Javascript :: Animation Time Base On Width

Dec 16, 2011

i have mentioned that my animation needs to work for 5 sec. On 1024 to 1600 monitor it woks fine. But on smaller monitor it's too fast. How do i slowdown based on screen width. i.e animation needs to calculated based on screen width, say i mention for 1024 width it needs to work for 7 sec. Even if the screen decreases it should work for 7 sec. Again on larger monitor since width is more again and time is less (7 sec) the animation is again fast so here again the time has to be increased.


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vi = Initial Velocity
t = Animation Duration
d = Distance.
end velocity should always be zero

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May 13, 2010

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Flash :: Playing One Sound At A Time In Called From Javascript?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm working on a site, for kids, which has a small avatar in the corner that talks.The avatar is a flash file and the plan is to determine what it says through a mix of javascript and ajax.

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The odd thing is, when I attach the very same code to a button in flash, there seems to be no such limitation. It seems as if it won't store anything in global variables when calling from JavaScript.

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Oct 21, 2010

I am primarily a programmer, a games programmer by trade who happened to pick up Flash on the side and later through a series of coincidences became a full time flash developer. Most of my work thus far has been code heavy, and has focussed on such things as interacting with web services, localization with xml files, flash video, streaming video, networking etc.

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