ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Multiple Indexes In An Array?
Jun 2, 2010
I don't seem to be able to find some info regarding this problem of mine anywhere...I would like to be able to access multiple values in an array.Let say I have an array with the index values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.These values will in reality be posts of htmltext for a news section - contained in an external xml-file.I would like to access these "values" like so:0, 1, 2 and then if you click a forward button the next three indexes 3, 4, 5 & so on. There will also be a back button with reverse functionality. I'm guessing a for loop?This loads the correct indexes the 1:st time.[code]...
But my problem is when clicking the buttons - how do I add and subtract from the var i? The problem is also when reaching the end & there might be just a single post or so instead of 3 - how can all of this be solved? Or does anyone now of a tutorial similar to my problem. I've found some tutorials but they only deal with one post at a time...
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var myArray:Array = new Array(10)
myArray[8, 9, 10].visible = false
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Aug 5, 2009
I just have another really quick question about Arrays, this time about Sorting them. I have just re- written my code to work for matching values from 2 arrays and then adding them to the screen.
however it seems as my matching is way off, it matches the items that are at the same index, which is not always the case
The output for the matches, which should be side by sideis as follows (which is incorrect) Therfore i am trying to find values at diffrent index levels
I tried to sort the Array, but it seems as though the array, cannot be sorted the way i want it. I simply wanted to sort it Acending, but changing it to lowecase would not do what i needed it to do.
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package {
import flash.display.*;
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
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Feb 18, 2012
so i have an array containing many instances. let's say movieclips.
and i have another array which contains this case those numbers represent selected indices that i've somehow chosen!
var manydots:Array = new Array ();
for (var i=0; i<10; i++)
var newDot:dot = new dot ;
var indices:Array = [0,1,5,8,4]
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Mar 7, 2012
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Nov 4, 2007
im having difficulties calculating the distance between array indexes. for example:
chararray = new Array(" ", "_", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z");
this is my array... and now i want to calculate the distance between 'X' and ' @'. This should be 6. How should this be calculated?
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Aug 17, 2003
ahmed = []
ahmed["a"] = "sdf"
ahmed["b"] = "asd"
trace(ahmed.length) // outputs 0
a) Why does the first piece trace 0 instead of 2?
b) How would i loop through an array where the indexes are literal (not numbers)
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May 19, 2011
In PHP you can do something like this:
Array1 = 0,0,3,6,6,6,7,8,8,9
Then loop through Array1 and set the keys of Array2
Array2[0] = true;
Array2[3] = true;
Array2[6] = true;
Array2[7] = true;
Array2[8] = true;
Array2[9] = true;
Array2.count = 6;
But doing a similar thing in AS3 would result in a count of 10 (true,,,, true,,,, true, true, true, true) as all of the keys that are not set are counted. Is there a way of doing this without using any more loops? or Functions, simplicity and efficiently are important here.
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textfield.text = "Some Text";
textfield.textColor = 0x0000FF;
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Mar 20, 2009
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Aug 5, 2009
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Nov 17, 2005
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Jul 20, 2011
I have the following code that loads MovieClips to the stage:
Let's say I have 18 MovieClips and on the 18th MovieClip I have a button that I need to access. How would I do that? The following doesn't work:
Actionscript Code:"mouseUp", goHome);
Gives error: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
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Aug 16, 2010
I am new to actionscript. I have a movie clip (mc)in my library. The Movieclip has a dynamic text whose instance is "dynamic_txt". I need to create copies of movieclip and each dynamic_txt within that mc, want to assign a value.
for (i=1 , i< 20, i++) {
mymc = mc add i;
duplicatemovieclip(mc, mymc,10);
_level0.mymc.dynamic_txt.text = i
However, "_level0.mymc.dynamic_txt.text = i " is giving me compilation error. Will it be
_level0.['mymc'].dynamic_txt.text = i
_level0.'mymc'.dynamic_txt.text = i
or anything else. I have tried few combination and either its compilation error or not working as required.
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Sep 20, 2010
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So originally the code I was using to access them was
_root.folioholdermc["img"+i]._alpha //thanks to Ned Murphy
now I need to access them as
this.img2._alpha //due to a path change
I tried using
this.img[i]._alpha but this is not working.
I want to put this in a loop where I moves from 1 to 29.
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May 10, 2009
I've been having a few problems with accessing an array from a different function.
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This is from the "Main" Document class:
package {
import flash.display.*;
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Sep 13, 2011
I'm having trouble accessing the turnQueue array which is being updated in the first function and accessed in the second, no idea what the rules are between functions for actionscript. Heres the code, I want the turnQueue to be growing as keys are pressed, and at the moment its not updating from the first function.
public function keyListener(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
trace("Key Entered");
if (e.keyCode > 36 && e.keyCode < 41) {
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May 10, 2009
I am fairly new to actionscript, I've been having a few problems with accessing an array from a different function.
The array I want to use is from the makeFly function, which generates instances of the Fly MovieClip. I want to access the array from the paperSwing function, which should test for a collision between the mouse cursor and the fly movieclip, and then if true remove the instance. This is the part where I'm having a bit of trouble, I'm not sure of how to access the array "name[i]".[code]...
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Jul 16, 2009
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Jun 16, 2010
I am trying to play movie clips from an array. I can do this using randObj[1] but would like to use a variable randObj[i] to play the movie clips. I do not want to use root. I think something is wrong with the syntax i am using because randObj[i] comes back undefined when i trace it. Here is the code i am using
var randObj:Array = new Array("obj1", "obj2", "obj3");
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Aug 12, 2010
In AS2, you used to be able to access an array using a string variable by putting it in [].[code]...
Is there a way to do this in AS3 without having to create pointers and references?
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Sep 13, 2011
I'm having trouble accessing the turnQueue array which is being updated in the first function and accessed in the second, no idea what the rules are between functions for actionscript. Heres the code, I wanted the turnQueue to be growing as keys are pressed, and at the moment its not updating from the first function.
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Feb 21, 2010
I need some kind of command to access everything inside an array, mabe something like: myarray["everything"]._x=3
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Jul 9, 2011
I need to access the elements of an array that is declared in the main swf(_level0). But I need to change it from another swf.How can I do it??So far I have this:
var vector1:Array = [biblio_vid1, biblio_vid2, biblio_vid3, btn_1_4, biblio_vid4];
var vector2:Array = _level0.vector1.slice();
trace(vector2); // undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined
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