I am new to actionscript. I have a movie clip (mc)in my library. The Movieclip has a dynamic text whose instance is "dynamic_txt". I need to create copies of movieclip and each dynamic_txt within that mc, want to assign a value.
for (i=1 , i< 20, i++) { mymc = mc add i; duplicatemovieclip(mc, mymc,10); _level0.mymc.dynamic_txt.text = i }
However, "_level0.mymc.dynamic_txt.text = i " is giving me compilation error. Will it be _level0.['mymc'].dynamic_txt.text = i or _level0.'mymc'.dynamic_txt.text = i or anything else. I have tried few combination and either its compilation error or not working as required.
i'm trying to tween a movie clip, there are multiple, called clipsArray0, 1, 3 etc.. i can pull back the number via creating a listener but when i try and tween this i get an error as the propriety if a String.
How do i get the String name to reference the movieclip with the same name?
clipsArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, makeListener("clipsArray" + i)); function makeListener(name:String):Function{ return function (event:Event):void{
I'm working on a picture of cell phone, which I want users to be able to click on the number pad and have the numbers appear on the screen. Seems simple enough but I'm having trouble making the numbers appear in order just like phones in real life do. For instance, the screen starts with four *'s until "1" is clicked, then when the next number is clicked(let's say 3) I want the screen to display "13**" and so on.What I have is a movieclip with 11 frames (* and numbers 0 to 9), and 4 copies of them are each named p1,p2,p3,p4. They would be on the cell phone "screen" and display numbers clicked by the user. Then I have buttons acting as number pad with actionscript as follows:
ActionScript Code: //for button "1" on (release) {
I am thying to create a movieClip class that has a button attached at the right corner, and then load multiple instances at the stage. My problem is, that although one MovieClip is loaded correctly, all the rest have no button attached! How is that possible? what am i doing wrong???Also i would like to note, that besides the button i am attaching one more movieclip with and image (from a loader)Let me show you what I mean:
package multi{ public class Multi extends MovieClip{ var rightButton:SimpleButton=new SimpleButton();
I'd like to build a fairly simple website where the pages fade between each other, after looking around and remembering what I could from having Flash MX (can't remember which release) all those years ago I figured the best way would be something like this:
Pages as movieclips, these would be placed inside the stage, i.e. with space around them, and buttons along on side which, when clicked will fade in one 'page', and fade out any others where the alpha is at 1.
That way, using only one frame in the main timeline and not having to create fading tweens in each movieclip I can navigate freely between the pages in any order.
I managed to get to the point where I have two buttons and to movieclips, when the first button is pressed a 'page' fades in, and when the next is pressed the first 'page' fades out as the second fades in. However the fade out is delayed and much slower than the fade in, rather than faster as it should be.
Here's the AS page2btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_MouseClickHandler_4); function fl_MouseClickHandler_4(event:MouseEvent):void {
how I might restructure this to get a the visual results I want in the most efficient manner?
I have a spreadsheet represented with three bitmaps within mcs. I'm using an mc with four directional buttons to allow scrolling (x and Y). The complication comes when I want the header to move on the x axis, but not the y axis. Also, I've got an mc with the row title column and I want that to move on the y axis, but not the x axis. This should be easy, but it is not for me. I've tried using an array, but with my onEnterFrame/incremental movement, how to break out of the onEnterFrame. I've also tried a function call as seen below. I can get things to move, but not quite right, tweaking only makes things worse. This one will move both of my mc's on the y axis, but only after clicking three times. The on the reverse trip, the mc moves jumps up and then increments correctly, only with that initial jump offset.
Let me show you my code (these variables are supplied by the loaded MC): Code: _level0.maxDown = -271; _level0.stepY = 140.334; _level0.maxUp = 150; _level0.maxRight = -323; _level0.maxLeft = 0; [Code] .....
This seems like someting I should already know but I am working on a user interface that I want to be skinable. I have about 8 different graphical elements and I want to change the appearance of these 8 different movieClips just by clicking a single button. I thought I would just create a new keyframe in my main time line and then manipulate the movieClips but that changed the appearance of the movie clip on frame 1 as well. Clarification: I want to change the color of my user interface background and I want to change the color of some clickable images as well. I want frame 1 to have a white background and I want frame 2 to have a red background. Do I need to create more movie clips and drag them onto my stage or can I just use the existing movieClips since all I really want to do is change colors?
I have a group of 16 images that I would like to load 1 of each into each movieclip. I want image1 to be inside of visual1, image 2 inside of visual2, and so on. the images are named like, 1960s_(1).png where the 1960 (year) part is coming from the rangeNum variable. The above gives me this error: 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild through a reference with static type int.
I have 50 images that need to be on stage, which will be embedded into 50 different movie clips. I named the movie clips image1-image50 and the images are in an external folder named 1-50. Every freaking article or tutorial I have found clearly explains how to upload one image, or just one at a time. I can do that, and spend 2 days renaming all the functions, but I do not want to do that. Is there a better way to just load all 50 images, place them accordingly?
I have 24 movie clips on the stage: my_menu.image_holder_mc1 thru my_menu.image_holder_mc24. I want to load an image in each one. How do I identify the holder which to add a child.
The Code I have so far is....
Code: for (var i:Number=1; i<=24;i++){ var myLoader:Loader = new Loader(); myLoader.name = "image_"+i;
import flash.net.navigateToURL; import flash.net.URLRequest; button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, action); function action(e:MouseEvent):void { var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("novosti.php"); navigateToURL( request, "_self"); }
button is instance name of symbol - button, and like that script doesnot work there is error 1009:cannot access.....but when i put symbol with instance name button in form of movie clip, script works.
I have a good bit of knowledge regarding OOP underneath my belt, and working with AS3 has so far been pretty awesome. That being said I am having a little bit of trouble working with Inverse Kinematic structures and AS3.Here is my predicament:
So what I would like to have is a number of tentacles on the stage that reach out for the mouse cursor. Through all the tutorials and whatnot that I have sorted through thus far I have gotten it working, however I have only gotten it working when the armatures are placed in the main scene. I have made a tentacle movie clip that has an armature within it and placed a number of those within the scene. I can modify the positions of the endJoints of those tentacle movie clips by gaining reference to the respective armatures using the following [code]...
I have imported a swf (not created with Flex, i.e. non-framework) into a Flex application. Once loaded, I would like to access movieclips within that imported swf. [URL].. it seems straightforward; however, their examples are between a Flex app and an imported swf (created with Flex).
Like their example, I'm trying to use the SystemManager to access the imported swf's content; however, I receive the following error:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::MovieClip@58ca241 to mx.managers.SystemManager. Is this error occurring because I'm importing a non-framework swf into a framework swf?
I'm new to actionscript 3 and I'm trying to get a few simple things going, such as setting variables in other movieclips... So let's say I have an "apple" movieclip on the root/stage, and I want to access other variables on the root, or in other movieclips. How would I do that? In actionscript 2, I would use something like
_root.thisVar = 1; _parent.thisVar = 1; and with other movie clips I would use
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "brick1" to flash.display.MovieClip.so I tried tracing e.target.name and it gave me the correct instance names for each movieclip, however when I try moving the object with then it gives me the above error.
I have a flash with animations playing one after another. Say animation 1 finishes and i have a button which says Play Next named as playNext when i add the below code playNext.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,functio n(){gotoAndPlay("indexFade");}); on the last frame or the first frame ater stop it says ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable btnChallange is not defined. at FB_index_fla::MainTimeline/FB_index_fla::frame1()
I'm trying to simply access anything inside this loaded SWF and all I get is 'null'.
I have code in the parent SWF that needs to tell the child SWF movieclip what to do but nothing works. This was a piee of cake in AS2 and I can't seem to get anything to crossover in AS3.
Here's my code:
import com.greensock.TweenMax; import flash.display.MovieClip; var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
panel2 traces null and all the clips loaded within pull up undefined property errors.
Basically, I have some functions in my as file. Some of them play with a mc instance. The instance is not available when calling the function that uses it as callback.
AS function B(){ ExternalInterface.call('console.log','ok')//OK!!! } //italy is a MovieClip on the Main timeline function A(){ B(); ExternalInterface.call('console.log',italy)//Error! } ExternalInterface.addCallback('test',A);
JS $('flash').test();//flash is my html swf object
The error I get trying to reference italy from A (only) whem called from javascript: Uncaught exception: Error in Actionscript. Basically, the italy movieclip is available through the AS functions. But it isn't available if I call an AS function from javascript. As you can see though, I see B from A. It's only Italy that I can't see. why?
I'm creating a card game and I need to use graphics from the library. All the movieclips have their linkage setup. How do I access the library movieclips from a class?
Say we have a set of similar MovieClips in the library that all use the same base class, such as Car(). Each of these clips in the library contain nested clips, such as windows. Now, different cars can have a different number of windows (an SUV is larger than a smart car), and thus a different number of nested MovieClips. How would one create a list of all the nested MovieClips in a parent clip dynamically? In AS2, for...in was sufficient for this, like so:
Code: for(var i in this) { trace(i); //If called at the beginning of a constructor, this would output only the nested
I'm Trying to develop a small game where the user chooses from a range of boxes of the left of screen and can drag 3 of them separatley to 3 holding boxes on ther right. each box can be dragged to any location and the order is not important. Once the 3 holding boxes are all full I want a new button to appear. I completed a tutorial and I've got one box working perfectly but no matter what i try I can't get it working with multiple boxes and locations. Below is a list of the instance names of the movie clips plus my actionscript. I've attached a link to the flash file.
box 1 = "circle_mc" box 2 = "circle_mc2" both the grey boxes are called = "targetCircle"
add some functionality to the presentation template. Currently you can only move from one page to the next. So if I want an animation on a page, no problem I'll just add a stop script at the end. No big deal. But if I want Multiple animations (just trying to replace powerpoint here) then I get into trouble.
Each page is one frame on the main timeline. Hitting left/right goes to the next frame, unless the movieclip on that frame also has additional frames. Then it should move to the next frame within that, etc.
I can't figure out that if statement though. I had another bit of script going on my first go, but ran into some issues so thought it best to create all of the scripting on the main timeline. Initially I created a boolean variable, then ran an if statement. Inside of a movieclip I switched the boolean and used the same keyboard interaction to walk through it. On the last frame of that movieclip, I switched the boolean back so the main timeline interaction kicked in again. The problem is, that's a Lot of copying and pasting of that code, and I can't figure out how to go through more than one parent. I just couldn't get it to work.
Should I just be building this thing in a Completely different way? I need to make something, so for now I'm splitting up each frame that I need different animations on and creating a different movieclip for each section. Ideally that would be contained in one movieclip's timeline. Currently one each animation's interaction will be on a timeline. So I have to duplicate the slide to add an animation. So if I have a title come in, then a pie chart, then an image, then another piece of text, I'll be stuck with 4 separate movie clips.
I want something like:if current movie clip current frame is == total frames, clicking right goes to next frame, else go to next frame of it's parent's timeline.I say the parent and not stage because the way you have to set up transitions only works within a movieclip. So you have to set up the entire slideshow within a movieclip if you want transitions between each slide. Right? I don't care about transitions for now, but will want control of those eventually.
I have 30-40 movie clips that I want to reshape. They are all identical except for color and name. Is there a batch way to duplicate the entire library but change the shape without going into each one?
I have a few movieClips and I would like them to play one after the other. [At end of MovieClip play next movieClip]. Using AS3 to Tween, this is my first Clip props. import fl.transitions.Tween; import fl.transitions.easing.*; var myTween:Tween = new Tween(FloatRight_mc, "x", Regular.easeOut, 22.00, 495.95, 3, true); var myTweenAlpha:Tween = new Tween(FloatRight_mc, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 3, true); How do I get the next movieClip to start playing before its completion, and so on?
I am a newbie in flash Action script2can anyone please tell me that how can i duplicate a movieclip to as much numbers i want through out the stage using actionscript2. i have searched lots of posts in sites but i can't get it