ActionScript 2.0 :: Watch Variables With EventDispatcher?
Feb 14, 2007
I would like to know if there is a way to watch / listen to variables or object properties using the eventDispatcher class ? I checked tutorials about this class and I understand basics but I really don't see how to do this..
I know the existence of the watch() function, but I heard its possible to use eventDispatcher instead...
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This gives me the error: Access of undefined property RNDMCOLOR... but, I made it public, so it should be accessible by other classes right? Apparently, no I have also tried to type the string "rndmColor" directly into the eventDispatcher and listener, and that gets rid of the error, but the chooseColor function is never called. So what the heck am I doing wrong? How do I make variables accessible from other classes if public doesn't do it?
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Mar 25, 2010
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if character.hp < 0
character.dead = true;
dispatchevent("death", event)
My problem is that I have no idea as to how to code it. I know I will use two classes and my two .fla files (unless I am wrong).I have two .fla files that are in play here: the Menu.fla file and the Arena.fla file. Menu.fla contains the entire navigation of the game, options, character selection screens, etc. and when it is time for the player to engage in battle, it loads the Arena.fla file, which contains only the backgrounds (depending on the selected stage) and for now is set to a length of one frame only. For Arena.fla, the real action happens in my classes, but logically, I would only need and
In, I have declared the following variable:
var isDead:Boolean = false; //is character dead?
In, believe I should have the following:
currentHp = 0;
character.isDead = true; //declared as var `character:Object;`
EventDispatcher.dispatchEventListener("playerDead", playerDead);
And finally, in Arena.fla, I want to be able to detect the above-mentioned eventlistener and simply move on to a second frame which will display a message in the style of "PLAYER ONE HAS WON" or "PLAYER ONE HAS LOST" with a button that will allow me to go back to the character selection screen. This is the first part in which I am stuck: how do I detect the dispatched event listener in my main .fla file?
Secondly, if the player clicks on the "CONTINUE" button, which displays regardless if the player has won or lost, how can my Menu.fla (which loads the Arena.swf) detect this click event, unload the game, and go back to the character selection screen?
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now i am not 100% sure, but i think the solution to this has something to do with EventDispatcher.can anybody please tell me if that is correct and how i can add EventDispatcher to my code without recoding everything?
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package{ import flash.display.MovieClip; import; import; import
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import flash.display.Sprite;
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Jan 16, 2006
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Considering the above code if for example I want to broadcast the event of onLoad of xml to different listeners objects with the scope of movieClip in which the xml object is declared, so that later mcs from the library can be attached dynamically.However this approach does not seem to work.
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Jun 15, 2006
Theory question, more than anything.
var page = _root["pageinstance"+num]; //num is a variable,
page_li:Object = new Object(); // page_listener object
page_li.onPageLoad = function() {
trace("hey, look, the page loaded");
[Code] .....
The code is much more complex than this, but thats the skeleton of it. Anyone, my question to you is that I need to use this over and over again, for each time the user presses a button. My problem is that Flash seems to have trouble when I try visiting a page I've already been to, because the events don't properly execute. I've tried page.removeEventListener(); and delete page_li; but both seem to be ineffective. Basically, how can I whip the slate completely clean, so that the next time when Flash goes over this code, it executes properly?
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I have never touched flash, but I know some programming languages.
I know I want to use Flash, but I have no idea where to start, and I thought this might be a good place to ask.
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Jun 20, 2009
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public class RandomErrorClass extends Error {
public function RandomErrorClass() {
super("random error...");[code]....
my understanding is that the second class, the one that throws the error, will have to extend the EventDispatcher class. is that right? but it already has to extend the MovieClip class. my questions: Does the movieClip class already inherit from the EventDispatcher class? if so, i won't have to implement the IEventDispatcher interface, will I?
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Feb 24, 2005
i have 5 submit buttons for example. When each submit button is clicked, a portion of the application is done. When all 5 portions are completed(or when 5 variables == true) I want something to happen.As of right now, on my submit buttons I am checking to see if all variables are true like so...
mySub.onPress = function(){
someVar1 = true;
if(someVar1 == true && someVar2 == true){// 3 more conditions here....
// do something
Is there a way to "watch" these variables, and when all are true do something, instead of having these conditions on my submit buttons?
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Aug 20, 2007
I was looking at this thread about the watch function and would like to use it to detect changes on movieclips properties.
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Nov 18, 2010
Guys how do you watch for change in a Global variable? This is the code I am using which watches for change. (only the local variable)
// Declaring the variable
myVar = "AtoF";
// Callback that will be triggered every time there is a change
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Feb 24, 2005
Lets say i have 5 submit buttons for example. When each submit button is clicked, a portion of the application is done. When all 5 portions are completed(or when 5 variables == true) I want something to happen. As of right now, on my submit buttons I am checking to see if all variables are true like so...
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