ActionScript 3.0 :: Advanced Webcam Filter?

Jan 24, 2011

Is there any way of using bitmapdata or any other method to take a persons webcam and output it with a filter that for example looks like the graphic pen filter in photoshop? Or should I just stop this thought and crawl back in the cave?

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IDE :: Filter Is Using Too Much Memory - Apply The Filter To Only A Specific Area Of A Movieclip?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FMX Advanced Buttons (mcs)

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I'd like to know if there is a way to do the following: have a movieclip to act as a button, that is:

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Advanced Use Of Document Class?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Advanced After Effects And Flash

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im getting this error when i export the file:[Tweener] Error: The property 'frame' doesn't seem to be a normal object property of [object ticket_1] or a registered special property.same error to the original download from the site?i did download "caurina" to my AS folder.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A Advanced Preloader To Splash.swf

Jul 26, 2004

I have two HTML pages, each with a .swf movie on them. The first page has the splash .swf intro movie on it. I want to add a preloader to splash.swf that loads main.swf which is on main.html which loads when you click ENTER. I don't know if this is possible or not. The reason I have 2 seperate .swf's on seperate pages is because I need a different background color for each page. If this can't be done then I would be interested in just loading the main.swf into the user's cache as soon as they open the first page so that it acts as a preloader. I uploaded it to [URL]. The .swf's might not load correctly on mac's for some reason, but should be fine on a PC (no clue why).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Doing The Advanced Colour Tweening?

May 9, 2006

Im currently building a site for a FIJI Sailing Tour....[URL]As you can see in the above URL, I have 2 photos colour tweening in the timeline from one to the other, in a loop, easy, but. How do I create that exact same effect with Actionscript? Without animating the photos in the timeline?

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- quickly preload the 1st photo then colour fade in,

- stall for 10 seconds,

- then start preloading the next photo,

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b1.onRelease = function() {

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IDE :: Any Tutorials For Xml Galleries With Advanced Loading?

Mar 30, 2010

I downloaded and am using kirupa's flash gallery with xml. It works/looks great. but i'd like to have it behave a little differently. i've seen sites where the thumbnails continue to change their alpha indicating they are loaded and loading while i'm viewing an image. are there any tutorials/samples out there for that? i simply want to see how it would all work together. maybe having 10 thumbnails and an image using xml.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Advanced Drag And Drop?

May 30, 2011

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Because there are multiple targets with dynamic names I don't which target will be hit.

E.g. there are multiple tracks and a use can drag one of 3 trains over any of the tracks, how can I detect which train and which track are colliding?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Advanced Sound Control?

Oct 3, 2002

I have three sounds I want to use in my preloader and main movie - I have the first (sound1) looping until the entire movie has loaded and it then starts another (sound2) (same as the first loop but it is just now playing more instruments) and it will play (sound2) once and then go on to (sound3) which is the main loop I want to play on my site - all of these sounds are sequencial to eachother so seamlessness is very important - is there a way to maximize the sound control with action script so everything plays seamless?

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Why Have Color Effect Advanced Values Been Capped In CS4

May 29, 2009

Up until CS4 the Colour effects dialog box was incredibly powerful. These 8 little fields were never the most intuitive, and it took a lot of fiddling before I realised their true power: the first column basically controls the contrast of an asset - and the 2nd column controls the brightness.Using these experimentally, you can acheive inverted colours, high contrast effects and colourising effect far superior to tints(see image).Well, you USED to be able to - when you could put high numbers in those fields.But the CS4 version of these controls caps any entered values to 100% and 255 respectively.It seems that it is only an effect of the interface - as I can cut and paste clips with the old settings from CS3 into CS4 and they display correctly.Is this an oversight on Adobe's part, or is there another explanation for the loss of a great design feature?

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Flash :: Advanced Animation Part-time Course?

Oct 21, 2010

I am primarily a programmer, a games programmer by trade who happened to pick up Flash on the side and later through a series of coincidences became a full time flash developer. Most of my work thus far has been code heavy, and has focussed on such things as interacting with web services, localization with xml files, flash video, streaming video, networking etc.

My employer recently lost one of its contractors who built a lot of animation heavy flash apps for them, and as I know my way around the Flash IDE quite well, and have created fairly complex animations in the past, they have asked me to assume a more animation orientated role. To this end, they have offered to send me on courses to get up to speed with Flash animation.

As I know probably 90-95% of Flash's capabilities, and am comfortable with animating / easing / masking / filters / tweening and how to produce these effects programmatically, my interest would lie in a course that teaches fairly advanced uses / best practices of flash. For instance, I find that there are many ways to do things in Flash, but only a few approaches that will get you there without the entire IDE coming to a grinding halt (shape hints is a good one, or perhaps an approach has forced you into a corner with many tweened animations which now need a small alteration made to all of them).

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Flex :: How To Create Overlay In Advanced Grid

Oct 6, 2009

I'd like to know how to create an "overlay" in Flex's Advanced Grid? See the sample here [URL].

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Flex :: Advanced DataGrid Image Renderer?

Jan 12, 2010

I need to develop Advanced Datagrid like the below attached image. So I had developed the Grid with some columns but do not know how to rendering the image in the result part of the grid. how to rendering the images in the result part.

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Flex :: Drag&Drop In Advanced DataGrid?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a Advanced DataGrid for displaying the number of rows from the Database and one row strictly should not allowed drag option. Is is possible

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Flex :: Advanced Datagrid And Displying The 10 Records?

Jul 19, 2010

I have a advanced datagrid and displying the 10 records. but when loading the data, the first record should be selected.

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Java :: Resources For Advanced LCDS Topics?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm looking to bone up my LCDS knowledge, but find that resources for anything beyond simple examples is lacking.

NIO configuration on LCDS
Configuring LCDS as an Edge server
Configuring LCDS in a cluster, and appropriate fail-over strategies
Advanced assemblers
Strategies for managing high-throughput applications
Advanced JMS integration

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