Actionscript 3 :: Using Array To Add EventListener To Existing Button?
Jul 19, 2010
I'm trying to use an array to add a click listener to an existing Button. Black,Blue...etc are the button Names. the location of the nested button would be:, doThisFunction);
var myArray:Array = new Array ("black","blue","green","orange");
for(var k:int =1; k<myArray.length; k++){
var kmc:MovieClip = (myArray[k] as MovieClip);
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Jun 11, 2010
I have an array of 12 buttons on a timeline that when first visiting that part of the timeline, get a CLICK eventlistener added to them using a for loop. All of them work perfectly at that point.When you click one it plays a frame label inside the specific movieClip and reveals a bio on the corresponding person with a close button and removes the CLICK eventlisteners for each button, again using a for loop. The close button plays a closing animation, and then the timeline goes back to the first frame (the one with the 12 buttons on it) and the CLICK eventlisteners are re-added, but now only the first 9 buttons of the array work. There are no output errors and the code to re-add the eventlisteners is exactly the same as the first time that works. I am completely at a loss and am wondering if anyone else has run into this problem.All of my buttons are named correctly, there are absolutely no output errors (I've used the debug module) and I made sure the array with the buttons in it is outputting all 12 at the moment the close button is clicked to add the eventlisteners back.[code]
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Sep 19, 2005
i got an existing array, main[y], which after an equation, will come out with another array.
if (main[y] === topicList.getValue()){
subTopic = [];
subTopic = fTitle[y]
However, i could not sort the subTopic, as it gkeep giving me undefined. Is there any way to sort this subTopic, such that they are in alphabetical orders?
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Sep 12, 2010
i can't seem to be able to make a EventListener work with a normal number code is very basic, I'm making a game and i want it to update the stats text when the value changed, but when i try to add a event listener to my value it just kills all my code and nothing executes after it.In my i have:
Code: Select allfor(var j=0; j < stats.length; ++j) {
stats[j] = 0;
stats[j].addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, statschanged, false, 0, true);
when my flash gets to the addEventListener part of the code it just STOPS, nothing executes after it.Does anyone know a way i can make an event listener for a value that's in (or out) of an array?
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Feb 22, 2003
Is there a way to add a value to a preexisting array? I am by no means an actionscript expert so if you know could you try to explain it as simply as possible? Or is this function already simple and I just havent found it?
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Mar 11, 2010
I want to add a function from an array to my addeventlistener .. so I can add different functions within a loop..
var ary:Array = new Array(one,two);
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ary[i]);
Yes I left out the for loop code :: for simplicity sakes.
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Mar 1, 2012
I have an array of buttons in a public var in _model.btnArray. I want to make a function that i can pass an index number parameter that will add addEventListener to the button at that index and removeEventListener to all other buttons in the array. The function creates a tempArray:Array and assigns _model.btnArray to it. Then it addEventListener to the index passed as a parameter to the function. Then it splices the passed index out of the tempArray and then loops through spliced tempArray to remove all the EventListeners from it. which should be the listeners on all the buttons except for that one spliced. but this isn't working, its giving me an error and i don't know why.should this be working or is it just wrong?
function addRemoveEventListener(num:Number){
var tempArray:Array = _model.btnArray;
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Oct 19, 2010
Below is a method to populate a vector with a list of strings
PHP Code:[code]....
However, I have an existing array that contains a list of strings.How would I transfer those contents within the array into the vector?The basic way I can think of is using a for loop, and push the values in.
PHP Code: [code]..........
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Aug 31, 2009
Here's what I am trying to do: I have an array of movie clip instances called iconArray[]. what I want to do is create the effect of shifting icons on screen right or left. Lets say we're shifting the icons left--what I want to happen is the icon on the left (iconArray[0]:MovieClip) to tween to the left about 20-30 pixels and then fade out, which I can currently achieve. The problem is I want copy the instance of that icon as a temp MC and push it onto iconArray and then have it fade in tween from the right.
In other words, the left most icon should "wrap" back around to the position of the right most icon but in order to create the illusion without having the left most icon pass over the other icons (which looks tacky) I want to create a copy of the left most icon and push it onto the array as a new movieclip with the same image and have that fade in from the right while the other one dies off.
it does not create a new icon, is seems to point to the same movie clip as iconArray[0] and any adjustments I make to the x or alpha affect the original MovieClip instance and not the new on I created and pushed onto the array.
How does one go about copying a movieclip, storing it in it's own instance/var so it can be displayed and manipulated as a separate entity?
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Feb 1, 2010
I'd like to gather (at run-time) all dynamic text fields on the stage and push them into an array. Then I can load an xml of data and populate each dynamic text field in the array with a matching value in the xml file.
So basically I'm writing one class file I'd like to be used on many different swf files, each of which can have one or 20+ dynamic text fields. I'd like the swf to loop through each text dynamic field, throw each into an array and then grab an xml item with a matching name as that text field and set its textfield.text value from it. So actually if the dynamic text fields are just in a for loop then I guess I wouldn't even need to place them in an array, just not sure how to identify the dynamic text fields on the stage.
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Oct 26, 2009
I want to have a class(Generator) generating MovieClips and inside these Clips are buttons with Listeners. Another class(Main) can get the Clips generated and add them to the stage. The problem is if I add the Listener to the Button in the Generator class, i don't get the event. I do get the Event if I get the Button from the Generator and add the Listener in the Main class.
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May 26, 2010
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var true_rb:Object = new Object(); = function(eventObj:Object) {
//code to execute on click event
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Aug 18, 2009
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Sep 28, 2011
I'm working with a main .swf and several external .swfs that are loaded into the main timeline via a movieclip. Is it possible to add an eventListener in a main .swf's timeline that listens for when the external .swf reaches its last frame? What I would like to do is when the external .swf reaches its last frame, the next button on the main .swf's timeline would add the [glow] filter to the next button.
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Feb 17, 2012
At the moment I have this in Actionscript (for Flex) to create 26 labels in a BorderContainer (ID letters):
But when I click on a letter, only the letter Z is sent to the function getUsers. So when I'm creating labels from a for loop, only the eventlistener works for the last created label. How do I fix this?
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Dec 17, 2008
I've read that the best way to "comunicate" with dynamicly created movieclips is by pushing them into an array.
For example:
Code: Select allvar itemArray:Array = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
var newItem:MyItem = new MyItem();
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Sep 30, 2009
I'm trying to drag a movieclip on stage, and with nine existing button instances, cause that movie clip to jump around and run at different labels (which are within the movie clip itself. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I get the error #2109 which says (similar error for each button):
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Mar 13, 2009
I'm pretty new to AS3 and am getting my feet wet as fast as I can. Currently I have a fairly simple thing I'm trying wherein I will have a button_mc that on ROLL_OVER, it triggers a function that will make another MC move. That part I can do- my question though is how can I have multiple button/movieclip "sets" that are able to call the same function? As an example, I'd have "button1_mc" trigger "shape1_mc", "button2_mc" trigger "shape2_mc", and so on. I want to avoid having to have separate sets of functions for each button/movieclip pair. I hope that makes sense.
Here's where I'm currently at with the first eventListener and corresponding function. You can see how in the function I have a specific MC (shape1_mc) named, which of course I'm trying to avoid, as I will likely have 5-10 similar buton/mc pairs like below. Is there a way to call the movieclip (shape1_mc) in the event handler itself without having to name it in the function?
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Apr 11, 2012
I have an xml file that I load and parse with no problem. I have a number of buttons that are on the stage. I want to link the buttons with the xml file. I have simplified it here
The sample xml file is like this
I have three buttons on the stage. When I click button _1, I want to access the value in the first element in the xml file (George). And so on with button_2 and button_3.I'm guessing you put the buttons in an array. How do you link the button array with the xml array?
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Jun 21, 2009
I have an an array of objects. I populate the datagrid from the array. The nmber of columns in the datagrid is fix i.e.5 and the first column always shows serial number (0,1,2,3,4). I have a link button called 'CLEAR' in the last column of the datagrid.
1> How do I make the clear button visible only when the row is particularly clicked 2> When the clear button is clicked, how do I make the contents of that particular row cleared. Not deleted, only cleared to insert data again. Also, the serial number (0,1,2,3,4) should not be cleared, nor deleted. How to do this ?
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Oct 8, 2011
I have an array of movieclip buttons that is a table of contents for a module. I am using a loop function to maintain their down state when clicked. All of the event listeners for each content heading in the table of contents are coded outside the loop and each one loads an external swf file (also in an array). I also have "next" and "previous" buttons that advance the external swf files being loaded but I also want the button array to move forward and highlight the next section. How do I advance the button array outside its loop function?
var buttonsArray:Array[code]..........
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Jun 13, 2010
I had a quick question, I have a movieclip with 15 frames in it with an image on each frame, and a stop action on each frame. On my main stage I have 15 different buttons, which when pressed will change the movieclip to that particular frame (so pressing button 3 would make the mc go to frame 3). I'm still rather new to AS3, but I figured the most simple way to do this was a function which was called when the buttons are pressed
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Jun 11, 2009
Is it possible to use a if statement with a eventlistener in it?
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Jan 4, 2012
I'm using a random number int to get a number between 1 and 75 and use that number to find an image and 3 statements with it (images are called 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg....... and i get the statements from XML files 1.xml 2.xml 3.xml.......)i get the right image and the right statements but when i want to check if someone answered correctly my script doesn't work.i have an array for the images, the xml files and the answers but only the answers array doesn't work is the array:
PHP Code:
var answers:Array = [stelling_2,stelling_3,stelling_1,stelling_2,stelling_1,stelling_2,stelling_2,stelling_2,ste
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Apr 11, 2012
I have two buttons that are in a movieclip, how can I reference them like I have done with the 2 buttons below so that they can be added into an array?
container.anotherButton and container.anotherButton2 are the buttons I want to add to the array.
var agreeButton:SimpleButton; var disagreeButton:SimpleButton;
var buttonArray:Array = new Array(agreeButton, disagreeButton);
for (var i:int = 0; i < buttonArray.length; i++) {
buttonArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseClick);
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Mar 18, 2010
What i have here is a vertical navigation menu that works fine. I've only added the important part of the code. What i want to do is create button above the navigation and create a mask which would move up and down to reveal and hide the navigation. i've added a movieclip which is to act as the mask using the same method above, the addChild(); method. The moviclip itself moves up and down accordingly. but when i mask the navigation with it using menuItem.mask = maskObject; only the first button created by addChild gets masked.
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May 3, 2009
Lets assume I have 5 buttons, and 5 movieClips. When the user performs a MOUSE_OVER event on "btn1" the equivalent "mc1" should begin tweening.
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Feb 17, 2009
I want to add an event listener to a textfield that triggers when the user is "in" the textfield and hits enter. Think like you're at google and youre gonna search for something - you enter the keyword in the textfield and then hit enter, instead of clicking on the search button.
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May 10, 2010
Im trying to use the added eventlistener. When a child is loaded i then wish to trigger to a function. But the function seems to be triggering before the graphic is load.I am using this for some press loader functionality before a database is queried.[code]The above if statment works. But inizRequestOfData() seems to be trigged before the loading of anygraphic is done.
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