ActionScript 2.0 :: Compare Variables And Choose The Highest?

Oct 11, 2006

Im working on a quiz that have 4 questions with 3 options each.Example:

Q1 Which actionscript forum has the coolest viewers?

B: Kirupa
C: Stylegala

Now, if the surfer choose more A options than B or C he gets one result message, if he choose more B options than A or C he gets another result message. how do I compare more than one variables?

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function display(){


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mcToMove = this[][];
trace(mcToMove is MovieClip);  // "true"
setChildIndex(MovieClip(mcToMove), (this.numChildren - 1));
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-To get the actual movieclip placed on the highest level when a button is pressed.

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Here's how I'm adding the custom cursor:

var cross= new crosshairs();
cross.depth = 999999;

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function getHighestWidth():void{
for (var i:int = 0; i < myXML.video_title.length(); i++) {

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Sep 12, 2010

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Mar 31, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Ranking System Setup - Keeping Highest One In TextBox?

Feb 27, 2009

I have a ranking system set up, and its functional. The movie clips "a"-"d" displays the rank. While the dynamic text box "one" is changing for future reference.

if(myStopWatch.getTime() < 70) {
} else if(myStopWatch.getTime() < 1000) {
[Code] .....

However, I realized that if you got a rank of B, and you replayed the level, and your rank went down, you'd want your better rank to stay in place. So how can I keep the highest rank in the dynamic text box "one", so it doesn't change if you later get a lower rank?

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Jul 10, 2011

I am creating website for our company which uses intranet. We require the best quality website with high resolution pics. When I published it using FLASH CS4. It looks like low quality pics & even the whole .swf file looks low quality movie.

The following is the HTML code:


<TABLE WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%" BORDER="0"><TR align="center" valign="middle"><TD><OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"


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Professional :: Make The Button Rollover State Exist On The Highest Layer?

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I'm making an interactive map of the U.S. The layer with the outlines of the U.S. states sits on top. It has to sit on top because otherwise the outlines don't show up above the color fills for each state. I want a popup balloon to appear when you roll over each U.S. state. However, when I turn a state, say, New York, into a button, the button layer sits below the outline layer. So when I create the popup box for the button's rollover state, the popup box is *under* the US state outlines. How can I make the button rollover state exist on the highest layer?

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