ActionScript 2.0 :: Picture Gallery To Show, Not Only Tumbs, But Also And Folders?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a problem with my picture gallery. It is working ok. It show's pictures normaly. what's the problem??? Well, I want my picture gallery to show, not only tumbs, but also and folders. Like, some person click on gallery button. It will show folders, and when that person click on one of that folders, then it will show photos.

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on (release) {
thisframe =+1

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on rollOver {

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function moveW(event:MouseEvent){  var i:int = 0;  for (i=0; i<=count; i++) scene.removeChild(arr[i]);  arr=[];


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portfolio_xml.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
var gallery = this.firstChild.childNodes[index];
galleryInfo.text = this.firstChild.childNodes[index].attributes.title;


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2) and taht contains all the code and functions.

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Loading Picture Gallery - Preloader Frame

Feb 26, 2010

I am building a web site and I have the main movie, which loads a picture gallery (another .swf file) using "loadMovie();" and then the problem comes in - my gallery movie has a preloader which after finishing is supposed to move on frame 2 of the gallery movie, but instead of that it moves to frame 2 of the main site...

This is the main movies button code loading the gallery:
on(release) {

Here is my preloaders code on the frame 100:

And at last my gallery movie's code on the preloader frame:
percent = Math.floor(getBytesLoaded()/getBytesTotal()*100);
if (percent == 100){
_level5.gotoAndPlay (2);
I tried using loadMovieNum(); but somehow it didn't work as well.

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if ((totalPics % 20) > 0)


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Oct 31, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A Gallery When The End-user Clicks On A Picture?

Jul 27, 2011

I am editing a template made with as2, flash8 and its controlled externally by a html file. I want to add a gallery when the end-user clicks on a picture. The main problem is the structure of the template. Its like that: There is a symbol named "pages" and in that there are 6 frames which one represents a page of the website except the main menu which is in another symbol. In the 4th layer 3rd frame there are 6 movie clips which are instances of another symbol named "p1_3 copy 2" which is a button and an instance of another button named "but_picts". One of those movie clips i want to make it a link for my gallery. So we there is the movie clips with the following actionscript attached:

ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent(load) {
loadMovie(_root.url + "_portfolio1.jpg", this.cont);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Picture Gallery And Thumbnail Doubts?

Jan 27, 2004

Here's the situation: I'm making a script that will dynamically load JPG's from a file and will eventually display each JPG's thumbnail them side by side. I've got the code going and would like to know any suggestions for corrections.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Little Xml Gallery - Open Pop-up Window With Big Picture

May 10, 2006

I'am searching for a gallery with thumbnails which will load from xml file, and each thumb will open pop-up window with big picture. Does anoyone have fla for something like that or tutorial ? I had searched ultrashock and this forum, but every gallery is much more complicated than that what i'am searching for.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash XML Picture Gallery On Server Bug

Jun 17, 2010

i made a pic gallery that loads pics from xml file.. when I open the gallerys .swf itself on my server it works fine.. when I open the website .swf file on my server it looks fine... but, when I open the flash-generated .html file and try to open my gallery on my web site it sometimes shows me only a couple of pictures... sometimes none. also, when I open it up on my computer, it works fine...

btw: the gallery is stand-alone and I load it in my flash web site through the code ->

var ldr = new Loader();
var url:String = "MY GALLERY.swf";
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);


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