ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotate Movieclip When Collision With Another Movieclip Occurs?
May 4, 2005
What i'm trying to do is to make my movie clip (plane_mc) to rotate when it collides with another movie clip (cloud_mc). At the moment my plane is controlled by the arrow keys on the keyboard, it is flying through a sky with clouds and when it touches a cloud, i want it to rotate.
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May 4, 2005
What i'm trying to do is to make my movie clip (plane_mc) to rotate when it collides with another movie clip (cloud_mc). At the moment my plane is controlled by the arrow keys on the keyboard, it is flying through a sky with clouds and when it touches a cloud, i want it to rotate.
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Feb 22, 2010
As the title says: Stop object from moving further when collision occurs.
Right now I'm trying to make a sliding puzzle. So far I have a block which I can click and drag around, and a few walls which are the boundaries. What I'm trying to do is make an area where the block can slide within the boundaries. So when you try to drag the block into an direction it will stop, whether you got mouse_down or mouse_up. My script so far
//Sliding Blocks
MCBlock1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);
Also I need to use a lot of boundaries, so if there's a way to apply this script easily to several objects
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Jul 15, 2009
i am trying to do is add a movieclip with the amount of points scored when a hit test occurs. I have a movieclip with some text and a motion tween. i add this with this code in the hitTest function:
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Aug 12, 2009
I got a hitTestObject() problem. I wonder if anyone know if there is a way of testing collission between two movieClip where the transparent part of the movieClip is not to be tested for collission. For example two balls colliding and not wanting the collission to be detected before the balls itself collide (as in the second picture) and not when the squares collide(as in the first).
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Feb 15, 2007
I am working on a snowboarding game, And have two points of collision detection on the board:
x-----xOne at the Front of the riders boardOne at the Back of the riders boardThese two points of collision are placed within the rider.movieClip, and not on the _root timeline, as the rider movieclip can rotate etc as it rides through different gradients of slopes. I have used a largely basic method to obtain the X,Y positions of each collision point, using the following method:
var backX:Number = _root.rider._x+_root.rider.backDetection._x;
var backY:Number = _root.rider._y+_root.rider.backDetection._y;
(The same for the frontX and frontY) As you can see, it simply adds the offset of the detection points positions from the riders x, y therefore when the rider movieclip is rotated during gameplay, the rotation is not accounted for and it still searches for collision in exactly the same positions.
I am using this for collision checking:
this.hitTest(backX, backY, true)
Which is placed on the ground movieclip (what the snowboarder is riding on). Any better way of doing such collision checking, or how to account for rotation? is localToGlobal() the answer?
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Feb 2, 2011
Im new in actionscript. How can i rotate like in 3d my movieclip? I loaded photo to movie clip and i would like to make photo gallery with nice image rotation.
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Jan 19, 2012
I'm making a program that lets the user draw shapes on the screen with the mouse. When they're done they press a button to finish. The user is only allowed to draw on a certain area of the stage, to control this on the timeline i have a movie clip that takes up all the space the user isnt alowed to draw in.When the user presses the button i want the programe to check that the shape the user drew isnt touching the moiveclip. I want it to do this without taking the border of the movieclip into account so i cant use hitTestObject()
heres what i have so far:
//------------------------------DRAW SHAPE------------------------------
private var shape:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
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Apr 28, 2011
I have a bullet object and a boulder object (both movieclips originating from JPEGs) in my AS3 game. The trouble I'm having is with hitTestObject for the collision detection, as it's taking in to account the transparent areas and basing the collision on the bounding boxes surrounding the movieclips. This is a problem because the collisions are not accurate and if the bullet (long and thing line shaped) is at an angle...the bounding box is quite large around it...and it's "colliding" with the boulder even though it's visibly many pixels away. Is there a way to detect MovieClip collisions that ignore transparent areas?
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Jun 8, 2011
Im a bit stumped on this. I have a movie clip named mcMain that the player controls, and i want him to have it detect collisions at certain points of the screen (like at a certain X and Y co-ordinates). I have an array that contains those values, which is shown below:
//Array that holds x position of points
var xPoint:Array = new Array(150,400,200,300,100);
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Nov 26, 2010
I made a game in AS2 where the player rotates towards the mouse, then discovered you need AS3 for 3D things(which I plan to add later) so I re-made the game in AS3. I think I can more or less do the rest of it but the rotation is driving me crazy. This code works fine in AS2 but when I try it in AS3 it completely fails. The player just wobbles about a 90 degree radius.
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Jun 25, 2009
I want when the user click and dragg (Mouse_DOWN) the rotate button, the image will be rotatedAlso, when the user click and drag the scale button, the image will be scaled.Here is my code, but it dosen't work as I need:
btn_rotate.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, on_btn_rotate_down);
btn_rotate.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, on_btn_rotate_up);
function on_btn_rotate_down(e:MouseEvent):void
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Feb 22, 2011
I have created an array on my main timeline to fire melons constantly. I need the melon to rotate through the air I know that I can use a variable of rotate but I cant figure out where to put it.
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Dec 30, 2008
How or where I could find the code to rotate an image or a movie clip just using code. I use MCtween to move them on the X and Y but I don't know how or even if you can rotate with that add on. I don't need it to be a smooth animation I just need it to turn on its side when a btn is clicked.
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Aug 30, 2010
url...Now click at "add image" and load any image.. The image will be shown on the shirt and the blue border shown around the image comes by-default or is it a movieclip? Secondly the image itself is a movieclip or external swf? And i know that movieclip has rotate and scaleX,Y properties that can work here but it seems that these properties are not used?? the script is rotating and stretching it due to container default properties.
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Jun 26, 2009
I have 2 movieclips (btn_rotate, btn_scale) that are attached to a movieclip (view_mc) that holds an image.
These 2 movieclips are used to rotate and scale the Other movieclip as in the attached picture
I want when the user click and dragg the btn_rotate, btn_scale, the view_mc will be rotated and scaled respectively, in smooth way.
But I can't achieve that.
Here is my code which is wrong:
ActionScript Code:
btn_rotate.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, on_btn_rotate_down);
btn_rotate.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, on_btn_rotate_up);
function on_btn_rotate_down(e:MouseEvent):void
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Nov 4, 2009
I'm lost and new to AS3. How to get this code to ease into end point compared to its sudden stop.
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mcRotation);
var rotateSpeed:Number = 0.003
var oldvalue:Number = 0;
function mcRotation(event:Event):void{
var controller:Number = (stage.mouseX - stage.stageWidth * 0.5) * -1;
var rotY:Number = box_mc.rotationY - (controller * rotateSpeed);
rotY = Math.max(rotY, -90);
rotY = Math.min(rotY, 0);
box_mc.rotationY = rotY;
oldvalue = box_mc.rotationY;
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Dec 3, 2009
I want to rotate a movieclip depending upon the mouse movement. Rotation is working also but I want to rotate it from the center of the movieclip. The registration point of the movieclip is top - left
var radiance:Number = 180/Math.PI;
_root.onEnterFrame = function()
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Mar 29, 2012
I want functionality of Drag and Rotate to my MovieClip just like this example [URL] Or
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Feb 12, 2009
diving into Wii + Flash and trying to get a movieclip to rotate with the Wiimote.It works, but the pitch is very fussy even when sitting on a flat surface. I found some code that uses a threshold, but it still is pretty jittery.[code]
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Sep 9, 2009
I have movie clip, when I go into the transform panel and change the rotation, the movieclip jumps a size down, then rotates.
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Oct 12, 2006
I need to rotate my movieClip about it's center. I would like to do this with a small button attached to the corner of the movieClip.
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Dec 3, 2009
I want to rotate a movieclip depending upon the mouse movement. Rotation is working also but I want to rotate it from the center of the movieclip. The registration point of the movieclip is top - left
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Jun 24, 2009
I have 2 movieclips. ro used for rotating and rect the movie that will be rotated.
I want when clicking and draging the ro movieclip clockwise or counterclockwise, the rect movieclip is rotated clockwise or counterclockwise respectively.
I allow the rect to be rotated according to mouseX and mouseY.
but it dose not work as I need.
I'd like you to show me a trick to achieve that as I want.
Here is the code:
var xPo:Number;
var yPo:Number;
ro.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouse_down)
function mouse_down(e:MouseEvent):void
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Aug 9, 2010
How do I rotate a movieclip 360 degrees over a period of time? Can I use "new tween" ? I am trying to rotate the movieclip while it is moving from position y to y+50 (this is done using new tween)
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Nov 5, 2009
Basically what I am trying to do is have my movie clip rotate/pivot when I press on it, same as the arm on the record player of this [URL]. At the moment, the movie clip rotates according to mouse follow, but I would like to click, drag and rotate so it pivots from one point.
const TO_DEGREE:Number = 180/Math.PI;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, rotateObject);
var maxRotSpeed:Number = 5;
var rotScale:Number = 0.2;
function rotateObject(e:Event):void {
[Code] .....
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Jan 5, 2012
I'm trying to drag & rotate a planet so it spins around with the mouse -instance name: PlayerThe code works really well but it doesn't seem to rotate around the centre, instead it rotates from the top left corner.I'm quite a noob at as3 so I'm not quite sure where I've gone wrong with my code to be able to fix this. Do I need to specify the dimensions of the stage or the planet? I have altered the Stage from the the default 550 x 400 (if this could be the problem).
ActionScript Code:
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Jan 22, 2008
I have attached my fla. I want rotate the mc by Mouse drag. But its get some of the jerk.
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Oct 14, 2009
Im building a game, where the user has several images as movieclips. He can drag them to an area of the stage, and selecting them, he could rotate it. Does anybody knows some tutorials on hoe to start?
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Mar 27, 2011
I am looking for direction to this old UFC effect - [URL] that appears on the main page. It is movieclips rotating on different axis based on the mouse position. So far I have found this script:
function EnterFrame(e:Event)
mc.rotation = (180*Math.atan2(mouseY-mc.y,mouseX-mc.x))/Math.PI + 90;
But this only rotates on x and y. What's a way to approach this effect?
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