ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To MakeKirupa's XML Gallery?

Aug 18, 2007

I've moved the scrolling thumbnails over to the left of the image area, and tried to make the thumbs scroll vertically*.I got this working, but the hit areas seem to be a bit off. Once you've rolled over either the top or bottom hit areas, then everything directly to the left of that also becomes active.In a perfect world I'd just like the actual hit areas to be active and no where else.Here's the code for that part. I've fiddled around with this, that and the other,

function thumbNailScroller() {
// thumbnail code!


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Load Next Gallery

Jun 26, 2010

My gallery is set up to load from an XML file and it works great. My problem is that the program only loads the first gallery. I can load either gallery 1 or gallery 2, but when I try to switch galleries, the current gallery vanishes and nothing reappears. according to the trace function, the thumbnails are being generated again, but nothing is showing up again.

I think it may be the container_mc that needs to be removed and re-declared but nothing seems to work. I've I've had to remove a bit of code related to background graphics to meet the max length req of the forums but otherwise it is all there. apologies for the messy code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Load Photo Gallery

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VideoError: 1000: Unable to make connection to server or to find FLV on server

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Professional :: Convert A JQuery Lightbox Style Gallery Into A Flash XML Based Image Gallery With Categories?

Oct 26, 2010

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- a few buttons for categories

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- preloader (simple bar)

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But sometimes also calling removeChild(mLoader.content) the content of mLoader is not removed and still appears in the stage.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Photo Gallery Change To Video Gallery?

Jan 24, 2010

I have a flash site that I'm working with that has an xml photo gallery as one of it's menu items. the photo gallery has three pages, all three containing thumbnail images that once clicked, load the larger image. The larger image dissolves in covering the page with the image. Once you click the larger image it dissolves out returning you to the gallery.

What I want to to do is to change the first page of this gallery to a video gallery, or player, leaving the other two galleries as image galleries. I tried simply replacing the images listed in the xml document to flv files and the flv file does not load. I simply want to know what it is I need to do in order to change this one page so that I can embed videos on it.

I've attached the Action script that loads the xml gallery in .txt format

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Jan 15, 2010

i am trying to put some things together following the tutorials on this site. I did the tutorial 'Photo Gallery Using XML and Flash'and I followed it step by step and uploaded it with all the necessary files onto my remote server (xml file, Gallery folder, fla, swf, and html) - however, when I test the movie with flash, it seems to work fine (except the description test, my question to that later), but when I test it online it shows only the first image (but displays the correct number of images in the gallery); even when clicking the next button, it keeps loading the first image the first image. In other galleries (I use the structure for multiple galleries for my portfolio) the first image never loads at all.

Also, about the description text, in between the <caption> and </caption>, can I use <strong> and <em> and <br /> to change the appearance of my text? All it says is 'null'.If you want to look at what I mean check out my portfolio in the making. The problem with the first image displaying only is under 'paintings' and both the projects in 'design - packaging'. The second problem (no picture loading at all) is on some of the buttons in 'design - identity' (where I have not changed the description text of the tutorial yet).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Load A New Gallery From The Main Gallery

Apr 12, 2011

have a question about loading new photos into a already populated image gallery.So I have my gallery set up so first loads my stage pics. What I would now like to do is load different set of images via the click of a button.So for example the loaded gallery already has all thumbs loaded and the user can click on them to view the full size image. next instead of the user having to close this gallery to allow a new gallery to open with a different set of pictures I would like to have a button. This button will unload the existing thumbs from the gallery and load in new ones.

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Dec 5, 2007

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Flash Photo Gallery That Displays All The Image Files In A Certain Directory With The Usual Photo Gallery Functionality

Sep 1, 2009

Just trying to make a flash photo gallery that displays all the image files in a certain directory with the usual photo gallery functionality.

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Unable To Import .MOV?

Nov 8, 2009

I have some .MOV files I'd like to import into Flash, but whenever I impot them Flash freezes up.
By the way, I use Flash 8 Professional.

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Unable To Load XML

Nov 29, 2009

I dont know much about Parsing XML with AS2. "Game can now be started", "In loadXML function" is traced. Unfortunately, "failed to load" is traced too. I put my cards.xml file in the same file as my main.asc.[code]...

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Unable To Export As .swf?

Dec 18, 2009

I am a high school teacher, attempting to teach a few simple animations in Flash. The only action script students have written is the stop action in the last frame. I have one student, though, who has drawn a snowman and a tree using oval and paintbrush tools. Every time she tries to export as .swf (or pressing Ctrl+Enter) the progress bar stops half-way and sits. She's waited 5 minutes and hasn't had any luck. Her .fla file is only 1 mb so I don't think it's a memory issue. Is there anything else that's keeping her file from being unable to export as .swf?  The compressed checkbox is on in the export options.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Different Name Same Value?

Jun 10, 2004

I have three text fields all with an inital value of 0, tried the code below but have hit a snag, please assist.

//set initial values for quantity text fields
function setVal() {


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Unable To Load Php Document?

Apr 20, 2009

i tried for many times but i can't seem to load the php data into my flash document. I check that the link to the php file is correct and the code for loading does not seem to be wrong

$gate = "&gate=".$_COOKIE['gate']."&";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Run The Program?

Aug 14, 2009

I have just moved to cs3 (AS3). I am unable to make some programs run. For example I have downloaded the photo viewer from V2/Page1.html but when I run this program, it shows just blank screen nothing else. Even SWF file is showing the same. And it shows the error, "A definition for the document class could not be found in the classpath, so one will be automatically generated in the swf file upon export." While classpath is the same as of .FLA file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Play The FLV

Apr 12, 2010

The problem is I have an MC in the library the gets attached to the stage dynamically and when that happens, my FLV doesn't play. I thought perhapse it was a matter of the FLV being loaded under the other MC but I've tried "swapdepths" to move it to the top, and I've tried "removeMovieClip" to get rid of the other clip to show the FLV.

Nothing seems to work. All my trace statments are trigering so I know the function is working properly (except getting the video to play).

// Create a NetConnection object
var my_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
// Create a local streaming connection


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ActionScript :: Unable To Change 3.0

Dec 9, 2010

I am n00b with the flash. I had a swf and i decomplied it so i got lots of files including actionscripts. However i cant change the actionscripts. The program just doesnt allow me to make a change on it.

I would do it with notepad but there are so many actionscripts i donno which one has the code i need. Its actually very complicated. It made me sick.I just need to change some paths in actionscripts.

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