Javascript :: Detect Time On A Playing Flash Video?
May 13, 2010
I have a video playing on my page. I want to show and hide some div's when the video reaches a certain point. Lets say hide something on 10th second and show it again on 20th second.I can easily do it in HTML5 with video tag and currentTime attribute but for IE I have to create the same functionality and I think with flash based videos (from YouTube or something like that).Is there a way to detect the current time of a video playing on my website, embeded from YouTube, Metacafe or any other video sharing site?I know I could detect it in flash and make it run some JavaScript function but I don't have flash nor have the skills to do it in AS3.
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Code: Select allvar x:XML = new XML();
x.ignoreWhite = true;
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I am using this function
and html code.
<div id="fvideo" class="video">
flash video
actually what i want is that
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{vid:"question2.flv", ans:"supermanhattan"},[code]......
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Here's a fiddle: [URL]
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Mar 5, 2006
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Apr 15, 2011
Is there a way (in javascript) to detect if an embedded .swf was created with Flash Professional or Flex.We have a page with several tabs, each of which can contain an .swf.All tabs are defined within the same HTML file and the javascript framework calls a .rewind() and .play() on the swf when the containing tab becomes active.This works great on regular flash animation, making sure they start playing from the beginning when the tab is opened. On an swf created with Flex however, the rewind and play wreak havoc on the Flex framework and the application doesn't load.
The best way we've come up with to detect Flex is to count the number of frames the .swf has. With flex that's always 2. But this doesn't sound like the best way.We've also tried to add a callback method with ExternalInterface on the Flex application preinitialize event.Unfortunately this event is called quite late in the application startup and the javasctipt code checks the callback before the Flex code has added it.
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Jun 8, 2011
Is there a way I can have JavaScript/jQuery know when a Flash object has been clicked (and still have Flash process the click)?
I tried putting a table on top of the object with position: fixed and a z-index and the object set to param name='wmode' value='transparent' so I could have my JavaScript detect which column was clicked using jQuery's click(), but the clicks were never intercepted by JavaScript (Chromium Linux).
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Feb 15, 2012
I've run across several websites, including mine, that prompt users to download Flash even though their browser cannot install it. I want to avoid this confusing messaging by detecting whether a mobile browser can install Flash, not whether it has Flash.
Some known mobile browsers that can't install Flash are:
iOS Safari
Android Chrome beta
Android Firefox
Instead of building an ever-changing list of Flash installability, I would like to detect this in a general way in Javascript.
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Jul 6, 2009
I've loaded a video into the FLVPlayback component and I'm looking for a way to get the total time and the time played so far and output them to two text fields so the end result would look something like "00:12/00:50".
Right now I'm defining the video by the components inspector but I'm eventually hoping to define this bit by actionscript as well.
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