ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrolling Script Partially Working?

Jan 24, 2012

I have built a small program using AS 2.0 where you scroll through a list of products and click a button and it leads to a product video. EVERYTHING seems to be working except for the scrolling. I have a mask around the area of the categories and when you scroll down they dont scroll all the way. The categories scroll farther down then they do up and you cant click on the rest of the buttons. I feel like Im either missing something in my code or maybe made a mistake somewhere. (I'd like to post a sample but I can't seem to. It scrolls like an ipad screen.)

ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Progress Loader Partially Working.?

Jan 6, 2011

On my stage I have a mc (videoLoader) with the mc (loadBar) inside it. When I preview the movie it shrinks loadBar to where it should, but it doesn't expand as the video loads.

ActionScript Code:
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
function loading(e:Event):void[code].........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrolling Movie Clip Working-sorta?

Jul 1, 2009

I have thumbs loaded via XML which scroll using a custom scroll movie clip.The problem is that when i just click on the scroll movie clip, the thumbs "jump up" somewhat, then when I scroll (drag)down, the thumbs (contained within "main_container") scroll beyond the mask until no thumbs are visible. When I drag back up, the thumbs scroll, but fall short of the first thumb by maybe three thumbs...

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
var thumb_width:Number;
var thumb_height:Number;[code]..............

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrolling - Create A Streamless Illusion (not Working)

Dec 14, 2004

I having problem with this follow streamless scrolling.


Basically, when user click on the right button, the movie will scroll (working) When it _x exceed it width, it will reposition itself to create a streamless illusion (not working)

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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe Air Mobile - SoftKeyboardType Is Not Working When Using SkinClass To Allow Scrolling?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Swf Partially?

Sep 21, 2010

Just wondering is there any way to stop the Flash Player loading at specific points within the swf file?

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Large FLV Video Only Partially Loading?

May 5, 2009

I have a large ON2 VP6 encoded FLV video (334 MB, 75 minutes) hosted on the web and being played back using a basic Flash movie player:
Many people are having problems getting the entire video to load. The loading progress bar will increase quite quickly at first, but then it will either slow down to a crawl or will stop completely. If the progress bar stops increasing before the video has fully loaded, it will not continue no matter how long you wait. Reloading the page does help.
Is this likely to be a problem with the FLV file, the Flash player or is it more likely to be a problem with our web host?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie - Some SWF Partially Loading

Apr 15, 2008

On the interactive section of my page here: [URL]. I have a bunch of externally loaded swf files that are supposed to load into the black square in the middle. As you can see, some of the swfs partially load, just the text for most, and then some don't. If you click another section then click back, it loads fine and you can see what it's supposed to look like. This doesn't make much sense to me, considering the swf files are done on a single frame, with the text just a layer below the image. So why does a portion of the swf load but the other doesn't and why do some and not others? I have the swfs loading using loadMovie. (Example below):


This works perfectly with every other site I've done, and I've used that same setup many times on this site. Yet for whatever reason. It doesn't work regularly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: The Frames And Buttons Do Not Display Or Just Partially?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm having trouble with my site [URL] As you may see, the animation is often all mixed up: the buttons do not take the user to the proper frame, the frames and buttons do not display or just partially... Sometimes everything goes back to normal when I empty the cache and/or refresh the page and click repeatedly on random buttons, but not always, and not for long. I don't know, it just happens somehow randomly, especially when I upload the swf file again to update the site. I understand it has something to do with the flash file itself and having to insert some code somewhere,

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Flex :: Sdk In Flexbuilder3, Debugger Partially Works?

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Jquery :: Flash - SIFR Only Works Partially In IE?

Jun 8, 2011

My sIFR 3 font replacement is working great in FF and IE except when I use it on a 'services' page that has an unrelated Flash object feature at the bottom. Only the first sIFR3'ed element shows up in IE on this page. I am also using jQuery 1.2.6 on this page to bring up random content. It is a windows xp pc.

In IE, the html on the 'services'page sIFR'ed elements has become garbled in the browser as I see when I view the source. Things like this: nodeIndex='1' and jQuery1307565945701='4' are added to the ul and li elements and should not be. The class 'sIFR-replaced' is not being added from sIFR like it is supposed to be.

The jQuery does not interfere with sIFR3 font replacement on my other pages because they don't have the extra Flash file on the bottom. The Flash file is a shockwave cab file, version 9,0,0,0 (that I did not add).I see this error in the console ' 'match(...).1' is null or not an object' but I got this same error elsewhere and it wasn't affecting anything.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Mysteriously And Partially Disappears?

Feb 10, 2012

I  am implementing a charting tool for my project, which is very similar to  Google's finance chart but much more tailored-made to meet different  requirements. The charting interface is made up of the following core components:
Time  selection panel: to change the time span of the chartMeasurement  points panel: to select different points of measurementChart  area: to display the measurement data of the selected measurement points over the selected time span
For example,  the Apartment's power administrator can view the total power consumption in Unit 101 of Building A, in the Pacific Apartment's  complex (a made-up name). Similarly, the  administrator can also "stack" up charts of multiple measurement  points, having an all-in-one view like below:
Only  the chart is implemented in Flash/AS3, the other panels are JSP, JavaScript and Dojo. When an  user clicks on a measurement point to add a chart to the chart area, the following things happen in order  (briefly):
User clicks on a  link (say,      Total Amps)Dojo event listener attached to the link picks up the mouse click eventThe Dojo event  listener calls an AS3 method (addChart) through the External Interface to add a chart to the Flash  chart:The Flash chart  picks up the method call, adds a chart to the stage and reposition all charts on the stage. Since the  stage height is fixed at 600 pixels, each chart added will be fitted into the  600 pixels. Eg, 1 chart on the stage = 600 px/chart, 2 charts = 300  px/chart, 3 charts = 200 px/chart...etc.This is what  the Flash chart looks like, when 3 charts have been added, before display the chart on the actually page  (see below) Once a chart  has been successfully added to the stage, Dojo will stretch the <div> tag that the chart resides so  that each chart still "looks" like 400 pixels tall. For example, 3 charts on  the stage means each chart is 200 pixels tall, but Dojo will stretch the  entire <div> to 1200 pixels, making each chart look like 400 pixelsThe above step  is the same concept as resizing the stage When  an user adds more than 7 charts, the 8th chart will start have  Flash contents disappeared. To be exact, I used firebug to increment the  <div> height, and found that when height exceed 2924 (a magic number) pixels,  Flash contents start to disappear. See below (the red-boxes indicate the  missing contents)The situation gets worse when continue to add charts, eventually half of the  bottom chart will disappear.
Some pre-work I have done:I have unit tested this component in standalone Flash movie, with 3 LCD monitors  totalling 4000 pixels in height. I produced 10 charts in a single flash movie, and  then resized the window from 600px to 4000px, no charts disappear.  This happens in all of IE7, IE8, FF3+, and Chrome. Although slightly  different manifestation, but they all have contents mysteriously disappeared. This also  happens to GOOGLE's finance chart, when you enlarge the chart's  <div> to over 10000 pxs (yet another magic number) The funny thing is, however, when a graph has been cut in half, the visible half  is still operatable. For example, if the zoom window as been cut in half, I can  still move it, zoom in and zoom out.  

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Collision Detection Partially Fails

Oct 12, 2009


when the program is run, the commands for up, down, and left, but right is completely ignored.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip Button - Only Partially Active

Apr 6, 2010

I have a movieclip that I'm using as a button- the rollover state is on frame two, the up state is on frame one and I used actionscript to apply the different actions. All of the actions work fine normally, but about 25% of the time only part of the button is active. The mouse doesn't change to the hand symbol and the rollover/release effects don't work on most of the button, just on a small band around the perimeter of the button. Its not like it happens every time and there doesn't seem to be any consistency in what causes it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTestPoint Partially Hidden Movie?

Nov 8, 2010

I have a couple of movies, one of them hiding partially the other one. I would like to detect when someone clicks on a movie. I know that this can be done easily by using the hitTestPoint function. The problem is when the user clicks on the intersections of these movies. In that case the hitTestPoint function says that the user is clicking both movies. But actually the user is clicking only one movie, because the other movie is partially hidden. How can I program this behavior in a natural way?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Partially Loaded Image?

Jul 22, 2009

I want to display a partially loaded image (as it loads), similarly to how images load on HTML pages.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: .swf File Loaded After The First One Comes In Partially Transparent?

Nov 22, 2009

I have a flash site (portfolio), and it uses buttons to load/remove different .swf file (it is an XML gallery that I did not write.) It works perfectly - the FIRST time I load/unload a .swf . . . however, every .swf file loaded after the first one comes in partially transparent (it normally fades in), but otherwise the .swf is fully functional. Each .swf has it's own unique name/images, but is otherwise identical to the original gallery. It doesn't matter which one I open first - the first one is always correct, the rest, not. Also, the degree of transparency varies randomly, but generally seems to hover somewhere around 1/2 way.


I know that something in the XML gallery is causing this (switch to a completely different .swf and the transparency issues go away), but I also think that I am likely not unloading the .swf correctly and that some part of it is remaining in the memory and creating issues when it is used more than once.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MC Drag And Drop Partially Out Of Stage?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm facing difficulties trying to drag and drop dynamic MC when their registration point go out of the stage.I'm using Tweener easing, and when this happens I get errors coming from Tweener and also from the stage.listeners..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading The Display List Partially While Runtime?

Dec 27, 2009

How do I manage that, while the movie starts, some parts of the Display List are "hold in the backhand" and get loaded when I decide that they should.Can I only do that via external SWF-Files? Further question: Is it possible to stream the files, by calculating the download speed and starting the movie when I want it to do, or is Flash doing that automatically

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Professional :: Movie Only Loading Partially In Certain Browser/Player?

Nov 16, 2011

I have a multi SWF movie that uses AS2 and is behaving differently in different browsers.The basic scenario is this . There is a root movie that acts as a control panel for user input. 1. It loads then parses some xml to determine how the interface should look (what images, radio buttons, etc. to display) 2. Then it loads and positions items on the stage ( rbs, thumbnails) 3. It loads child swfs
When the issue occurs step 2 is only partially completed and step 3 doesn't occur. No message about script error appears.


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Actionscript 3 :: Drawing A Rectangle - The Border Is Partially Off-screen

Jan 10, 2011

I am drawing a rectangle at 0,0 with a line-style-thickness of 4px. It has height 100% and width 50%. The right-hand edge has a border 4px wide, but all 3 other sides are only 2px, suggesting the mid-point of the edge is classed as the border. Why isn't the edge drawn 'inside' the rectangle?

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JSON Loaded Via Flash Only Partially Parsed On Windows 7?

Oct 4, 2011

I have a flash file which loads data from JSON and parses it. It works fine expect on one machine (specs below). On that machine it loads an image URL specified in the JSON, but nothing else. I've tested with a other machines (Dell E6400, Apple MacBook Pro) and it works just fine in all browsers. I compared Windows Updates between the Dell E6400 and the Dell Optiplex 745 and they only differ by one update (KB2525694) which isn't applicable for my Dell E6400.

Machine Specs:

Dell Optiplex 745
Windows 7 SP1 64-Bit
IE9, Chrome, Firefox 4 & Safari
Flash &


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Click Again On Booking Link Loads Partially?

May 14, 2007

I click on the booking link and everyhing loads just fine, however, if I click on it again it only loads partially. Can anyone tell me why this is and how to resolve?



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code In External Swf Only Partially Executing When Loaded Into A Host Swf?

Jul 29, 2009

One of the swf files in my project is acting strangely.The file compiles perfectly, and is functional when running stand-alone.If I try to load it into the main swf in my project, the code stops executing just prior to the first for..

loop.To find out where the code was stopping, I placed a textfield on the stage named "stageText", and assigned different strings to it at various points in the flow of actionscript.It stops executing immediately after stageText.text = "init2";, and just before the first for..loop. (see comments in code)Why is the code stopping at the for loop?Why does it only happen when the file is loaded into another swf?

import gs.*;
import gs.easing.*;
var locationsXML:XML;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Partially Loaded Flash Movie While Loading Is Still In Progress?

Nov 1, 2011

Is there any way to play my partially loaded flash movie while loading is still in progress ?like progressive video download.My app is not video based.I have only animations and interactive coding.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hide Partially-shown Text Lines On Dynamic Textfield?

Feb 29, 2012

Is there a way to hide partially shown text lines on a dynamic textfield that has more text than its size can hold? I want to avoid the situation found on the picture below by simply not showing the areas in red (the text comes from lots of sources, so I don't have control over it).

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Actionscript 3 :: Receiving Mouse Events For Lower Indexed And Partially Covered Display Objects?

Mar 9, 2010

i have 2 sprites on stage. bottomSprite is added to the display list first, followed by topSprite. topSprite partially covers bottomSprite.i've added an event listener to bottomSprite for MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED notifications to simply trace the mouseX and mouseY coordinates. however, the notification doesn't work for the parts of bottomSprite that are covered by topSprite.

var bottomSprite:Sprite = new Sprite();, 0.5);,150, 150, 150);;


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Flex :: Scrolling Interval In A Spark List With Tilelayout Oversized While Using Mouse Wheel After Scrolling With Mouseclick

Aug 27, 2010

I have a spark List with an item renderer and a tile layout. If I scroll by clicking with the mouse on the scroll bar and trying to scroll with the mouse wheel after that, there is a problem: The interval of the scrolling is oversized, instead of scrolling one item down (or up) the List scrolls 4 items down (or up).


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Flex :: Event When The Scroller Starts Scrolling Or Ending Scrolling In 4.0?

Feb 10, 2011

are there any events that the scroller will dispatch when being scrolled?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrolling Mc Not Stop When The Movie Clip It's Scrolling Ends

Jan 11, 2010

Im making a scrollable mc. Easiest thing in the world.... but the damn scoller just will not stop when the movie clip it's scrolling ends. It stops....eventully... but not close enough. What actionscript do I need to use and where do I put it?

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