ActionScript 2.0 :: Restrict A Draggable Object To A Non-rectangular Shape (like Triangle)

Jun 23, 2007

whats the best way to restrict a draggable object to a non-rectangular shape (like triangle) I did it with hittest but i cant get it to go to the nearest point when the cursor is outside the shape...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draggable Triangle With Interactive Corners

Jun 16, 2010

I am working on a draggable triangle in AS3 and the corners must be interactive. To each corner a bitmap will be attached (in my example for now it's just a name of a city). When dragging a specific corner, the bitmap/cityname (attached to it) should fade in from 0 to 100 alpha. If the bitmap/cityname won't reach 100 of alpha, when Mouse Up, then it should fade back out to 0 opacity. If it does reach 100 alpha when Mouse Up, then it should stay that way. However, if another corner is dragged, then the cityname which is currently at 100 opacity should fade out again. Well I've got the draggable triangle figured, I've got the corners citynames appearing and disappearing when they don't reach 100 alpha. What I can't get to figure out is the last bit - the cityname currently at 100 opacity fading back out to 0 when a different corner is dragged. Hope it's at least a little understandable. I'm not sure my code is perfect (this is my first time in AS3) so don't mind if something is not the way.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Shape Of This Rectangular Bounding Box?

Feb 18, 2010

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ActionScript 1/2 :: HitTest For Rectangular MC Over Irregular Shape

Jan 15, 2010

In my app, a user must drag and release a rectangular mc object (rectx) over an irregular shape within another mc object (irregx). There are 13 rect/irreg pairs. Each obj shares an AS2 file that checks whether rectx is over irregx, and proceeds _only_ if the check is true. The script uses hitTest, on mouse release, to grab the number (x) of the rectx being dragged and checks whether it's over irregx. Right now, the check comes back true when rectx is _anywhere_ inside irregx's bounding box whether it's over the actual image or not.

I've noticed that, when the (unpressed) mouse rolls over any irregx, it's oblivious to irregx's rectangular bounding box. It only reacts when it reaches the edge of the irregular shape inside, toggling from arrow to hand at the image edges. Since the mouse knows where the irregx image boundary is, is there a simple way to tap the mouse's 'eyesight' to verify whether rectx is over the correct irregx shape (meaning not just within the bounding box, within the shape inside it)? This can't be that hard.

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I've been following this tutorial to crop images in flex: [URL]

At the heart of its cropping is using a method called "copyPixels". However, this method takes as one of its arguments a rectangular shape for its crop region. Are there other strategies I can use to crop it not using a rectangle.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Animation To A "rectangular Shape" And Converted To An Mc

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ive started making a menu but nothing technical just animation to a "rectangular shape" as and converted to an mc..


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animation To A "rectangular Shape" And Converted To A Mc?

Dec 12, 2003

ive started making a menu but nothing technical just animation to a "rectangular shape" as and converted to an mc..Ive applied actions to the shape mc like this:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var speed = 4;
var viscosity = 1.3;[code]....

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Nov 9, 2011

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I could try measuring the length of the line and checking points for collision until one does, but that seems like way too much overhead to do every frame when I'm sure there is a mathematical way to determine it.

Edit: Before checking an object for collision with the line itself, I would first eliminate any objects not within the line's bounding box - defined by the x of the left-most point, the y of the top-most point, the x of the right-most point, and the y of the bottom-most point. This will limit line-collision checks to a few objects.

Edit again: My question seems to still not be fully clear, sorry. Some of the solutions would probably work, but I'm looking for a simple, preferably mathematical solution. And when I say "rectangle" I mean one whose sides are locked to the x and y axis, not a rotatable rectangle. So a line is not a rectangle of width 0 unless it's at 90 or -90 degrees (assuming 0 degrees points to the right of the screen).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Rectangular Box Object Through Pure Action Script.?

Jun 23, 2009

How to create rectangular Box object through pure action script ?

I think, it can be done through the libary of movie clip but I am not sure. I want to take suggestion to create rectangular box through AS script

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Is there something similar in actionscript?

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Flex :: Move Shape Object Across Screen- Initial Object Remains

Jun 25, 2011

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This is not an issue for moving an image or MXML graphic. Is something wrong in setting to the move object?

The code is as follows

private var arrow:UIComponent;
private function resetAssets():void{
arrow = new UIComponent();


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Jul 23, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Draggable Object Disappear When Moving To A Different Frame?

Jan 16, 2012

I have script like this to drag an object a1 to a different location for a matching exercise.

ActionScript Code:
a1.onPress = function():Void  {
temp1 = a1._x;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Force Draggable / Movable Object To Stay Within SWF Borders?

Oct 13, 2004

I've made a site with small draggable "popup" windows (not actual windows since they are objects in flash..) I can drag em off the scene outside the edge. I've attempted many things.. A adaptation of the collision script found through search.. (on collision it stopped dragging) Worked nice, until you move the mouse real fast, then it can pass right through or partly through and the fact that it's stopdrag. It takes effort to get it from the edge. It's stuck basically.

I fixed it by making the on (press) change frame in a moveclip containing the border.. had a side effect though.. You can now drag the window out from the scene if you repetitively drag it towards the edge. Is there a way to limit a movieclips possible X & Y positions? (in both + & - range to make it a 4 cornered block). I also want the moveclip to keep moving up/down if if hits the right/left edge if you continue dragging it up/down (same with left/right edge also)

I tried the scrip from the "dynamic mask":
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
getlimits = _root.normalpic.getBounds(_root);
if (_root._xmouse>=getlimits.xMin && _root._xmouse<=getlimits.xMax && root._ymouse>=getlimits.yMin && _root._ymouse<=getlimits.yMax) {
this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;

I changed the size of the "normal pic" and it works lovely.. but it's on enterFrame... and I need to react on on press and on release.. : tried to adapt it but cant figure out how.. and besides the script don't allow movement along the edges (like I described above) and if you move the mouse fast enough the window stops short of the edge..

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Flash - Detecting Mouse Move And Release On A Locked Draggable Object?

Aug 10, 2010

I'm making a custom slider component. The head (the thing that you drag) is programmed like this:

head.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, function():void {
head.startDrag(false, new Rectangle(stubDiv,0,width - stubDiv - ((levels-maxLevel)*stubDiv),0));


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IDE :: Shape Tween From 1 Object To 2?

Aug 9, 2009

I am trying to shape tween from a simple vector object to a number of complex vector objects, but the same problem occurs when trying to go from one simple object to two.

Instead of slowly/smoothly splitting the initial object into two, it just copies them and they move apart from each until reaching the final two object forms. As if this wasn't bad enough, they are also connected by a random straight line. Ugly.

I guess I can understand why this happens, but is there no way to tell it to make the transition in another way? Shape hints tend to make the problem even worse.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Updating A Shape Object?

Jan 14, 2009

When you make a shape object and add it to the stage i goes fine, but often when you then change the shape object, like adding another line to it, it won't show the changed version. You can for example have this:

ActionScript Code:
var line:Shape = new Shape;,0xFFFFFF,0.5),10)


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Actionscript 3 :: Object & Shape Recognition From Webcam?

Aug 29, 2011

I need to create an application to get input from a webcam or camera connected to a computer and detect certain 3d objects.I could do this from a .3ds file or something else? I'm not quite sure.I am pretty sure it is possible with flash as3? I have been looking into openCV but i can't find any examples of this kind of thing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmap Image & Shape Object Into One?

Feb 11, 2009

I have an image, that will be dynamically loaded. I have some graphics drawing tools with which a user can draw something, which is saved on a shape object. Now what i want to make the uploaded pic & drawing pic into one pic. Actually it will be better if i can draw on the uploaded pic.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Using Shape As Object Movement Boundary?

Jan 18, 2010

Let's say you have a room, and a little circle representing the player. Let's say also that you decide to draw a shape overlapping the room, set alpha to 0%, and use hitTestPoint() between this shape and the player to create the movement boundary. In short, as long as the player's centerpoint is overlapping the invisible shape, he/she is free to move around.Now, I decided to make things more complicated and add an obstacle to the room - a table in the center. One would think that cutting a rectangle out of the middle of the invisible shape would prevent the player from being able to move there. No dice, the player passes right through the hole in the middle of the invisible shape. The problem, as I see it, is that when the shape is converted to a symbol for use in actionscript, the entire volume of the movie clip is used for collision detection, not just the shape's volume. No matter what options and settings I play with, I can't get the hole in the shape to stay cut-out when I convert the whole thing to a symbol.

Now, I know I could probably add an extra shape to represent the obstacle, and add extra collision detection into my actionscript. However, given that there will be a large number of rooms in the game, and a variable number of obstacles in each room, this is not an elegant solution. The most elegant solution would be to figure out a way to map the playable area in a room with a single movie clip (/graphic).So, I turn to you fine folk. Can anyone tell me how to convert a shape to any kind of symbol, and preserve features like holes within the shape (as in, not have them glazed over as part of the symbol's body

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween - An Object Changes It's Shape Instead Of Position?

Dec 22, 2007

how can you tween so that an object changes it's shape instead of position..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Shape Tween 2 Drawing Object Using It Alone?

Oct 28, 2009

I have 2 shapes, in different color, and i would like to have this effect ( see the attached file ).

How can i achieve that by using pure actionscript 3, or using source like TweenLite, TweenMax etc...

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CS3 Animation - Object (shape Or Symbol) Spanning Across Many Frames?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm creating an animation kinda like a travel map, x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x .where the x's equal the start and the end point, and the dashs are like your direction etc, a good example is if you've ever seen those pirate movies where they have the maps and it shows where they have to if there is a better way to do it than I currently am (Still finding my way around the whole Animation thing - and I'm sure theres an easier way than this!)

At the moment I'm going frame by frame and in adding objects, so for example, in frame one I have my 'x' object, then frame two I pasted the 'x' object plus one 'dash' objects, and so on and so forth, and I have a feeling that doing this is going to take agessss, and I'm sure there must be an easier way! I essentially need the 'x' object to span across ALL of my frames, is there a command or something for this? I'm not too knowledgeable with tweening, but can it be done with that?

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Professional :: Get Object Filled Without Losing The Lines And Shape?

Mar 23, 2010

I need to fill it all with one color and I need to keep all the lines. What the best way to get this object filled without losing the lines and shape?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Image / Text In Shape Object?

Aug 11, 2011

Could someone tell me how to add a image or a text inside the rectangle below?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw Border For Even/uneven Shape Object?

May 25, 2011

how to draw border for even/uneven shape object? it is stored in a movieclip

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash : Read Data From Shape/graphics Object?

Dec 2, 2009

I am wondering if it is possible to get the data that is stored in a shape/graphics object in flash using actionscript 3?

In my project I would like to be able to draw a shape and then read all the points in that shape into my script. The reason for that is that I need go generate lines from those points that I later can use to check if my characters velocity intersects with any of them.

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