ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroll Box That Loads Data From A Xml File
Aug 16, 2008
im having a little problem with my flash site im trying to build. inside my site i have a scroll box that loads data from a xml file, i set the mask and scroll bar of the scroll box to stage.height and it works perfectly, but here comes the problem, the scroll bar that you drag in order to display more data goes past the stage height.[code]
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Feb 23, 2010
have this flash xml menu that loads external swf files like this:
<item title="ABOUT"content_path=""target=""mouse_rollover_color="0xFFFFFF" mouse_rollout_color="0xDDDDDD" />
and I have this swf file with cms that I'd like for this menu to load. Currently the swf file load external text using this code:
if (contenturl1 ne "") {
loadVariablesNum(contenturl1 + "/" + userid + "/content.txt", 0);[code].....
but when the xml menu loads this swf file its structure loads but not its data.I tried using :
this._lockroot = true;
in the loading swf main time line but it did not work.I should also mention that the dynamic data that loads onto the swf that is to be loaded by the menu, resides not in it main time line but 4 movie clips deep .I don't know if that makes a difference or not.
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Mar 21, 2008
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Flash code:
Code: Select allstop();
gerar_menu = function(container, name, x, y, depth, node_xml){
//declarar variaves
var corrent_item;
var corrent_menu = container.createEmptyMovieClip(name, depth);
for(var i=0; i< node_xml.childNodes.length; i++){
[Code] .....
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Target not found: Target="_root.btn_projectsundefined" Base="_level0"
Target not found: Target="undefined" Base="_level0"
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Aug 14, 2009
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Mar 23, 2011
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Feb 7, 2010
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Apr 5, 2011
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May 31, 2004
Got a movie that loads some variables from an XML file. The content of each XML.node fills the corresponding dynamic (on the fly) recipients (mcs).
I know how to do this once, not using a for (loop) basic parser, so, I got stuck with this simple code while I was trying to "make it" with a "loop" parser.[code]The idea is to have 2 buttons that change the number of the array sothat I can access the next XML.node without having to write all the code again, neither the dynamic recipients -movie clips- nor the parser. Can't I make a function from all of these sothat I can call it later?
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