I am trying to make a flash movie that will always be fullscreen on the horizontal at 1024x768 and at widescreen 1400x768. the site is called [URL] You will see that the movie slides along fine, but at different size screens it just doesnt quite fit right. I was also looking at making the movie less responsive to the mouse, say the closer the mouse gets to the edge of screen the faster it scrolls, and make sure that the image never scrolls past where it should and just reach the border of the image on either side. Is this possible?
I have a simple Flash animation which I have imported to a page in my DW doc. When the anim finishes, I would like the page to go to a different page in the same site. Without clicking. I assume I have to write some AS on the last frame of my FL file, correct?
Something like this: var link:URLRequest = new URLRequest("page.html") stage (or something?).addEventListener(what goes here.ENDMOVIEor something like that, endMovie); function endMovie(event:WhatGoesHere):void { navigateToURL(link);
Im making a scrollable mc. Easiest thing in the world.... but the damn scoller just will not stop when the movie clip it's scrolling ends. It stops....eventully... but not close enough. What actionscript do I need to use and where do I put it?
I am trying to create a scrolling or parallex background for my site. This is a pretty popular effect and I cannot find code for it anywhere on the web. The ones I have seen is for AS2, have used the if statement. Also, do I have to create an invisible movieclip that goes over the whole stage so that AS know where x of mouse is?
how do transitions from page to page and from frame to frame all in on site, and i'm lost in the codes this is an exemple that i did in attachment, i want to be able to click in the different buttons bur a lot of thinks do not work. In the portfolio section i create a move clip that works well alone, bur when i integrate it with the home intro it didn't work properly. Hope that someone will be able to help me on that one, cause i think that this will help me a lot to understnad the basic transitions with buttons (frame to frame and page to page).
I had posted a post earlyer asking how to make this, this is just clarifying things. So to start off one question was, what do i mean by scroll box, the slider bar like the thing to your right that you can grab and scroll down to see the content on the bottom of your page. and secondly There is no better way for to explain what a paralax scroller is than to show you so bellow is a link to a website that uses it. Now keep in mind what i am trying to do is much much smaller this is an entire website, all i am trying to do is the content on one page. By making it scroll to the right as it is scrolled down and have content on the stage to the right. i appalogize for not explaining myself earlyer hope this helps to explain what i am trying to do.[URL]..
is an advanced thing to do and i just want to get the basic structure down before tackling more advanced things. but what i am trying to do though is as the stage scrolls sideways (rather than verticle like on the web page linked here) to show the extended stage off the the right. Content that was hidden in the bottom slides up to be shown in a tween animation only frame by frame, and what I mean by frame by frame is so if I scoll on the linked page notice how when you see a new picture and the car is blowing up in size, now if you stop scrolling that action will freeze leaving you at exactly the place where you stopped and this is not a normal motion tween ( the site is not a motion tween at all being built in html 5 and not flash) but i have to think there is a way off getting this done like perhapps a Mouse Event listening for a scroll to play a tween animation or even a frame by frame animation and when the mouse is not scrolling the tween or frame by frame stops. and does not keep playing the time line untill it reaches a stop(); function.
I have loaded a swf into a fla. The page I loaded it on has a scroll bar. I need the loaded swf to stay at the top of the page and not move when the page is scrolled. Here is my code so far.
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader(); addChild(myLoader); var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("calendar.swf"); myLoader.load(url); myLoader.x = 100; myLoader.y = 100;
I have just followed the tutorial on the scrolling window, but instead of one button for each page, want to have just one up and down button. If you know what I mean. Maybe an array of y places and when I press the down button it goes down one. Really don't know where to start.
uisng flash as3 i have loaded dynamic textbox with data from external text file and set the textproperty to multiline and scrollable i want to set the scrolling on load not on button press for button press we use
whats the command that will disable scrolling in the page, but there are no frames in the page.and id like to know also, how can i change color of the layers edge ..
I'm working on building a personal portfolio site right now. I wanted to add a scroll feature to one the pages. I wasn't sure how to build it, so I down loaded one off here [URL] and just plugged my own graphics into it. It scrolls up and down just fine, but when I try to put a mask over it, it doesn't work. In the content the author wrote for his movie he says "Note: If you want to have a mask over the content: copy MC:frame and make it a mask for MC:Page. If you do so, notice that "non-anti-alias text" is not possible anymore. This is a common thing in a Flash Movie. I keep trying that and it just blocks everything out all together. So what am I doing wrong?
I'm looking to build a Flash site and would like to have a page for a blog so as to upload information, videos and maybe user comments (undecided of yet).
How would I go about this? Should it be done in Flash or would it be better to embed HTML into the Flash?
I have 1 menu them it use an action script for redirect the answer by the user. For example I used the script : on (release) { getURL("[URL]"); } In this case the request is ""Http"" ....but, if must call one page present in the directory of my site for example: chi_siamo/ -home.aspx -contattaci.aspx -menu.swf dove_siamo/ This menu for call the page on his directory, what action script I must use?
I recently added a loader page ("loader.swf") to my flash website. Basically, I created a new file and added a loader which shows the percent loaded, and then it loads in the "index.swf" file. My question is: when I upload my site to the web server, do I use the loader page as the "index" page? My dilemma about that is that I don't want the URL to read "[URL]"...
I'm building a quite large Flex application as our administration tools and I need build in documentation functionality. I want this documentation to be like a wiki and as we're using Google apps I though I'd use Google sites to host the wiki pages (why reinvet the weel...).he problem is that it seem that google site uses some form of iframe javascript breakout script and that when i load the iframe the entire page is loaded with the wiki page.
I made 3 seperate animations for my site (the only difference in them is the words used are different). Is it possible for me to make it so that the animations change with each person visiting the site - so lets say one person enters the site and sees the intro animation with (hypothetical) word "welcome" - the second time the site is visited, the visitor sees "willkommen", the third time its "bienvenue". Is that possible? How can I make it?
I'm not looking for text box scrolling!! I want the whole 'stage' / 'page' whatever its called to scroll down. I have lots off different content like text, images, animations etc on there so is this possible? I would prefer just two buttons on the side that will scroll the page up and down with as much content as I want on there.
I am currently creating a new rotating home page banner, on the second banner rotation it displays a youtube video, I've managed to load the video, position etc with out much drama, the issue comes with the actual rotation it self, i need the banner to stop once the user clicks play on the youtube video:Below is the code I'm currently using, is there an easy line of code I can use, to call the stop(); on press of the youtube video?[code]
Is this a script out there that will prevent the user from scrolling the page (page up & down) when they press the UP and DOWN arrow keys?
I have created a car game, but the only problem is the page scrolls when the player presses the arrow keys!
I've never had this problem before, usually once you activate the Flash movie then page scrolling is disabled.
When I use my arrow keys to control the car, the page in the browser scrolls up/down.
The problem with this is when you press it a few times, the page scrolls enough where you can only see half of the Flash movie or something and it ruins the game experience.
Note: When I press the UP arrow key, the car moves forward AND the page scrolls. So it's not a matter of focusing on the Flash movie.
The situation is I have a number of pages with a single movie clip on each, however once the movie is playing and you click the home or contact buttons for example, it will go to the correct page but the movies sound keep playing in the background. So I've got a code, but I just get an error sayign tanmovstop() does not have a body. I'm very new to action script so am very lost! I'll be extremely grateful. The code on the sites main buttons is as follows, with tanmov being the movie whos sound I want to stop:
The <embed> code for that SWF has the "allowScriptAccess" parameter set to "sameDomain". Currently, I cannot put links in "flash.swf" that change the location of the embedding page, because they are on different domains, and making a getURL() or ExternalInterface call won't be permissible.
Changing "allowScriptAccess" to "always" is not an option. Putting both files on the same domain is also not an option.
Policy files don't seem to be the solution (perhaps I'm coding them wrong?) and changing the "document.domain" of the embedding page doesn't seem to work either.
I have a flash animated logo with sound on all of the pages of my website. My goal is to make a mute button which when clicked will work on cookie base or php session (?) and will mute the sound of the logo on all pages for the given period of cookie.
I have a site that embeds 3 flash movies in an HTML page. The site works in all browsers on Mac and PC except IE 7, IE8, and IE9. (I'm not worried about IE6).
I have a template that I want to modify. I want to add two subpages to a products page, and I don't know how to do it. The site is: [URL]. I tried with simple goto but it generates errors. I think of loading a swf when you click on the sub-buttons but that doesnt work too.
I have seen instruction on event listeners to get a button to go to a URL or to make a movie pause and whatnot, but what I'm not finding is instruction on how to write the AS3 for a button that simply moves you to a new page within the site itself. Also, if it's a "goto" script, the page that I want it to go to, does that have to be a new scene? If so, how do I merge two scenes together? Essentially, you can look here for what I am trying to accomplish. [URL]
What we want to happen is when let's say the direct marketing button is clicked, we want the other buttons to slide offscreen the way they slid on screen and then a new set of buttons pertaining to the direct marketing will appear at the bottom the way the original buttons appeared at the beginning. Do I need to make these buttons sliding away and a new set of buttons sliding in on a new scene? How do I link the scenes together?
The problem is when the animation finishes and a "click here" button comes up, it takes several clicks for the button to actually work. It eventually goes to the url but only after multiple clicks, between 1 and 8. The hit box of the button is larger than the button itself so its not the empty counters in the letters or spaces between words.