ActionScript 2.0 :: SetInterval Javascript Not Working On Firefox

Jan 18, 2009

I have a very odd issue with Firefox 3. Take the following code

ExternalInterface.addCallback("startAds", null, startAds);
function startAds() {
debug("Calling startAds");


The startAds function is called from javascript. When run in IE 6 & 7 everything works fine. When run in Firefox 3 i can see it enter the function and even assign and intervalId but the function set in the setInterval function never gets called. If i call setAds from actionscript and run it in Firefox 3 it works ok. Its just when the startAds function is called from javascript in Firefox 3.

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works perfect on my macbook pro (safari, firefox, and opera) but when I view the site on Vmare Fusion Windows XP and use IE and FireFox the pages don't load... I don't know what to make of this. Has anyone hear or seen anything like this happen before? BTW the website was created in Adobe Flash CS4/ AS 3.0 and published using Flash Player 10.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetInterval Not Working In I.E?

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var myInterval:Number;
var number:Number = 1000;[code]............

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetInterval Not Working In Class?

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public function showImageAt(num:Number):Void
var interval:Number = setInterval(
function():Void {


so the test function never gets called...

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Javascript :: ExternalInterface On Loadup With FireFox?

Jun 10, 2010

I have an issue with my ExternalInterface. The way it is currently set up is, on the page load up, a boolean is set to true in JavaScript and then checked by ActionScript constructors (using a timer) until it is true. This marks that JavaScript is ready to get calls from AS3.

At this point, AS3 will add the callback and do some internal stuff, and at the end of the constructor I call JavaScript. So far so good. JavaScript will at this point call a function in AS3 (that was defined in the callback described above), and this is where it all messes up.

On IE this works perfectly fine. On FireFox though, it does not. When I debug it, I see that the javascript function is called but when it tries to call AS3, nothing happens. I also tried to add a timer, but for some reason the function STILL executes straight away (in IE).


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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 SetInterval Not Working Correctly With Scenes?

Sep 1, 2009

The first scene will have an embedded movie clip and artwork as a background for approximately 150 frames, the next scene (Scene 2) then appears (in the first and only frame) which has the following (AS2) setInterval on it (to play a swf file on a movie clip - the swf lasts a little over 2 minutes. Hence, 122000 milliseconds below):



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Wipe - SetInterval Not Working

May 10, 2005

I'm trying to create a wipe, where a bar expands vertically from the top to the bottom. This was accomplished with a motion tween. Now, I'm trying to use AS to duplicate that one bar across the screen, and this is done inside a movieclip, and the movieclip is on the main stage and it is setMask(my_mc); to reveal an image beneath.

Here's the code I'm using:
totalBars = Math.round(Stage.width/bars._width);
i = 0;
duplicate = function () {
if (i <= totalBars) {
i += 1;
bars.duplicateMovieClip("bars"+i, this.getNextHighestDepth());
this["bars"+i]._x = i*bars._width;
clearInterval(intervalID); }};
var intervalID = setInterval(duplicate, 10);
But it doesn't work!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simple Function And SetInterval Not Working?

Mar 21, 2006

i've tried searching the forums and fighting with this way of fading the movie clip in and out. The movie clip has an instance name of "box", my brother also can't figure it out.

var fadeChecker:Boolean = true;
function flicker():Void{
if(box._alpha >= 100){[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetInterval Used Inside A Function Not Working?

Jul 20, 2008

If I place some working setInterval code within a function and then call the function, it fails:

function RevealLinks():Void {
menu_mc._visible = true;


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JavaScript :: ExternalInterface.AddCallback Does Not Work On Firefox?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm trying to call a method inside a flash movie from js, every time the mouse leaves the "div". It works on Internet Explorer, but not in firefox. Here is the html script:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(e){
}function init(){
document.getElementById('div').onmouseout = function(e) {
[Code] .....

Here is example of the problem, there is an alert for the js and the flash should be able to remove the swf (see a gray background? it works! see a image, flash didn't receive the call): [URL]. This should work with internet explorer / safari / chrome (pc/mac) only firefox seams to reject this.

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Jul 28, 2010

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var flashObj = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(chartContainer);
if (! {
flashObj = flashObj.getElementsByTagName("embed")[0];


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JavaScript :: Firefox Plugin Development And Embedding SWF In XUL

Dec 27, 2010

I have a big problem with my firefox plugin: I have a button, which opens a new window for me, where I want to include that .swf file.

Here is the XUL code for the embedding:
<html:embed src="Reader.swf"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />
-> html namespace was set above:
Reader.swf is in the same directory as the xul file

Without the html:embed, the window opens without problems, but as soon as I change that, firefox crashes without warning or something, it just disappears from the process bar. The .swf file works properly when I open it from my operating system (its windows 7 64 bit) and is coded in as3.

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Javascript :: Cache A Swf File In Firefox Without Executing It?

Aug 17, 2011

I'm attempting to bring a swf file down to Firefox to cache but not actually execute. The swf comes from a different domain.

The following approach works in Chrome but not Firefox:

new Image().src = "";

Firefox uses a separate cache for images.

This approach works in IE, but not Firefox:

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" data="" declare="1"></object>

The "declare" tells the browser to cache but not execute it. However, Firefox complains that the request is cross-domain.

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Play A Flash Movie With JavaScript In Firefox?

Jan 12, 2012

I have found a way to send a play(); command to my Flash movie in IE9 but I can't figure it out in Firefox9. Here is the code I am using that works in IE:

<script language="JavaScript">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetInterval Not Working To Load External SWF Into Timeline

Feb 1, 2009

I have a setinterval thats playing up i am trying to load a external swf into the timeline after .5 seconds it works fine but it just keeps recalling the function, I just cant seem to clear the interval.

This is the AS on the button:
on (release){
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing OnEnterFrame Conditional Not Working Will SetInterval?

Feb 25, 2009

I am working on someones as2 file and I noticed that they had an onEnterFrame running non stop in the movie. I don't use onEnterFrame personally. So I tried to create a conditional to stop it. While the conditional worked its stopped the fluid animation they had used. So I need to figure out some other way to get rid of the onEnterFrame. Anyone have any ideas here? The AS basically resizes a box on stage when certain movies are loaded.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetInterval Is Not Working Properly - Timer Get All Screw Up?

Jan 15, 2011

I did this cheesy banner for my portfolio and i dont understand why the setInterval is not working correctly. The thing is when I let the banner roll its working perfectly but as soon as I start to click every number very quickly the timer get all screw up I dont understand why.? this is the code is use


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Javascript :: Using SWFObject, The Flash Moves 1 Pixel To The Right On Firefox

May 6, 2010

check this page: [URL] For whatever reason, the flash slideshow moves over 1 pixel when opened in Firefox on my Mac. All other browsers render it fine, but only on Firefox it leaves a 1 pixel white gap on the left!

I am using the most recent version of SWFObject. This unfortunately is a garbage Weebly site and I cannot use jQuery in the system so I can't do a real gallery... so let's save the whole "don't use Flash for that" pep talk. It's a favour for a friend and I am already aware of better ways to do it. :)

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JavaScript :: Function Causing Infinite Loop In Firefox

Nov 16, 2010

A script on my page is causing an infinite loop in FireFox. Here is the Javascript:
function expandMothersRings(new_height) {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
height: new_height
}, 100, function() {
// Animation complete.

This is being called via ExternalInterface from a Flex object:
var tiles_height:Number = 175+Math.ceil(MothersRingData.getInstance().styleArrayCollection.length/4)*175;"expandMothersRings", tiles_height + 300);

There is no issue in IE or Chrome. But for some reason the expandMothersRings function is infinitely looping in FF. The flex object is not expecting any return value from Javascript. Also if I change the JS function to look like:
function expandMothersRings(new_height) {
Then it only executes once. So something in the function is causing it to loop in Firefox.

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Flash :: Javascript - MP3 Fallback On Opera & FireFox Using MediaElement.js?

Jun 5, 2011

I'm trying to add mediaelement.js to my site to present a single player for any MP3 link on a particular page. The design is working fine for IE 9 and Chrome 11 (which have HTML5 MP3 support), but it has an issue with the flash fallback on Opera 11 and FireFox 4. Clicking any MP3 link on the page uses the .setSrc() method of media element player to change the source of the player, but in Opera and FF, the first time this method is called, it returns error " is not a function". Any call to the function after that works fine.

Another issue is after the element containing the player is hidden "display:none" and then displayed again, calling the .pause() function will produce error "this.pluginApi.pauseMedia is not a function". After that error is thrown, subsequent calls work fine until the element is hidden and displayed again.


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Flash :: Javascript - Firefox Wmode=opaque Iframe

Jun 29, 2011

I have a html/flex app loaded in an iframe, and wmode is set to 'opaque'. I have 'mousemove' listener attached to the document of flex app and document of the parent. Once I mousedown in the flex part of iframe and move my mouse around, i can see the logs from the iframe. However, when I move the mouse around in the parent, i dont see logs from the parent. But, if I mousedown on the html part of the iframe, i can see logs from both iframe and parent. Same sort of bug is reported in Firefox 4/5, which breaks html part of it. Visit [URL]

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Javascript :: SetVariable Works In FireFox But Not Internet Explorer?

Jul 12, 2011

I am building a video player web-app that uses flash for playback and jquery/javascript for UI. By design of the person who wrote the flash component I need to use setVariable to communicate between the javascript and the flash player. I've read all over the internet that a lot of people have had problems gettin setVariable to work in FireFox. I designed my app in firefox because i wanted to use firebug to help me in development. Now that the whole thing has been built, i find that setVariable is not working in IE. The error i get is:Object doesn't support property or method 'SetVariable';Here's a bit of the pertinent code:I construct my html through javascript, so this is how I construct the player:

var player =
'<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,16


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Javascript :: Possible To Get Firefox To Play MP4s In The Html5 Video Tag?

Jan 25, 2012

I know it is not right out of the box, but is there a hack anywhere that uses javascript, php, or even flash to play the MP4s if the html5 video tag isn't supported?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setinterval Called Too Quickly Makes It Stop Working?

Mar 22, 2006

I am having problems with this function, which is called when a button is pressed. I am loading a JPG with a movieClipLoader into a newly created movieclip, and while this is loading the other is still viewable and is faded and deleted when the new JPG has fully loaded, using the code below:

ActionScript Code:
function loadBigPicture(iValue:Number, firstTime:String):Void {
this.createEmptyMovieClip("myBigPicture"+iValue, this.getNextHighestDepth());


If the button is pressed extremely quickly again and again, the intervals begin to stop working

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Javascript :: Full Browser Flash Works In Safari 5 But Not Firefox 3.6

Dec 7, 2010

Can anyone give me a clue as to why this markup works fine in Safari, but not in Firefox?This should load an ugly blue placeholder (which I get in safari) but in Firefox, swfobject just gives me the alternative content.[code]

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