for the company. No I wasn't smart enough to uniquely name each asset(switch, guage, light, etc.). I did avoid the default names like symbol1, symbol2, etc.
Now I need to take each of the panels from the individual .fla's and put them into one larger .fla to act as a single library for all the panels.  This single .fla will become the master Library that I will link all future .fla's to.  As you would guess I get the "One or more library items already exist in the document:" message when I try to copy and paste a panel(movieclip) into the new .fla.
Question:Is there an easy way to identify specifically which items are in conflict  without having to do a direct comparison between each of the libraries?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Error - The Name Of This Class - 'TextField.StyleSheet', Conflicts With The Name Of An

Aug 10, 2009

i was trying to make a simple analog clock flash but when i try to make a new Date() line that pops:
**Error** C:Documents and SettingsUserLocal SettingsApplication DataMacromediaFlash enConfigurationClassesFP8TextFieldStyleShee Line 7: The name of this class, 'TextField.StyleSheet', conflicts with the name of another class that was loaded, 'TextField.StyleSheet'.{Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 14 and i tried to make that the only action on a different project it still shows exactly the same thing

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put All Classes & Packages Inside A Com Folder & Then Website Name To Avoid Any Possible Naming Conflicts?

Feb 12, 2009

A lot of people have .com websites & put all their classes & packages inside a com folder & then their website name to avoid any possible naming conflicts when using other peoples classes - all very sensible. I have a website however - is there an equivelant naming standard?

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Professional :: Flash Menu Conflicts With A Flash Insert Below?

Sep 16, 2011

I have a flash drop down menu inserted. When the drop down menu overlaps the main flash graphic below it, the flash navigation malfuctions. You cannot select a page to go to on the drop down. These are two seperate flash files. The navigation flash file is used on every page, whereas the intro flash file is only used on the home page. The navigation works perfectly on other pages where there is no other flash file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: What The Code Is For Having A Button Inside A Movieclip Not Active While The Movieclip Is Tweening

Jun 23, 2009

I have been using TweenLite for all of my easing. I was wondering what the code is for having a button inside a movieclip not active while the movieclip is tweening.Then when the movieclip does finish tweening the button then becomes active.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Button Inside A Movieclip Link To A Frame In Another Movieclip On The Scene?

Feb 16, 2010

How can I get a button inside a movieclip link to a frame in another movieclip on the scene? I tried this code:

function gotoCenter(event:MouseEvent):void {
skruetest.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoCenter);

..where "skruetest" is the button, "centermc" is the movieclip where I want to go to frame 2. I don�t get errors with this code, but nothing happens when I click the button. What can I do?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Inside Movieclip To Control Another Movieclip's Timeline?

Oct 23, 2009

I have a button inside a movieclip, to which I would like to apply a rollover function. When rolled over, this button (inside MOVIECLIP 1) would make (MOVIECLIP 2) jump to second frame. I'm using Flash 8.This is turning onto a real headache for me, since i've searched every single forum and thread concerning this matter, and nothing seems to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button To Open A Movieclip And Then Close The Movieclip When Clicked On Again

May 19, 2010

I am a super noob at actionscript. And I want my button to open a movieclip and then close the movieclip when clicked on again. I have no idea what to add after that here is the code I have for the button so far.....this button opens it.


and this is another button I made that can close it, but I want it to be in the same button rather than seperate.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clicking A Button - Select A Button On The Screen And Then A Movieclip Plays?

Nov 24, 2006

I have many buttons (symbols). This is what I want it to do: -Select a button on the screen, and then a movieclip plays. - If the user selects any OTHER button on screen, a message box displays a message.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Code Play MovieClip Within A MovieClip?

Jun 18, 2010

Can a button play a movieclip if it lives within another movieclip? Let me explain: Buttons in a map key ran route animations on the map. Code for button (accessed by selecting button and F9) ..reads : on (release) { gotoAndPlay("BusRoute_375");}


All layers and consequently all route movieClips that relate to the map as well as the stop codes for the individual route animations now reside within that MovieClip which sits on a new layer above the map key layer. However, the key buttons no longer run the route animations. What should be done so that when clicked they still play the route MovieClips. Its like the button code cant see the layers it once refered to, now that they are in a movieclip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Movieclip Button Open Another Movieclip?

Oct 17, 2006

What is the code to make a movie clip button....when or plays another movieclip...example.i have a button..and its a movie clip with roll over and rollout effect..once do i make it link to an outside movieclip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Onpress Button - Clicking On The Button Movieclip Moved To X = 100

Jan 17, 2010

how to do so by clicking on the button movieclip moved to x = 100; and when pressed repeatedly to x =- 150 event onRelease - not work:


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When Create A Button Within Movieclip Layer / Button Is Not Working

Sep 15, 2009

I am having a problem where my buttons on main timeline are working fine. When I create a button within a movieclip layer (a page importeded from  Photoshop as a movieclip) the button is not working once I leave. It doesn't show as a working button when I select Enable simple buttons, when I preview or publish as HTML. The thing is, it is a button, it has an instance name, is that weird blue color... and it works fine when I am double clicked into that movieclip layer. I also tried common library buttons and they work fine until I leave that layer as well, also tried it within other layers and creating a new file and doing it... all no success!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Button Within A Movieclip Instead Of Just Having A Movieclip?

Feb 27, 2006

Why would you create a button within a movieclip instead of just having a movieclip? Does the 2 different types give you more scripting options?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Button Inside MovieClip Inside MovieClip Doesn't Dispatch Event

Jan 25, 2012

I have a Button that is inside MovieClip1 which is inside MovieClip2; yet when i click the Button it doesn't dispatch Event.

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Flash8 :: Button Outside A Movieclip To "gotoandplay" Inside The Movieclip?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a frame with a movieclip in it (named "theclip" in the library and has the instance name of "guy"). The movieclip has two frames with stops on them. The second frame inside this movieclip has the label "guy2"

Now back in the basic frame i also have a button (outside the guy movieclip) that i'd like when i press it it jumps to the "guy2" frame of the "guy" movieclip.

on (release) {

what do i add to the script that makes it refer to the movieclip? Is there a line like the _root or _parent and so on?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip Used As A Button?

May 3, 2009

(Flash 8 / AS2)

I currently have the following actionscript applied on a test movieclip

mc_test.onRelease = function() {

"mc_test" contains a circle inside it...this is made to be used as button...however is there any way I can have the user be able to click within the circle in "mc_test" instead of the typical square ahape of a movieclip?

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CS3 Movieclip Button Hit Area

May 8, 2009

I have a movieclip button with the following actionscript (which I have on the main timeline above my MC layer):

movieclip1.onRollOver = function(){ movieclip1.gotoAndPlay("normal");
movieclip1.onRollOut = function(){ movieclip1.gotoAndPlay("hitout");
movieclip1.onPress = function(){ movieclip1.gotoAndPlay("over");

This works perfectly! My movieclip button takes up the whole stage but I don't want the whole stage to be my hit area (which right now it is). I was searching and I found this actionscript: hit._visible = false;
this.hitArea = hit; The tutorial said to make another layer inside my MC, then add that code. But when I play my movie, I can still see my green square (which was supposed to be my hit area) and it does nothing!

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CS3 - EventListener For Button In MovieClip

Oct 26, 2009

I want to have a class(Generator) generating MovieClips and inside these Clips are buttons with Listeners. Another class(Main) can get the Clips generated and add them to the stage. The problem is if I add the Listener to the Button in the Generator class, i don't get the event. I do get the Event if I get the Button from the Generator and add the Listener in the Main class.


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CS3 Sound On/Off Button In Movieclip?

Nov 17, 2009

I'm trying to make a button that when clicked executes a sound clip and plays all the way through. Also, if the button is clicked while the sound is still playing the sound needs to stop. They have me first place this code in the first frame:

my_sound = new Sound();

Next I create two buttons, an on and an off which are placed separately in the second and third frames respectively. Code is applied directly to the buttons.

The on button:

on (release) {


Finally, I name the 2nd frame "play" and 3rd frame "stop" and add stop(); to both frames. Oh I also set up the linkage so that the sound's identifier is "bubble_01sound".

This is all well and good however, here's the rub. Unlike their example which takes place in the main timeline, my button needs to bob up and down. So I put everything from the tutorial in a movieclip and on the main timeline animate the movieclip as I like. When this plays the button does not play sound. I took this as the initial sound code not being activated because its in the movieclip. If I take the sound code out of the movieclip and place it in the first frame of the main timeline, the button does play sound but the stop function does not work. I can keep clicking the button which repeats the sound on top of the already playing sound.

So it seems to me there are three options. One, I need to find a way for the sound code to be activated when its seated in the movieclip. Or two, with the sound code in the main timeline, I need a way for the on/off buttons to reference the code which is one level up in the main timeline. Or the third option would be that I'm completely wrong... I'd put my money on the third option.

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CS3 - MovieClip Button (Hit Area)

Apr 30, 2010

I'm new to the forum my name is Chris. I'm currently working as a Graphic Artist for a company called TransTech Systems in Schenectady, NY [URL] I registered today Im trying to figure out. I need to disable the hit area of an object thats part of a movieclip button. Im trying to create a single image light box effect in which the blown up image closes when you mouse off the thumbnail. Here is a link to my movie [URL] If you click on the pic of the gauge you will see the image blows up, and the background fades to a transparent black for better contrast between the pic and the page. I need the background fade effect to not have a hit area otherwise the rollout action does not work.

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Movieclip Button Keeps Disappearing?

Jun 4, 2009

I created our website using Actionscript 2.0 and on several of our pages there is a drop-down text box that has a "close" button on it, which is just a movieclip located inside the text box movieclip.  For some reason, if you stay on a page for a few minutes the close button disappears.  The hand still shows up when you hover over where it was at and you can still click on it, but it just turns invisible.  I'm not sure what's causing this. 


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