Arrays :: Count Only Set Indexes Using Loops

May 19, 2011

In PHP you can do something like this:
Array1 = 0,0,3,6,6,6,7,8,8,9

Then loop through Array1 and set the keys of Array2
Array2[0] = true;
Array2[3] = true;
Array2[6] = true;
Array2[7] = true;
Array2[8] = true;
Array2[9] = true;
Array2.count = 6;

But doing a similar thing in AS3 would result in a count of 10 (true,,,, true,,,, true, true, true, true) as all of the keys that are not set are counted. Is there a way of doing this without using any more loops? or Functions, simplicity and efficiently are important here.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sorting Multiple Arrays At Different Indexes?

Aug 5, 2009

I just have another really quick question about Arrays, this time about Sorting them. I have just re- written my code to work for matching values from 2 arrays and then adding them to the screen.
however it seems as my matching is way off, it matches the items that are at the same index, which is not always the case
The output for the matches, which should be side by sideis as follows (which is incorrect) Therfore i am trying to find values at diffrent index levels
I tried to sort the Array, but it seems as though the array, cannot be sorted the way i want it. I simply wanted to sort it Acending, but changing it to lowecase would not do what i needed it to do.

This is the code, matchInfo function should do all the work

package {
import flash.display.*;
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Count Number Of Loops A Scene Goes Through?

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Comparing Arrays And Loops

Nov 29, 2010

The scenario is to create a lotto game that matches 6 user inputted numbers with 7 randomly generated numbers. The 7th number is a special case (eg bonus ball) WOULD LIKE TO SHOW A KIND HEARTED FALSH GENIUS ALL OF THE SCRIPT IF POSS! (its not tooo long) This code works, but it just outputs the default message: There seems to be a problem with my arrays not comparing? Part of the code is: (prioir to this the user inputs numbers, they are copied to text areas beginning with O, on a button press) On a second button press randomly generated number appear to a timer. //compareResult checks how many numbers match between the two sets of numbers to determine winnings.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Arrays And For Loops Maybe?

Sep 14, 2005

I would've thought of a better title but I honestly have no idea what's going on. I have this code on the main timeline:

dots = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {


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AS3 :: Variable Naming With Loops And Arrays?

Aug 1, 2009

I am wanting to create an array. 10 values in it (couting from 0 index to 9). Each 'place holder' will have a corresponding value to it;s index i.e.

myArray[1]=1 etc...

I can do that in a for loop. But then I want to attach each value to a single variable name. I then want to change that each variable to a string. I then want access to all the variables outside of the for loop.

var i:Number;
var aArray:Array = new Array();
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {


The output error is 1084: expecting identifier before aArray.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calculator (arrays And Loops)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stuck With Loops And Arrays

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I'm playing with arrays in the dynamic loop, but i really have no clue to what i'm doing. Can someone take a look at my loop code, i'm getting all my individual widths but i don't know what to do with them. In the cas e below i get item 1 and 2 in position but the rest are not moving![code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Associative Arrays And For Loops Together

Apr 24, 2006

I have regarding associative arrays. Basically, I'm trying to use the current index of a for loop, which is looping through xml attributes, as the key for an associative array.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How Arrays And For Loops Work Together

Apr 4, 2011

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var rainDropArray = new Array();
for(var i:int=0; i<100; i++) {
var rainDrop:RainDrop = new RainDrop();
rainDrop.x = Math.random() * 550;


View 6 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Associative Arrays And For Loops

Feb 25, 2012

I was trying something out, and came across a little error. I wrote the following code to create an array and, using each value of that array, create an associative array for the values of xVelocity and yVelocity.[code]But I get an error from that as well. I think I understand basically why this doesn't work, but I'm wondering if, given the spirit of what I'm trying to do, you can think of a working alternative.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Functions With Loops And Arrays?

Feb 9, 2009

I want to loop through a array to call my functions, but can't get the syntax right?

var myArray:Array = ['function1()', 'function2()'];
for (var key:String in myArray){
// I want to call the function here

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Functions With Loops And Arrays?

Feb 9, 2009

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Flash - Using Loops, Arrays And IEventDispatcher With URLRequest?

Dec 10, 2009

So basically I have this map. On this map I have points, and when you click on these points it goes to a URL.The code setup is as follows:

Arrays to define the movieclip locations and another for the urls (this one is an associative array). I then create a function loop to make an event listener for each point. When the point is clicked it will run another function that handles the URLs. The URL function is to grab the target point that has been click, use the url array type to find the key, and then throw it in to the URLRequest.

So far I have this code:

var places:Array = new Array();
places = [
map.paulsens, map.paraburdoo, map.plutonic, map.wiluna, map.gwalia, map.wallaby,
map.sunrise, map.moora, map.marvel, map.flyingFox, map.ernest, map.rosebery,


So it's obvious to me that the openLink(); function isn't doing what I want it to. I can kind of guess because isn't being turned in to a string or not pulling the array's type?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: A Menu With Loops - Arrays And MADNESS [CS4]

May 13, 2009

it's a scrolling list with a series of movieclips within it which are each different items. When you click one of the items, that movieclip that you have clicked runs a little function which tells it to move 10 pixels to the right smoothly. It also checks to see if any of the other movieclips have been previously selected, and if they have, it runs a function that tells them to move back 10 pixels to the left.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling And Referencing Arrays And For Loops

Jan 13, 2010

I am dynamically generating buttons and textfields using an array and a for loop. It all works well and creates buttons and textfields ... but once they are created is there a way I can cast them to a movieclip so that I can then control the visibility etc.

Here's the code:
//define variables
var _buttons:Buttons;
var _buttonsX:Number;
var _buttonsY:Number;
var textArray:Array = new Array()
[Code] ......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: For Loops And Arrays - Run The Specific Animation Of Enemy

Oct 31, 2009

how can i find out from a for loop that which object from the array has been hit; For eg - i have 2 enemies in an array and i run a for loop


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Mc's On Stage That Were Created Using A Loops And Arrays?

Feb 4, 2010

basically what im trying to do is create a jigsaw game, simple eh! i have nothing on the stage at compile time, only four items in the library. these are four different puzzle pieces with export names of "piece01" "piece02" "piece03" and "piece04". my AS goes like this:

ActionScript Code:
var puzzlePieces:Array = ["piece01","piece02","piece03","piece04"];
var len:int = puzzlePieces.length;
var pieceList:Array = [];


how do i or what name do i give the addEventListener to? (if that makes sense)
to be able to drag them.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Arrays / Loops To Control Sound Playback?

Jan 28, 2012

Attached I have a small .fla that basically does the following:

1. A button is clicked (calling the playSound function)
2. The sound is then played, also a small instance of the button is called from the AS library and placed within a sprite that is within a movie clip at the bottom. The event listener is also removed from the main button so it can only be called once.
3. When the small instance of the button is pressed (within the sprite) it stops the sound, removes the icon and re enables the buttons event listener.

It all works fine, and it is worth mentioning I am still new to Flash but getting to understand it more. I plan on having 20 buttons on the screen, and surely theres an easier way then having 20 functions, all more or less doing the same thing!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Using Arrays/loops To Control Sound Playback?

May 22, 2010

1. a button is clicked (calling the playSound function)2. the sound is then played, also a small instance of the button is called from the AS library and placed within a sprite that is within a movie clip at the bottom. The event listener is also removed from the main button so it can only be called once.3. when the small instance of the button is pressed (within the sprite) it stops the sound, removes the icon and re enables the buttons event listener.It all works fine, and it is worth mentioning i am still new to Flash but getting to understand it more (after a little bit of light hearted abuse from a few members ). What i am struggling to understand is how to 'streamline' my code. I plan on having 20 buttons on the screen, and surely theres an easier way then having 20 functions, all more or less doing the same thing!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Event Listeners To MovieClips - Arrays And For Loops

Jan 31, 2010

I'd like to add event listeners to movieclips (already on the stage), whose names are called from an array one by one, into a for loop.

// there are 4 movielcips on the stage with name a1 - a4.
// create array
var Bro:Array = ["a1","a2","a3","a4"];
// for loop
for ( var i:Number = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// Add event listener to array values to buttons.
Bro[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, roll, false, 0, true);
//execute this function on rollover
function roll() {
trace("why wont my arrays work in for loops");

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AS3 :: Algorithm - Total Count Of Merged Similar Sub Arrays

Nov 5, 2011

I've got what should be a simple problem I can't quiet get my head around: Say I have these array values (could change, but same basic structure):


The sub array could go deeper, or it could be less, but it's always a matter of comparing within the subarray to get the goal. The answer I'm after is a count of total matched groups. So since there is a 4 and 3 together all 4 and 3s would simply count as a 1. My expected result from the above would be 3 (a count of total unique groups). All the 0s are 1, all the 3 and 4s merge together to be 2 and the 6 are 3. I just care the value is 3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Arrays & Loops - Can't Get To Check The Rest Of The DataInputs And Toggle Their Circles

Oct 14, 2009

Inside each dataInput is a button that sets the var "varSumNum" to 1 or 2, retain or dismiss respectively. If I set varSumNum to 2 the retain button will hide the corresponding circleMC, but the circles need to toggle visible/invisible individually. This works fine on circleMC1, but I can't get it to check the rest of the dataInputs and toggle their circles. To clarify further, it needs to check each dataInput and if 2 & 4 are set to 1 circle 2 & 4 are removed.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Arrays And For Loops To Generate Multiple Buttons For Loading Images?

Sep 22, 2009

I have this array that contains the names of various images I want to load into Flash

var imageArray:Array=["image1","image2","image3","image4","image5","image 6","image7","image8","image9","image10"];

Now I want to create 10 different buttons with each button loading in an image. I know there's a way to do this with a for loop without having to make 10 different buttons and writing 10 different functions. Not sure how to correlate the members imageArray with the generated btns.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Arrays N Loops - Movieclips To Hide Except For The Movieclip Similar To The Clicked Button

May 30, 2011


I'm stucked here. I want the font type "BauhausMedium" to apply when ft_01 is clicked, font type "Haettenschweiler" to apply when ft_02 is clicked, etc... at the same time I want all" ft_01a", "ft_02a", "ft_03a" movieclips to hide except for the movieclip similar to the clicked button. E.g. if "ft_02" was clicked ft_02a to be visible =true and rest to be visible = false (ft_01a, ft_03a).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Var Count = 1 | Count++ && Count?

Jan 19, 2011

I'm trying to make a volume button for my site and it looks something like this:

- ||||| +

i want the volume bar to start filled and when the user hits the minus button it lowers the volume and when it hit plus it takes the volume up well when I go down and up the volume bars start to get just works when I go down the whole way and after it goes up the whole way, when I change direction on the midle of the path it jumps some bars...

volDown.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menosVol);
volUp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, maisVol);
var cliques:uint = 0
if (cliques == 7){


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Actionscript 3 :: Using AddChild With An Array Containing Indexes?

Feb 18, 2012

so i have an array containing many instances. let's say movieclips.

and i have another array which contains this case those numbers represent selected indices that i've somehow chosen!

var manydots:Array = new Array ();
for (var i=0; i<10; i++)
var newDot:dot = new dot ;
var indices:Array = [0,1,5,8,4]

i want to use AddChild to add those movieclips into my scene, but not all of them, only selected indices contained in my 2nd array

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Multiple Indexes In An Array?

Jun 2, 2010

I don't seem to be able to find some info regarding this problem of mine anywhere...I would like to be able to access multiple values in an array.Let say I have an array with the index values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.These values will in reality be posts of htmltext for a news section - contained in an external xml-file.I would like to access these "values" like so:0, 1, 2 and then if you click a forward button the next three indexes 3, 4, 5 & so on. There will also be a back button with reverse functionality. I'm guessing a for loop?This loads the correct indexes the 1:st time.[code]...

But my problem is when clicking the buttons - how do I add and subtract from the var i? The problem is also when reaching the end & there might be just a single post or so instead of 3 - how can all of this be solved? Or does anyone now of a tutorial similar to my problem. I've found some tutorials but they only deal with one post at a time...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Automatically Reversing Child Indexes?

Feb 9, 2009

I have to reverse the display order of a number of MovieClipsin a container. Somehow I cannot figure out how to do this as whenI use a loop construct and count through all Children I will always"pre"-alter the Indexes of the children still to come.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Matching Array Indexes During Events?

Mar 7, 2012

This is a somewhat modified excerpt of code I'm trying to implement:

public class View extends Sprite


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