Javascript :: Cache A Swf File In Firefox Without Executing It?

Aug 17, 2011

I'm attempting to bring a swf file down to Firefox to cache but not actually execute. The swf comes from a different domain.

The following approach works in Chrome but not Firefox:

new Image().src = "";

Firefox uses a separate cache for images.

This approach works in IE, but not Firefox:

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" data="" declare="1"></object>

The "declare" tells the browser to cache but not execute it. However, Firefox complains that the request is cross-domain.

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Javascript :: Preload .swf File And Cache It For Future Page Requests?

Mar 24, 2010

I am using swfupload to upload files on a website, the problem that every time the user open the page which contains the upload button, the page loads completely then the flash file start loading from scratch every time the user visit the page with no cache. Is there a way to preload and cache .swf files in my page?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cleared The Cache Did Firefox Serve The New Version

Feb 6, 2006

I just had a problem with Firefox 1.5 which has cached a SWF (let's say loaded.swf) that I was loading from another SWF (let's say main.swf). I overwrote loaded.swf on the server with a new version, but Firefox kept serving the original (old) version of loaded.swf to my main.swf. This continued even across a Firefox shutdown/restart. Only when I cleared the cache did Firefox serve the new version.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Firefox Isn't Displaying Images On My Site When Reloading From Cache

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I am at a loss as to why Firefox doesn't load right when it's loading from cache.

In my site, there are images that get loaded from an XML file immediately as a visitor enters the site. This loading starts and completes naturally when loading from a server... OR when I have the images loaded into cache and I navigate to the site with the browser's forward or back button. -It doesn't work when I press the browser's reload button. What gives? Is this a Firefox bug? I have Firefox 3.5.2 for Mac.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Executing Javascript From Swf Movie?

Sep 7, 2003

I have two large doors slamming shut and would like to execute the browser shake javascript function hardcoded into the html page for about 0.1 - 0.2 seconds.. just enough to shake the window when the doors slam shut.

How do I call the shake() function that is on the same html document as the swf object? Not from a button press, but from an event (ie certain keyframe reached).

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Javascript :: Executing SWFObject With Ajax Reloads

Jan 12, 2010

For my current project I am working on a home page that has a series of tabs above a content box that each execute an ajax script to load new content into the content box. However, some of these pages contain a flash object called with SWFObject and when the ajax script calls the page, the SWFObject javascript is not executed and I am left with the no flash support error message.

I have tried defining a function for each video call (short of just designing a single function and passing variables to it) and having the function be called as part of the ajax function but I am left with the same results. I am not opposed to using something other than SWFObject though I have been lead to believe it is the best solution currently.

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JavaScript :: Flash - Safari Displays Source Instead Of Executing

Feb 24, 2010

I have a web application that has javscript interspersed through the page. What happens is that safari will dump the source of the javascript code instead of executing it. I can reproduce this consistently. The page is a mashup of different forms of content: It loads flash videos using osflv and is generated via a php script on the server side. In addition the page also contains calls to Google Map's API to display a map. The content is placed in separate tabs using javascript to provide tab interaction. I am also using mootools, and not sure if that is potentially causing issues.

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<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/mootools-1.2.1-core.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/mootools-1.2-more.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/sifr.js"></script>
[Code] .....

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Javascript :: Executing Adobe Flex Without Using Browser Control?

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I want to add scripting functionality to my Adobe Flex application. I know it's possible to use the Browser control, and add the script packaged as a HTML file to the Browser control, and expose Flex objects. However I'd like to if it is possible to execute JavaScript without using the Browser control.UPDATE: I guess my question hasn't been clear enough. I'll explain what I'm trying to do.I want to make my application customizable using JavaScript ie., add scripting/plugins to my application dynamically.I realize that it's possible to dynamically execute Javascript by inserting the JS code into the HTMLLoader control. I would like to know there is a direct way to execute JavaScript without inserting it into the HTMLLoader control.

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Javascript :: Browser Cache An Image Loaded Dynamically In Flash?

Feb 8, 2011

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Javascript :: Flush The DNS Cache Or Force A Host Name To Re-resolve In Adobe AIR/Flash?

Aug 9, 2009

AIR seems to keep its own DNS cache when an application is running, and ignores any changes to the OS DNS cache (i.e. ipconfig /flushdns.More specifically, I'm creating multiple URLStream & URLRequest objects over a long period of time in a AIR application. Once the first one connects the host's IP address is cached for the lifetime of the application.And the URLRequest.useCache property,understandably,has no effect on DNS to force a host name to re-resolve inside a AIR (or Flash) application?

Note: Unfortunately, resolving the IP through a web service and rewriting the URL is not an option as a workaround.The use-case is downloading files from Amazon S3 using signed URLs which are invalidated if modified.

Update: The test results above were gathered on WinXP prior to AIR 1.5.2. Subsequent tests using 1.5.2 show serialized requests with URLStream.load() are re-resolved more frequently but still ignore TTL values.I still haven't figured out what conditions are necessary to trigger the re-resolution, but have noted a couple of cases that prevent it.For instance, if another asynchronous URLStream is active to the same host then requests use the cached IP address and are not resolved. And simply closing and dereferencing all streams to a host is not sufficient to ensure the same host name will be re-resolved in the next request.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Executing An .exe File With A Swf.?

Mar 31, 2011

I was wandering if it is possible to execute an .exe file with a flash swf. when you click a button?I would like to use it with the button symbol.

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Javascript :: ExternalInterface On Loadup With FireFox?

Jun 10, 2010

I have an issue with my ExternalInterface. The way it is currently set up is, on the page load up, a boolean is set to true in JavaScript and then checked by ActionScript constructors (using a timer) until it is true. This marks that JavaScript is ready to get calls from AS3.

At this point, AS3 will add the callback and do some internal stuff, and at the end of the constructor I call JavaScript. So far so good. JavaScript will at this point call a function in AS3 (that was defined in the callback described above), and this is where it all messes up.

On IE this works perfectly fine. On FireFox though, it does not. When I debug it, I see that the javascript function is called but when it tries to call AS3, nothing happens. I also tried to add a timer, but for some reason the function STILL executes straight away (in IE).


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JavaScript :: ExternalInterface.AddCallback Does Not Work On Firefox?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm trying to call a method inside a flash movie from js, every time the mouse leaves the "div". It works on Internet Explorer, but not in firefox. Here is the html script:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(e){
}function init(){
document.getElementById('div').onmouseout = function(e) {
[Code] .....

Here is example of the problem, there is an alert for the js and the flash should be able to remove the swf (see a gray background? it works! see a image, flash didn't receive the call): [URL]. This should work with internet explorer / safari / chrome (pc/mac) only firefox seams to reject this.

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Javascript :: FlashObject 'is Not A Function' Error Only In Firefox

Jul 28, 2010

I have a page with a flash chart to display. First, I make a separate AJAX call to grab the chart data, and then process it in javascript and call the flash object functions like this:

var flashObj = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(chartContainer);
if (! {
flashObj = flashObj.getElementsByTagName("embed")[0];


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JavaScript :: Firefox Plugin Development And Embedding SWF In XUL

Dec 27, 2010

I have a big problem with my firefox plugin: I have a button, which opens a new window for me, where I want to include that .swf file.

Here is the XUL code for the embedding:
<html:embed src="Reader.swf"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />
-> html namespace was set above:
Reader.swf is in the same directory as the xul file

Without the html:embed, the window opens without problems, but as soon as I change that, firefox crashes without warning or something, it just disappears from the process bar. The .swf file works properly when I open it from my operating system (its windows 7 64 bit) and is coded in as3.

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Play A Flash Movie With JavaScript In Firefox?

Jan 12, 2012

I have found a way to send a play(); command to my Flash movie in IE9 but I can't figure it out in Firefox9. Here is the code I am using that works in IE:

<script language="JavaScript">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetInterval Javascript Not Working On Firefox

Jan 18, 2009

I have a very odd issue with Firefox 3. Take the following code

ExternalInterface.addCallback("startAds", null, startAds);
function startAds() {
debug("Calling startAds");


The startAds function is called from javascript. When run in IE 6 & 7 everything works fine. When run in Firefox 3 i can see it enter the function and even assign and intervalId but the function set in the setInterval function never gets called. If i call setAds from actionscript and run it in Firefox 3 it works ok. Its just when the startAds function is called from javascript in Firefox 3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error Message While Executing A SWF File?

Aug 6, 2008

Iam trying to execute a SWF file which has its actionscriptwritten in AS3. When i execute this, I am getting an error messagewhich is as followsVerify Error 1030# Stack Depth unbalanced 1 != 0..

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Javascript :: Using SWFObject, The Flash Moves 1 Pixel To The Right On Firefox

May 6, 2010

check this page: [URL] For whatever reason, the flash slideshow moves over 1 pixel when opened in Firefox on my Mac. All other browsers render it fine, but only on Firefox it leaves a 1 pixel white gap on the left!

I am using the most recent version of SWFObject. This unfortunately is a garbage Weebly site and I cannot use jQuery in the system so I can't do a real gallery... so let's save the whole "don't use Flash for that" pep talk. It's a favour for a friend and I am already aware of better ways to do it. :)

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JavaScript :: Function Causing Infinite Loop In Firefox

Nov 16, 2010

A script on my page is causing an infinite loop in FireFox. Here is the Javascript:
function expandMothersRings(new_height) {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
height: new_height
}, 100, function() {
// Animation complete.

This is being called via ExternalInterface from a Flex object:
var tiles_height:Number = 175+Math.ceil(MothersRingData.getInstance().styleArrayCollection.length/4)*175;"expandMothersRings", tiles_height + 300);

There is no issue in IE or Chrome. But for some reason the expandMothersRings function is infinitely looping in FF. The flex object is not expecting any return value from Javascript. Also if I change the JS function to look like:
function expandMothersRings(new_height) {
Then it only executes once. So something in the function is causing it to loop in Firefox.

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Flash :: Javascript - MP3 Fallback On Opera & FireFox Using MediaElement.js?

Jun 5, 2011

I'm trying to add mediaelement.js to my site to present a single player for any MP3 link on a particular page. The design is working fine for IE 9 and Chrome 11 (which have HTML5 MP3 support), but it has an issue with the flash fallback on Opera 11 and FireFox 4. Clicking any MP3 link on the page uses the .setSrc() method of media element player to change the source of the player, but in Opera and FF, the first time this method is called, it returns error " is not a function". Any call to the function after that works fine.

Another issue is after the element containing the player is hidden "display:none" and then displayed again, calling the .pause() function will produce error "this.pluginApi.pauseMedia is not a function". After that error is thrown, subsequent calls work fine until the element is hidden and displayed again.


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Flash :: Javascript - Firefox Wmode=opaque Iframe

Jun 29, 2011

I have a html/flex app loaded in an iframe, and wmode is set to 'opaque'. I have 'mousemove' listener attached to the document of flex app and document of the parent. Once I mousedown in the flex part of iframe and move my mouse around, i can see the logs from the iframe. However, when I move the mouse around in the parent, i dont see logs from the parent. But, if I mousedown on the html part of the iframe, i can see logs from both iframe and parent. Same sort of bug is reported in Firefox 4/5, which breaks html part of it. Visit [URL]

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Javascript :: SetVariable Works In FireFox But Not Internet Explorer?

Jul 12, 2011

I am building a video player web-app that uses flash for playback and jquery/javascript for UI. By design of the person who wrote the flash component I need to use setVariable to communicate between the javascript and the flash player. I've read all over the internet that a lot of people have had problems gettin setVariable to work in FireFox. I designed my app in firefox because i wanted to use firebug to help me in development. Now that the whole thing has been built, i find that setVariable is not working in IE. The error i get is:Object doesn't support property or method 'SetVariable';Here's a bit of the pertinent code:I construct my html through javascript, so this is how I construct the player:

var player =
'<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,16


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Javascript :: Possible To Get Firefox To Play MP4s In The Html5 Video Tag?

Jan 25, 2012

I know it is not right out of the box, but is there a hack anywhere that uses javascript, php, or even flash to play the MP4s if the html5 video tag isn't supported?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Variables To A Batch File And Then Executing It?

Sep 18, 2009

I know you can run a .bat file through flash , but can you "load" a variable from a text box in flash ( for example a URL ) to a .bat , and then run the batch file ? have an input box in flash , enter a URL , and then , through a batch file , open this URL in multiple browsers.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Executing Other Class File From Within A Function?

Mar 11, 2011

I'm making a game and the main functions are close to finishing. But I'm having problems with my start screen. I'm working entirely in Flash Builder.My users should be able to click a button to start the game. Right now I don't have a functioning start screen yet, but initially the game started immediately with But I now decided I want a start screen. So I made a new class file with the graphics and buttons for the start screen in the constructor function, and I added a Mouse click event listener to the button.The game itself is in, that runs perfectly.In the function for the mouse click event I added:

var startgame:Game = new Game;


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Javascript :: Full Browser Flash Works In Safari 5 But Not Firefox 3.6

Dec 7, 2010

Can anyone give me a clue as to why this markup works fine in Safari, but not in Firefox?This should load an ugly blue placeholder (which I get in safari) but in Firefox, swfobject just gives me the alternative content.[code]

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Javascript :: Lose Focus On Embedded/Flash Element/tab In Firefox?

Mar 20, 2011

Without AutoHotkey and Firefox -unfocus since it's involved in operating another program and it doesn't work on linux and without Restore Window Focus After Flash addon since doesn't give you control over flash tabs.implementing this gBrowser.selectedTab.unfocus(); method and bind it to a keystroke in Firefox v3.6 ?I've also tried (based on the addon above)

if (document.getElementsByTagName("EMBED").length == 0) {
if (document.activeElement.tagName == "EMBED") {


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Flash :: MP3, Firefox, Email, Javascript, Jplayer Wont Play?

Nov 21, 2011

i want to play audio 2 ways

Through my website (easier, as i can detect the browser)

sending an email which will have a player to stream the audio


1. Firefox wont play MP3

2. Iphone/ipad wont play flash

3. Iphone/ipad wont play ogg

4. Emails have trouble with javascript -jplayer (potential of ending in the trash)

problem. if i send via an email, i cant detect the browser, so cant choose ogg, flash, etc.

Solutions - 1. Use HTML 5 and embed a player stream mp3... works in iphone, ie8, chrome....not in firefox (mp3 issue) and older ie browsers (html5 issue).

use jplayer.... i expect the email to dislike the javascript and throw into the trash, plus will firefox play the mp3 audio? use flash.... i expect iphone/ipad not to work, also will it play from an email?

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Javascript :: Embed Works In Firefox And Safari, But Not In Internet Explorer 8?

Dec 5, 2011

I have a flash-based ad that displays/hides based on some javascript. It works in Firefox, Safari, Chrome ... but not in Internet Explorer 8. This is for donations to a non-profit during the holiday season,

<div class="grid_12 alpha omega">
<script type="text/javascript">


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