I want to have a class(Generator) generating MovieClips and inside these Clips are buttons with Listeners. Another class(Main) can get the Clips generated and add them to the stage. The problem is if I add the Listener to the Button in the Generator class, i don't get the event. I do get the Event if I get the Button from the Generator and add the Listener in the Main class.
I'm working with a main .swf and several external .swfs that are loaded into the main timeline via a movieclip. Is it possible to add an eventListener in a main .swf's timeline that listens for when the external .swf reaches its last frame? What I would like to do is when the external .swf reaches its last frame, the next button on the main .swf's timeline would add the [glow] filter to the next button.
I'm pretty new to AS3 and am getting my feet wet as fast as I can. Currently I have a fairly simple thing I'm trying wherein I will have a button_mc that on ROLL_OVER, it triggers a function that will make another MC move. That part I can do- my question though is how can I have multiple button/movieclip "sets" that are able to call the same function? As an example, I'd have "button1_mc" trigger "shape1_mc", "button2_mc" trigger "shape2_mc", and so on. I want to avoid having to have separate sets of functions for each button/movieclip pair. I hope that makes sense.
Here's where I'm currently at with the first eventListener and corresponding function. You can see how in the function I have a specific MC (shape1_mc) named, which of course I'm trying to avoid, as I will likely have 5-10 similar buton/mc pairs like below. Is there a way to call the movieclip (shape1_mc) in the event handler itself without having to name it in the function?
I've created a movie clip. Loaded an image and added it to the movie clip. Then added the movie clip to the stage:
var one:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); var firstTestImage:Loader = new Loader(); firstTestImage.load(new URLRequest("testImage1.png"));[code]............
Now I want the movie clip to have an eventlistener that will trace when clicked:
one.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, linkto); function linkto(event:MouseEvent):void {[code]..................
I have a movieclip that is dynamically loaded into another movieclip. I would like to listen for the innermost movieclip's ending so that I can then have an animation occur. Is there an event listener that listens for the end of a movieclip?
I have a movie placed on stage (on first frame of Timeline) and an Event.ENTER_FRAME EventListener inside the movie, when I click a button on stage that takes me to 2nd frame, I want to remove the Event Listener inside the movie. How can that be done.
How do I apply EventListener function to all objects of a MovieClip from the main Timeline?I have ball_1, ball_2.. ball_10 objects of movieClip Ball of class Ball. Is there any way I can add EventListener to all of them in a single line? Will there be a increase in performance?I have tried EventListener from inside the MovieClip , but for my purpose I need to use it from Main timeLine? or is it possible with Classes?
I'm trying to create a cutom made clickablle field using AS3 but I have problem registering an OnClickListener.What I do is create a subclass of MovieClip, draw a RoundRect on it and add a textfield as a child. Now when I click on that "thing", events are caught by the textField and I can't find a way to forward it to my MovieClip.
private function addListChild(i:Number, l:Number, c:Content):void { var x:Number = 100; var y:Number = 100;
I'm trying to create a fairly simple website entirely in flash. I have navigation on the left (Home, and Shapes) and when you click on Shapes, two things change: my main content called mcContent (which is a movieClip) changes to its second frame (called shapes) and you see a few shapes. Below the main content is another movieclip called mcBottom which does something similar, goes to it's second frame (called shapes) and you see two shapes, a red and green square.The problem is that I want the user to be able to click the red square and have the red square movieclip called mcRed go to it's second frame (called mcRedContent) but it doesn't work. I believe it has something to do with the hierarchy of my objects but I can't seem to figure it out. The error that I get when compiling is:Code:TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.at trouble_fla::mcBottom_4/frame1()Here is a link to the fla:
I am trying to remove the EventListener after I click on a MovieClip so that when I rollOut of the clip the movie will stay on the "clicked" frame rather than move back to the rollOut frame.
I have an array of 12 buttons on a timeline that when first visiting that part of the timeline, get a CLICK eventlistener added to them using a for loop. All of them work perfectly at that point.When you click one it plays a frame label inside the specific movieClip and reveals a bio on the corresponding person with a close button and removes the CLICK eventlisteners for each button, again using a for loop. The close button plays a closing animation, and then the timeline goes back to the first frame (the one with the 12 buttons on it) and the CLICK eventlisteners are re-added, but now only the first 9 buttons of the array work. There are no output errors and the code to re-add the eventlisteners is exactly the same as the first time that works. I am completely at a loss and am wondering if anyone else has run into this problem.All of my buttons are named correctly, there are absolutely no output errors (I've used the debug module) and I made sure the array with the buttons in it is outputting all 12 at the moment the close button is clicked to add the eventlisteners back.[code]
I'm trying to use an array to add a click listener to an existing Button. Black,Blue...etc are the button Names. the location of the nested button would be: this.mc1.mc2.contents.m3.black.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doThisFunction);
var myArray:Array = new Array ("black","blue","green","orange"); for(var k:int =1; k<myArray.length; k++){ var kmc:MovieClip = (myArray[k] as MovieClip);
I have encountered a new issue in my limited Actionscript 2 knowledge. I have a set of Radio Buttons, True and False and the user has to be alerted as to whether their choice is correct or wrong upon clicking any one of the two. Now, I have tried assigning an event handler to one radio button:
var true_rb:Object = new Object(); true_rb.click = function(eventObj:Object) { //code to execute on click event
When my movieclip finishes to play I'm adding an eventListeners to it (ROLL_OVER and CLICK). But if at the moment my movieclip finishes to play the mouse cursor is already over the movieclip i want to run ROLL_OVER event handler (play "roll over" label) how can i do this without moving my mouse out the movieclip and back over the movieclip?
At the moment I have this in Actionscript (for Flex) to create 26 labels in a BorderContainer (ID letters):
But when I click on a letter, only the letter Z is sent to the function getUsers. So when I'm creating labels from a for loop, only the eventlistener works for the last created label. How do I fix this?
I have been using TweenLite for all of my easing. I was wondering what the code is for having a button inside a movieclip not active while the movieclip is tweening.Then when the movieclip does finish tweening the button then becomes active.
How can I get a button inside a movieclip link to a frame in another movieclip on the scene? I tried this code:
function gotoCenter(event:MouseEvent):void { MovieClip(root).centermc.gotoAndPlay(2); } skruetest.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoCenter);
..where "skruetest" is the button, "centermc" is the movieclip where I want to go to frame 2. I don�t get errors with this code, but nothing happens when I click the button. What can I do?
I have a button inside a movieclip, to which I would like to apply a rollover function. When rolled over, this button (inside MOVIECLIP 1) would make (MOVIECLIP 2) jump to second frame. I'm using Flash 8.This is turning onto a real headache for me, since i've searched every single forum and thread concerning this matter, and nothing seems to work.
I am a super noob at actionscript. And I want my button to open a movieclip and then close the movieclip when clicked on again. I have no idea what to add after that here is the code I have for the button so far.....this button opens it.
on(release){ this.linemc5.gotoAndPlay("ear"); }
and this is another button I made that can close it, but I want it to be in the same button rather than seperate.
I have many buttons (symbols). This is what I want it to do: -Select a button on the screen, and then a movieclip plays. - If the user selects any OTHER button on screen, a message box displays a message.
Can a button play a movieclip if it lives within another movieclip? Let me explain: Buttons in a map key ran route animations on the map. Code for button (accessed by selecting button and F9) ..reads : on (release) { gotoAndPlay("BusRoute_375");}
All layers and consequently all route movieClips that relate to the map as well as the stop codes for the individual route animations now reside within that MovieClip which sits on a new layer above the map key layer. However, the key buttons no longer run the route animations. What should be done so that when clicked they still play the route MovieClips. Its like the button code cant see the layers it once refered to, now that they are in a movieclip.
What is the code to make a movie clip button....when pressed...open or plays another movieclip...example.i have a button..and its a movie clip with roll over and rollout effect..once pressed...how do i make it link to an outside movieclip.
I am having a problem where my buttons on main timeline are working fine. When I create a button within a movieclip layer (a page importeded from Photoshop as a movieclip) the button is not working once I leave. It doesn't show as a working button when I select Enable simple buttons, when I preview or publish as HTML. The thing is, it is a button, it has an instance name, is that weird blue color... and it works fine when I am double clicked into that movieclip layer. I also tried common library buttons and they work fine until I leave that layer as well, also tried it within other layers and creating a new file and doing it... all no success!
I had a quick question, I have a movieclip with 15 frames in it with an image on each frame, and a stop action on each frame. On my main stage I have 15 different buttons, which when pressed will change the movieclip to that particular frame (so pressing button 3 would make the mc go to frame 3). I'm still rather new to AS3, but I figured the most simple way to do this was a function which was called when the buttons are pressed