ActionScript 2.0 :: Button To Open A Movieclip And Then Close The Movieclip When Clicked On Again
May 19, 2010
I am a super noob at actionscript. And I want my button to open a movieclip and then close the movieclip when clicked on again. I have no idea what to add after that here is the code I have for the button so far.....this button opens it.
and this is another button I made that can close it, but I want it to be in the same button rather than seperate.
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btn_up.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moveUp) ;
function moveUp(event:MouseEvent):void {{
allcontent.x += 200;
allcontent.y += 200;
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ActionScript Code:
playPause_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onPlayPause);
function onPlayPause(event:MouseEvent):void{
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getURL ("'master.html','Title','width=1024,height=614,left=0,top=0,toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=No,status=No,resizable=No,fullscreen=No'); NewWindow.focus(); void(0);");
I'm using flash CS4, flash player 10 and actionscript 2
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First Frame:
ActionScript Code:
isstopped = true ;
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
[Code] .....
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function gotoCenter(event:MouseEvent):void {
skruetest.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoCenter);
..where "skruetest" is the button, "centermc" is the movieclip where I want to go to frame 2. I don�t get errors with this code, but nothing happens when I click the button. What can I do?
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1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addeventlistener through a reference with static type class.
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Jun 18, 2010
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Nov 6, 2004
I want to make a button, when clicked, open a blank email in outlook express to an email, with a subject.i take it you would use:[code] just wanted to show you what i meant! that was just a random stab.
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