Flash :: Advanced Animation Part-time Course?
Oct 21, 2010
I am primarily a programmer, a games programmer by trade who happened to pick up Flash on the side and later through a series of coincidences became a full time flash developer. Most of my work thus far has been code heavy, and has focussed on such things as interacting with web services, localization with xml files, flash video, streaming video, networking etc.
My employer recently lost one of its contractors who built a lot of animation heavy flash apps for them, and as I know my way around the Flash IDE quite well, and have created fairly complex animations in the past, they have asked me to assume a more animation orientated role. To this end, they have offered to send me on courses to get up to speed with Flash animation.
As I know probably 90-95% of Flash's capabilities, and am comfortable with animating / easing / masking / filters / tweening and how to produce these effects programmatically, my interest would lie in a course that teaches fairly advanced uses / best practices of flash. For instance, I find that there are many ways to do things in Flash, but only a few approaches that will get you there without the entire IDE coming to a grinding halt (shape hints is a good one, or perhaps an approach has forced you into a corner with many tweened animations which now need a small alteration made to all of them).
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Aug 18, 2009
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Aug 18, 2009
I'd like to find the best way to calculate the actual time for the animation to be played. In my scenario, I have a button to start animation and button to stop it. Animation is set to run 3 second. I'd like to know how long the animation did ran after I press the stop button.
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Jun 26, 2011
In the timeline I have a main menu on frame 1 and four subsections on frames 10,20,30, and 40. I have four buttons on the main menu label("button001"; "button002";"button003", and "button004"), each one is sending the movie to a specific label (i.e: "section001", frame 10; "section002", frame 20; "section003", frame 30; and "section004", frame 40). In each one of those specific frames/labels (10,20,30,and 40) I have a movie clip that contains the section. It starts with a simple animation and ends in a stop. And this is what I want to do: play the animation just once.
Let's say in the main menu; when pressing one of the four buttons, the movie goes to one of those specific frames and the animation starts. For instance, I press "button001" and send my movie to the "section001" label. Then I return to the main menu and press again the "button001"; I don't want the animation to play again, I want to start in the stop point. So, I think about using some kind of conditional, but it's not working. Inside the "section001" movie, I put the following code on the first frame:
ActionScript Code:
var section001_intro = false;
if (section001_intro = true){
//"section001_stop" is a label I put on the last frame of the movie clip
Then on the last frame, when the movie stops, I wrote this code:
ActionScript Code:
var section001_intro = true;
So, my idea is that the first time the movie is played, the animation is played; then, I indicate in the last frame that the move has been played. next time I go to the "section001" label the movie must skip the animation and go directly to the "section001_stop" label.
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Oct 13, 2004
I am working in Flash5. My problem is that I want my animation to run after every 5 minutes. I mean that when I run my fla file, it should load my animation when 5 minutes has passed, then there should be a break and screen should become blank , and then again after 5 minutes it should appear and run. I want this process to keep on happening.
if this is not possible ,can that be done through HTML code as i want to put it on my web page,what would be the html coding in that case. An IMPORTANT point is that, I want the coding to be in FLASH5,if done in flash. If done in the form of fla file,
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Oct 16, 2006
I have the following code that brings in a movie animation. My problem is that once the animation is finished and the user presses the 'back' button to navigate elsewhere on the website, if they go back to the animation and click the 'great_btn' the animation won't play again.
ActionScript Code:
_root.main_cntr.btns_mc.great_btn.onRelease = function() {
loadscrollIt(); disableBtns(btnArray);
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Apr 29, 2007
I'm trying to figure out how to start a flash animation at 7PM PST every Tuesday PST this animation would signify a 'live chat.' I can't figure how to make it PST specific, or how to do automate it every Tuesday, and I'm not sure if it's possible with just AS2.0 and no php involvement. I looked up the "get.Timeshift" function in the help.
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