ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotate A Symbol In A Continuous Full 360 Degree At One Position?
Sep 5, 2002
i'm trying to create an actionscript where i can rotate a symbol in a continuous full 360 degree at one position. i know it has to do with degree/pi, but i can't come up with the correct formula for it. if i can try to remember, is it 2(pi) for a full rotate? how to put it in the actionscript?
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Apr 24, 2009
I want to smooth rotate thing_mc a certain amount when home_btn is pressed. Not sure how to do this. Obviously the below doesn't work.
Code: Select allhome_btn.onRelease = function(){
onEnterFrame = function (){
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Jul 6, 2005
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The catch is, I also need it to do the exact same thing counter clockwise from the release of another button at all times.
So for example imagine a stopwatch with 60 seconds, when one button is released the second hand starts counting clockwise 1 second at a time til it reaches 15 seconds then it stops.
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Feb 3, 2012
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May 14, 2010
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This is running on Enterframe but I want to ratate 180 degree and on button press and hold button
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May 16, 2011
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Nov 12, 2007
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#include ""
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
stageListener = new Object();[code]...
The trace's are because it didn't work like I thought it would.Etc the middle movieclip didn't center itself but rather positioned itself seemingly how it pleased so I traced its x position and the var stageXcenter position and like suspected it shows different values.
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I have an animated logo for a site. I want to rotate the logo, so that the entire animation takes place, so to speak, on its side.
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// Adding mouse event to our movieclip!myMovieClip.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, rotateMoveClip);
// the rotateMoveClip functionfunction rotateMoveClip(e:Event){ // is the
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Oct 16, 2009
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Nov 1, 2006
I have searched the forum and could not find anything specific, so if you do, please show me the link. Let me set some theoretic environment for the question. let's take a circle that is like an anolog clock but only has 8 numbers; 12 o'clock, somewhere around 1:30, 3 o'clock, 4:30, 6, and so on.
I want to have each number, a button, and when clicked will rotate to the top of the circle.NOTE this is a static image, so the numbers will upside down, etc...the do not need to stay rightside up, as they will rotate with the circle image.
Every time a number is clicked, it will rotate the circle until that number is at the top, and can move either left or right depending on which number is clicked. I thought of doing this in design time, but there are many combinations, and it would be too weighty.
I do not know how to rotate it in actionscript and then have it stop at a certain position, which I assume I could plan out in degrees, and possibly use flags to tell which had been clicked in which position,
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Feb 24, 2009
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import org.papervision3d.scenes.*;
import org.papervision3d.cameras.*;
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Dec 9, 2011
So what I'm trying to do is rotate from the current position the model is in.
I know the basic stuff like this:
But now the model jumps to the rotationY according to the mouseX (which is obvious because you can read it in the code ) But I don't know how to change this to use currentYRotation.
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Mar 27, 2011
I am looking for direction to this old UFC effect - [URL] that appears on the main page. It is movieclips rotating on different axis based on the mouse position. So far I have found this script:
function EnterFrame(e:Event)
mc.rotation = (180*Math.atan2(mouseY-mc.y,mouseX-mc.x))/Math.PI + 90;
But this only rotates on x and y. What's a way to approach this effect?
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I have started a project for a t-shirt store with a similar featurescan any one tell me how he is controlling the designs and text rotation and scaling inside the target area
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Feb 27, 2010
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onClipEvent(enterframe) {
if(spin) {
_rotation -= 2;
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Feb 4, 2009
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Sep 23, 2010
I wan to know how to move a movie clip to a certain x, y. How would I do that? Because I know this is wrong: paddle.x = 253;
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Feb 15, 2010
I have created several buttons on the stage that on "over" change to a movie symbol and rotate. At the same time there is text that appears to the left in a grey area. All works fine, until you mouse over the grey area and text begins to appear and the corresponding button's movie starts. I assume that this is happing because it considers anywhere that there is an object to be part of the button it's self. How do i fix this?
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Nov 19, 2010
If I click on a symbol, go to the properties tab, click on the width textbox, type in 1000, hit enter, it then reports the width being 999.95. That's .05 pixels off from what I wanted.
I have snap to objects disabled. The symbol in question is a 1000x500 linear gradient rotated 90 degrees alone in it's own layer in a movie clip.
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Dec 21, 2009
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Sep 10, 2009
I'm adding captioning/subtitles to my video (FLVPlaybackCaptioning) using dfxp.xml files. Everything works great when the video plays at it's initial resolution (640 x 360). The positioning of the captions is perfect. But I've included a Full Screen button and when the video goes full screen, the captions appear but their position is off. They are higher on the screen and they actually move upward 1 or 2 lines after they initially appear. I cannot seem to control this and am not sure why it only happens in full screen mode. In the component inspector I have set autoLayout to true and to false and it does not effect the captions one way or another. I cannot seem to find any support for this.
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Oct 20, 2009
I'm working on a site right now where the flash player fills the browser window up to 1600x1200 res. The developers I hired are having problems with AS2 when it comes to scaling things and positioning them as the browser window changes size. While it works, the biggest problem is the aspect ratio, keeping the layout looking nice, and the footer keeps dropping off the screen at certain sizes.
Screen res closer to 16:9 looks better laid out than 4:3 and they keep telling me that it has to be proportional when it comes to positioning and scaling, although positions aren't really changing from whatever code they've used. To me, there must be some way so that if looks nice on 16:9, when it goes to 4:3 it will look good too, or even some in between size, they should be able to use code to figure out where things belong, even if it's not perfect. Instead, there are big gaps of dead space on 4:3 and it just looks like crap.
This is also true of background images which fill up about 1/3 of the page on the left or right. As we go down in size they say only a proportionate scale can be used, but sometimes the images are staying too large based on the size of the browser window and should be scaled more. Some of this may be attributed to much of the content being loaded dynamically as the client has us building a CMS, but to me, it's still coordinates and scale when it comes down to it and I don't know why raw percentages must be used instead of some more complex math.
If someone knows how this can be achieved, or can at least point me to web site that has this working properly, I can make sure they investigate further and figure this out before the deadline. I'm adding attachments to illustrate what I'm talking about. I'm using colored blocks to define where dynamic text boxes, icons, footer, images and navigation are. Arrows show where i'd like things to move dynamically.
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Feb 9, 2012
I would like to know if there is a way to update the position of the thumb on the Slider component when a movie clip plays. Currently I have a movie clip symbol on my stage with the instance name ShapeMC. It has about 10 frames or animation and two actions. the first frame has a stop action as does the last frame. The actions are on their own layer, separate from the actual animation. I also have the slider component in my library, but it is only there so I can reference it through AS3. My AS3 instantiates a variable of type Slider. I then define the properties, like the width, hieght, thumb size, minimum, maximum, as well as enabling livedragging. I did this so the user can drag the slider and move through the Movie Clip symbol. I added a button that allows the user to click it and autoplay the Movie Clip symbol (ShapeMC). All that works. What I would like to do is when I hit the play button, I would like to see the thumb on the slider move along the slider as the Movie Clip symbol (ShapeMC) plays. So if the Movie Clip symbol reaches frame 5, the slider thumb show be seen as being half way through the tread. I tried putting the currentFrame into the .value property of the slider, but that didn't do anything. No errors, but it didn't move the thumb at all.
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