ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Loading A File?

Apr 9, 2010

I can't seem to find a solution for this in AS2.

loader.close(); doesn't seem to work.

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Professional :: Stop Loading The Flash File?

Jun 21, 2010

i want the .SWF file to be opened but not donwloaded until a button is pressed but don't know ho to do that..on frame 1 i have an object (movieclip) that consists of a logo with a blur effect.. after 1-2 seconds the blur effect goes away and you can see the logo. the logo itself is a button that send's the user to the next frame in the main scene.on frame 2 of the main scene i have a preloader that shows the percentage of the loaded page and a progress bar .. everything works great

the problem is that when you open the swf it starts downloading the hole flash site and when you press enter the site is already loaded and you can't see the progress bar of the preloader..i want only the 1 frame of the main scene to be loded, then i want i to stop loading (downloading) the SWF file until enter is pressed.when enter is pressed i want the flash site to be loaded and so you can see the preloader in action..can i put some code on the action layer on the 1 frame that stops loading the movie (the first frame is loaded and the blur effect of the logo plays).and another code on the second frame (where the preloader is visible) that starts the donwloading again?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Loading Sound File?

Oct 29, 2009

how to stop loading sound file.

i used:
var my_sound:Sound = new Sound();
my_sound.loadSound("sss.mp3", true);
btn.onRelease = function() {


but sound loading is not stop. it just stops the playing sound.

is there some way to stop loading while loading.....

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ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.*;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Loading The Previous Xml When Start Loading Another Xml?

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I have two xmls, xml1 and xml2. Both have same structure, only data are different. Button 1 loads xml1 and button2 loads xml2. Both calls same function to load XML. First i press button1, so xml1 starts loading, but if before xml1 is completely loaded, i press button2, xml2 also starts loading. If for some reason the xml2 loads first i get data from xml2. But when i look at the bandwidth profiler in flash , xml1 is still loading. When xml1 is loaded it will replace data from xml2. SInce i pressed button2 last, i would want data from xml2. So is it possible to stop loading the previous xml when i start loading another xml?

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Ok, this may be a little challenging for me to explain. In my portfolio section, I have a few links under an empty movie clip. These links are client names. When clicked, they are supposed to load an external swf into the empty movie clip. The problem is that if I click on one, then rapidly change my mind and click on another, the originally clicked external swf never stops loading and then my links stop responding.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop External SWF From Loading?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a parent swf (parent.swf) which contains a loader (galleryLDR). The parent.swf has 2 buttons (button1 and button2) which will each load a separate swf (gallery1.swf or gallery2.swf) into the galleryLDR depending on which button you select.

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how to immediately stop a loader from loading an external swf and the dynamic loading of images within the external swf? Below is what I've tried, but it doesn't work.

ActionScript Code:
if (galleryLDR != null){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop A Loader From Loading?

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Jun 19, 2009

- I need to call loadSound() multiple times, to load different mp3s time to time, all of them in streaming. But as I call it more the once on the same instance the old mp3s keeps anyway loading.. how do I stop that?

In AS3 would be a simple .close(); ... but I can't really figure out how to do that in AS2.

Here some sample code:

// Works and Plays
_global.global_music = new Sound(this);
_global.global_music.loadSound('music/song1.mp3', true);


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Mar 10, 2010

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here is the code:


function animate(evt:Event):void
{ += 10;


I need a way that will stop this from executing until a key or the mouse it pressed. I tried just a simple stop();, but this didn't work

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I keep getting this error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference at
at turntable_XMLlist_fla::MainTimeline/stopSong()
at turntable_XMLlist_fla::MainTimeline/pressHandler()
I keep getting this error. Is this because I stop a track (trk.stop()) before I load it?

var my_songs:XMLList;
//var my_total:Number;
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 2 - Stop Flash Content From Loading?

Sep 3, 2010

I have a flash file that I want to embed on a webpage, however, I want it to load when the user clicks on it (which will run the preloader) - (like clicking play on a youtube video)It's one flash file that loads in XML data and is graphically heavy.I'm not sure if the only way to do it is to load the flash file through another swf, i.e., flash container -> click flash container to load flash file with preloader.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Loading Of Video In Other Frames?

Dec 2, 2009

I have a four frame fla with a video flv in each frame... myVideo1 and so forth.

Problem. After one of the frame is playing and left for another... it continues to load.

How do I stop this? I would expect that being a frame to frame fla.. this wouldnt happen.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop A Buffering Movie From Loading?

Sep 28, 2011

I have a page on my site, that has thumbnails for about 9 videos that are external and loading through the FLV Playback component. Everything works great unless the user decides to move on to the next page, while a video is buffering (pre-loading). If the buffing bar is showing and click to go to the next page the video continues to play once it is loaded. You can't see the video, but you can hear the audio from it. Sometimes if you are too click happy, you will get the audio overlap of two different videos at the same time.

Is there anyway to stop videos that are loading when you click the button to go to another page?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making FLVplayback Stop Loading An FLV?

Sep 8, 2006

This problem is driving us crazy. The idea is simple. We have one instance of the FLVplayback component on stage as well as a playlist of videos. When we click a video in the playlist the FLVplayback instance starts the progressive download and plays the video.However, when we click a new item in the playlist, the FLVplayback instance won't start playing this file until it has completed loading the previous file. Stopping playback makes no difference.Is there a way to stop the FLVplayback instance from playing AND downloading so it is instantly ready to start loading and playing a new oneOf course removing the instance and attaching it again is an option, but that screws up the functionality of the player's controls and really feels like a hack that we shouldn't have to use.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tell A Loader To Stop / Cancel What It Is Currently Loading?

May 30, 2009

how do you tell a loader to stop / cancel what it is currently loading? (or is it even possible?) i have a set of navigation buttons, which when clicked, will load an external swf on to a movieclip called "pagesHolder" thats on stage... this works fine, i have even added...


to make sure that only 1 swf can be seen at a time and they wont overlap each other when you click on the different buttons... however, when you click on another button before the previous swf finishes loading, then you will begin to have problems.. it will load another swf, without first cancelling the previous swf from loading.. and this can be seen in the bandwidth profiler(the items being loaded begin to stack up as i keep clicking on the buttons again and again)..

below is the code im using.. ive omitted the unimportant parts... the loadPage function will begin when a button is clicked...


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Typewriter When Loading New Text?

Apr 13, 2012

I'm having an issue when I'm trying to load new text into a typewriter function before it has finished writing the first text.

TextField.prototype.typeWriter = function(str, ms) {
var me = this;
var i = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Re-loading An Already Loaded Movie?

Nov 10, 2003

Is there a script that can cancel out re-loading a loaded .swf? i have 4 buttons which load 4 different .swfs, so when you click on button one, movie one loads, but if the user clicks on button one again the movie re-loads again.

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IDE :: Stop External FLV From Loading On Exit Frame?

Sep 14, 2004

I am using the video component player and it is working fine using this code:

video.setMedia("elements/flv/episode_1.flv", "FLV");

The problem is, if someone is playing the video and goes to another part of the flash movie, the video keeps playing or loading in the background. The video image doesn't show, but i can hear the audio or see in the browser that it is still loading.

How can i kill the video from loading once the playhead moves from the frame that the video player is on (it is sitting on a single frame)?

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Media Server :: Stop Application From Loading When Unloaded?

Apr 15, 2011

When I unload an application say live for example. And a user loads fmle and goes to load the liveapplication it starts it automatically. How can I prevent this. I want to be able to prevent it from loadingautomatically. When a user reaches their bandwidth limit I want to make sure they can't just use the

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Set Mask - Stop Loading To Other Thumbnails

Dec 19, 2009

i have a problem with setmask. in my current project i used a thumbnails which are loaded via xml. if user click on those thumbnails then in the stage a movieclip loades an image correspondent to the thumbnail and the loaded image will ba mask itself on the background image that is loaded previously. for that purpose i used onEnterframe in the onRelease function of the thumbnail. but the problem is that when user click on thumbnails it will do the all the jobs but stop loading to other thumbnails.the code is below:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Loading OnLoadProgress 'Or' LoadMovie Or Loadingimage

Nov 19, 2010

how to stop loading in middle of loading .swf or image files. in as2 .

It should stop completely loading any bytes from the server.

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