ActionScript 2.0 :: Y Position For Duplicated Movie Clips?
May 6, 2005
How do I change the y position for the duplicated movie clips I have created?
This is the code I have used to create the movie clips.
var i = 1;
while (i <= 5){
duplicateMovieClip("bar", "bar" + i, 0);
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Nov 22, 2003
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Apr 21, 2004
i am currently making a game , and for some reason the hittest on my duplicated movie clips isnt working i know how to do them , and know it should be working , because it works on one of the movie clips but none of the others so im guessing it something to do with depth?
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Apr 25, 2007
I am trying to create a hitTest between two duplicated objects. The code below is on a bullet. Bullets hit "bad" MCs that are called bad + x (X being a number from 22 - 40). I can't get it to work. I belive that I am not referencing the duplicated MCs correctly
for (x=22; x<42; x++) {
if (this.hitTest("_root.bad" + x)) {
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Oct 12, 2007
I used a tutorial from here, that creates snow, and changed it up a bit so that it now creates fizz in a soda. however I'm running into a snag.Is there any way to mask duplicated movieClips so that they only show up in a certain area? Or some way to set parameters to accomplish the same effect? (i.e. I want the bubbles to only appear in the area of the cup, and not all over the place).Right now I have just set X and Y values to do this, but the cup is angled and not square, so it doesn't looks quite right.I have tried setting a mask on a layer above which the duplicated movie clip sits, and also have tried setting the depth of a mask_mc so that it is well above any of the layers that the bubbles are generated on (by use of a for() loop), but nothing works.
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Nov 27, 2007
I've created a tsunami menu made up of duplicated menu items. Each menu item should have a rollover and selected state of 240% which works fine. When a menu item has been selected it jumps to another frame but until the user interacts with it it should loop through the different categories.My problem is that I can't get the menu items to scale big while it is looping through the different categories on the matching category frames.
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Oct 30, 2011
On my stage I have generated a series of Movie Clips at runtime. They drift around in a semi-random motion, causing them to occasionally overlap each other - is there any way of preventing them from doing this?
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Feb 4, 2005
I have the code tucked under a layer of some text, but the hearts end up covering up the text.
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Mar 21, 2007
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Jul 26, 2007
I have a problem in loading pictures to duplicated movie clips. I have a dynamic sliding menu and I wanna load images to submenus. However I havent succeeded yet.
Here is the code:
setProperty("Rub", _visible, false);
setProperty("subrub", _visible, 0);
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Apr 21, 2004
i am currently making a game, and for some reason the hittest on my duplicated movie clips isnt working i know how to do them , and know it should be working , because it works on one of the movie clips but none of the others so im guessing it something to do with depth? i will give the code if any1 replys
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Apr 14, 2005
I have a fire animation that i want to freeze (ha!) on the last frame of my swf. So basically the fire is buring and i want all the tweened flames inside duplicated MC to stop so it looks like a snapshot of whereever all the flames currrently are.Everything else in the movie is stopped too, so i was wondering if there was a global stop all motion command or the best way to freeze my fire
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Feb 4, 2005
I have some code that has hearts falling from top to bottom and randomly float off the screen. The problem is the layer order. I have the code tucked under a layer of some text, but the hearts end up covering up the text. So would this be a depth problem? What would be some code to tell the newly duplicated movie clips what layer to appear on(as in appear below the text layer in the timeline).
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Jul 9, 2010
wat i want to make.. is a graph plotter.. i add movie clips on the stage and a line should connect them all.. but im having a fkload of problems in solving is the code for adding the movie clips.
function makeABox(e:Event):void {
var newBox:myMC = new myMC();
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Nov 27, 2002
I'm trying to make duplicated movie clips scroll down the screen (asteroids) for an experimental game but I just can't get it working. :-
I'm using this to duplicate the movieclip:
duplicateMovieClip ("m0", "m", i);
and trying to get the movieclips to scroll down with this:
p=eval("m" add i);
make renamed duplications scroll down the screen?
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Sep 21, 2006
What (if any) is the actual differance between removeMovieClip() and unloadMovie() for use in erasing duplicated movie clips (using duplicateMovieClip() )? I was looking over some of my code and noticed I used both without much rhyme or reason as to why one over the other.
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Jul 16, 2009
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Dec 19, 2008
I was just wondering if this is possible, and if anyone knows how it could be done
What i intend to do is have a number of movie clips which load a photo from XML.As well as the photo i want something in the XML code that tells the movie clip where to place itself on the scene. For example it could contain a number from 1-8 and the scene will be split into eight sections across the X axis. So if it has the number 3 it will go in the 3rd section across anywhere on the Y axis.
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Nov 27, 2009
I would like to have one movieclip over the top of other attached ones. I have tried getNextHighestDepth on the movieclip, but it still doesn't work. Here is my code for attaching the movieclips:
PHP Code:
function growSpider() {
spiders = 0;
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Nov 20, 2010
I'm a bit rusty of my trig, so I'm not sure the best way to do this ... I need to position 2 movie clips on the stage that relate to each other they can't be nested ,the registation points are in the center, assume "clip B" is 50 px to the left of "Clip A" as pictured in the diagram to the left , when "clip A" is rotated, I need clip B to follow ( still 50px ) away but with new _x and _y relative to the rotation of "clip A" as in the diagram right.
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Feb 9, 2006
I want to make a map that will display dots on it that when you rollover them displays info about that location.. Have done that no problem using dynamic text boxes.. thing is I want to use an XML file to populate the map so that you can add new dots to the XML file with X and Y positions and info and flash can read that XML file and mark them out on the map with the info on rollover..
So any ideas on how I use actionscript to create and position dots from an XML file which I can add to?
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May 26, 2009
Is it possible to do what this tutorial shows but instead of having your mc�s be positioned related to the stage, have them be positioned related to the browser window?
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Jun 11, 2010
Is it possible to create an event listener that will listen for an objects (movieclip in my case) x position ? I know i could create an Enter_Frame listener with an if statement but the problem is the mc in question has multiple instances being called and I want to destroy each one as they leave the stage.
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Jul 26, 2006
I am trying to resize a 2 or more movieclips, but when I resize them I want them to have a relative postion to one another for example decreasing the size of two movieclip touching each other, I would like the movieclips to maintain a relative x,y position.. so if decreased or increased in size they will still look the same.This movie clips are on the stage, so I can not attach it from the library.
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Apr 1, 2007
Using the easing transitions I simply move the _y of several movie clips. It is ok but their starting positions are always from the top of my stage, even if I fix their positions at the bottom.
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Jun 17, 2011
I have a difficult question to explain. I have a class file that loads an external XML file, parses the main nodes into an array, then creates a movie clip instance for each of the main nodes and creates text fields inside of the movie clip instance based on the child nodes in the XML.
Each movie clip instance that is added dynamically has a movie clip embedded in it that acts as a tab. I update the dynamic text of this embedded movie clip based on the name of each main XML node.
Now where I am getting stuck is that I have attached an event listener to each tab movie clip that is inside of each dynamically created movie clip. What I want to do is when the user clicks this tab have that movie clip move to the top of the display list on top of all the other dynamically created movie clips. My problem is that I don't know how to get the references correct.
When I create the movie clips dynamically I store the objects in an array. The problem appears to be that the event is fired for a movie clip inside of the dynamic movie clip so I don't know how to reference the parent movie clip. Maybe it is something else but I don't know how to make reference to the main movie clips that I want to swap.
I hope that makes sense. My main question is how do I use the swapChildren or setChild functions when the movie clip clicked is located within the movie clip I want to change in the display list as well as the fact that this movie clip was created dynamically.
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Nov 10, 2009
I have movie clips loading in dynamically using an XML file, and the duplicate movie clip function. I need to be able to select one of those movie clips, drag it to a desired position and have it snap to place. As for right now, I'm using :
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Nov 22, 2005
I have a clip, duplicated to realize the titles of a menu. How can i use these duplicated clips to load the submenus? (The submenu is another clip, duplicated using the numbers contained in the same array)
My script (or, i'd better say, Stringy's!) is:
array: its lenght gives me the number of titles, each number inside the quantity of submenu for each title
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