ActionScript 2.0 :: Read And Compare Variables And Then To Jump To A Particular Frame Based On The Result

Jun 28, 2011

I have written some code to read and compare variables and then to jump to a particular frame based on the results (pretty simple stuff). It works fine when I use a button to trigger the code but I want it to happen automatically.

I have tried using the OnEnterFrame thingy but it doesn't work and I tried just placing the code on frame 1 and letting it do its thang but that didn't work either....

I'm using the .swf in a third party program and using the API for that program to supply the values.

here is the code:

var m_varStrEndSlide;
function display(){


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B: Kirupa
C: Stylegala

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getURL("", "_self");

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but it didn't work.

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enter_btn.onRelease = function () {
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on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
if (inputtext eq "word1") { gotoAndStop("frame1");
} else if (inputtext eq "word2") {gotoAndStop("frame2");[code]....

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} else if (inputtext eq "word3") {gotoAndStop("frame1");

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Clearly I'm missing something critical here.

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Professional :: Randomly Jump To A Frame Only Once?

Aug 6, 2010

how to accomplish my current task. I have an .fla with 32 frames in it, an open frame, a close frame, and a bank of 30 frames in between.  I want to set up some AS so that once the user clicks a "Next" button on the first frame, it randomly jumps to another one of the frames within the bank of 30.  Then, when they get to that frame and view the contents, and click next, they'll randomly jump to another one of the remaining frames.  This will only happen for 20 frames, after the 20th viewed frame, I want the "Next" button to take them to the final slide in the series.  The purpose being so that each time a user views the program, it's never the same (well not likely ever the same) - so they'll all see 20 different frames in a different order.
I'm guessing I could do this with arrays, and the math.random method, some if/else statements.

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Jump To Frame In Timeline While Working?

Mar 23, 2011

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Is there any easy way to jump to frame 15000 ??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Does Not Jump From The _root Frame To The One Indicate

Jan 20, 2006

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Aug 3, 2008

I work with flash 2.0 in CS3 When I click a button I want to load an swf in a higher level of a "main" swf and jump to a certain frame of the "main" swf. Is that possible? In a nutshell, I want to bring in an swf in a higher level that play a fade to white animation, which then hits a stop motion on a blank frame at the end, then the timeline of the main swf should go to a frame where a transition fades white to a new section of the flash website. Or the timeline could jump right away. Either way I need a goToAndPlay action to work with a loadMovie action simultaneously on a button click. For some reason these two actions seem to cancel each other out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Jump To A Certain Movieclip And Frame?

Oct 26, 2009

I need to know How to jump to a certain Movieclip, And Frame with AS2!? By Clicking on a button.

Right now I just know how to jump whitin a Movie clip. But I need to jump to a whole other movie clip from a other movie clip.

This is what I know! (Se below)



Been searching more then 10 hours all over the internet. With No Result. Either im a retard or the solution is so simple nobody cares to post it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie Jump To Frame?

Nov 5, 2004

I know there's been a million "how do I load a movie and than jump to a specific frame" thead. Well all of those have been helpful :: HOWEVER I wouldn't be posting because I can't seem to get my script to run successfully First the background I have a nav. menu made up of seprate movies clips :: inside each movie clip is four buttons :: these buttons are shown using a rollOver, rollOut dealy

anyway when you click on one of the buttons it calls "student.swf" to load into an empty MC called content.I've tried everything :: What happens is the button will load the MC but will sit on the first frame and do nothing :: the movie clip "student.swf" is not that big so I doubt I'm waiting for it to load.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Jump To Frame After FLV Finished Playing?

Nov 5, 2008

I am using actionscript 2 and I am trying to get my FLV to jump another frame in my flash movie after it's finished playing. I am using the FLV component that comes in flash to play the FLV and i've embedded an event cue point in the FLV but I am not sure what I am now supposed to do!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndPlay To New Scene And Then Jump To Another Frame

Dec 14, 2009

I am making a small website out of flash and I have a photo gallery in a separate scene. I have five photo galleries and so I have five buttons that will lead to those five galleries.

The code of one of the five buttons is

on (release) {

Works great, but the first 10 frames of this new scene "Content_Photography" is an intro and then I would like that it would jump to the corresponding gallery that these galleries will be laid out on the timeline.

What would i put after _root.gotoAndPlay("Content_Photography");?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking .swf And Jump To Specific Frame?

Apr 13, 2010

I have been researching this for hours and cannot seem to find an answer anywhere. Right now I am linking one flash file or .swf file within my main flash site using a button.So in my main flash site, I connect to this .swf file by using...

loadMovie ("MDsite2.swf", _level0);

This works perfect but the .swf file starts at the first frame. Is it possible to a jump to specific frame within that .swf file so it doesn't start on the first frame?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Buttons To Jump To Frame Labels?

May 16, 2011

I am trying to use buttons to jump to frame labels. They jump to the label just fine, but they won't stop when pressed again. Below is the code I am using to have the button rest when pressed again.

getting_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gettingStarted);
function gettingStarted(evt:MouseEvent):void {


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