ActionScript 3.0 :: 'a' Button Only Registers The First Time?

May 28, 2011

I'm just learning how to use actionscript 3.0 and I've run into a bizarre problem.I'm using KeyboardEvent to check for input to move a sprite.this is what I have on the first frame of the timeline:

ActionScript Code:
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownFunction);
function keyDownFunction(event:KeyboardEvent)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clickcounter - Make A Submission Field That Registers The Clicks And Sends It To An Specified Email Adress?

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I had an idea of taking two pictures of a hand with a nutcracker in it, the first with the nut whole and the second with the nut cracked and then make it a button.It should also have a counter on the side so users can se how many "nuts the cracked" and a submission form with email, name, city and adress. When the user have cracked enought nuts they should be able to fill in the form and press send button so a certain email addy gets the info.

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ActionScript Code:
if (vars.options == undefined){[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedded Fonts - Automatically Registers The Font Using The Font.registerFont Method

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Actions Only Work The First Time Used Then Nothing?

Sep 14, 2011

This is what I have...I Have 2 buttons in MC named mcMovieTrans the AS for these buttons are in the MC's timeline, the code is:

function playLifeboy(event:MouseEvent):void

This is where the problem occurs because when this action takes place and it returns to the parent MC (mcMovieTrans) The buttons actions dont work anymore.And I get this error message:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at capQinc_fla::mcMovieTrans_89/frame1()[capQinc_fla.mcMovieTrans_89::fr ame1:15]
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at capQinc_fla::mcKraveMovie_97/frame90()[capQinc_fla.mcKraveMovie_97::f rame90:1]

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Button 1 - day X to day Y
Button 2 - day Z to day W..

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Alphabetize Each Button At A Different Time Without Getting The Error?

Mar 4, 2010

I have an mc that has 12 buttons on 12 layers all btns have alpha tweens for 10 frames so the appear like this

btn 1 alpha fr 1 to 10
btn2 alpha fr10 to 20
btn3 alpha fr20 to 30 and so on.

at the end of the clip there is a stop.on the first frame of the button actions I have as follows

btn_loreal.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addLorealswf_click);
function addLorealswf_click(evt:MouseEvent):void {


I keep getting the 1009 error soon as the mc gets to the last frame NOW, if I put all the buttons and remove all frames from 11 on so all buttons alphatise at the same time and the mc ends on frame 10 the error disappears How can I alphabetize each button at a different time without getting the error?

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If you press a button within a certain amount of time, you are taken to lets say frame 2, if the time expires, you are taken to frame 3.I have used up all of my "i'm still a newbie at flash", so I'm just gonna tell you the truth and say that I haven't done any AS (or flash for that matter) in quite some time, so I guess I have to get busy and learning actionscript.

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Jul 24, 2006

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Jul 24, 2006

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IDE :: Putting Sound In Button Design Time?

Feb 11, 2009

i try to put a sound when the button is clicked or roll over on design .

Here is how i do it

i put extra layer then put my sound on OVER frame and DOWN frame.

when i test the movie and click my button both "OVER" and "DOWN" sound is played. is there anyway to make just only "DOWN" sound that can be played without actionscripting to minimize actionscripting too much

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IDE :: Forward One Frame Each Time Button Pressed?

Apr 4, 2009

This is probably a very simple actionscript question I am using CS3 on an AS2 movie. I want to make a simple audio level bar and I created a movie clip with ten frames and ten squares that appear in a line. On each frame you can see one more square i.e. from 1 to 10.What I want is to have a + button on the main time line and every time it is pressed it advances on the frame of a movie clip called loader_mc to the next frame. Similarly if I press minus button the movie clip goes back a frame.This is the actionscript i tried but it only works once. It doesn't keep moving on each frame.

on (press) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Record The Time The Mouse Is Over A Button?

Oct 21, 2010

I want to record the time the mouse is over a button for time under 1.5 s and i want to use this number to be how much a movie clip is moved over.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Not Working When Pressed Second Time

Jan 27, 2005

There is a problem with my button.
_root.enter_btn.onRelease = function() {
_root.up_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
_root.up_mc._alpha += 5;
if (_root.up_mc._alpha>100) {
[Code] .....
This code works only ONE time) the second time i'm pressing the button - no effect.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Trigger A Button's Over State Without The Mouse For A Specified Time?

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to trigger a button's over state (i.e. play the over state movie clip for about 4 seconds and then return to the up state) without the mouse event.

The playing of the movie clip would occur when an Action Script cue point in an flv was reached. I think I have the right code for the cue point handling, but have no idea how to specify the over state of a button, or how to tell it to play for a specified time and then return to it's up state.[code]...

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Professional :: Duplicate A Button Instead Of Building A New One Each Time (navigation)

Mar 19, 2011

I have created a movieclip button which is animated  for all the states I need (up, over, out, etc.) it's made up of text, which is in a movie clip where I have my animations created (actions layer with AS3 script, my txt movieclip layer, my hit layer) and then that is inside a movie clip in my main scene.Is it possible to copy that button, so then change the text, Actionscript, instance name, etc?I tried copying the layer (by selecting the frames and copying frames, and pasting to new layer) but when I make any changes, it changes both copies!

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