Using Javascript To Trigger An Animation?

Apr 21, 2009

A website I am developing will have a small animation (say 5-10 seconds minor effect) on the logo at the top of the screen. The logo looks static but when you hover your mouse over it, the animation is played. (This is achieved using the 'button' symbol as the animation within flash).

The client now wants the website's plain text navigation, when hovered over, to trigger the animation to play again. I am a very BASIC user as flash but I believe it is possible to send a javascript call to the swf (i.e. each navigation link will include a "onmouseover=' restartFlashAnimation()'"where I need to define that js function) ...and the swf will recognise the function call and then replay the animation.

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<object width="5px" height="5px">
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[Code] .....

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The following DOES NOT work:


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tab01_mc.buttonMode = true;
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function rollOverTab (event:MouseEvent):void{
var delayTime:int = getTimer();
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And I've got the AS on the button:
on (release) {
Is the button so buried that it's clicking options aren't available?

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Apr 1, 2010

I've been trying to solve this problem for a number of days now but I must be missing something.

Known Variables:
vi = Initial Velocity
t = Animation Duration
d = Distance.
end velocity should always be zero

The function I'm trying to create: D(0...t) = the current distance for a given time

Using this information I want to be able to create a smooth animation curve with varying velocity (ease-in/ease-out).

The animation must be able ease-in from an initial velocity.

The animation must be exactly t seconds and must be travel exactly d units.

The curve should lean towards the average velocity with acceleration occurring at the beginning and the end portions of the curve.

I'm open to extra configuration variables.

The best I've been able to come up with is something that doesn't factor in the initial velocity.

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Nov 19, 2010

My client wants so have a loading animation/movie (already created that in Flash CS5) on the website's start page (root, '/' - the first thing you see when you go to domain.tld).When the animation's finished it should forward to another page (i.e. the real page with the content), e.g. domain.tld/somepage.htm I can do this with, for example, getURL() in Flash and it works fine.

But. Is it possible to kind of preload domain.tld/somepage.htm so the content (almost) instantly appears after the loading animation's finished?Also, a fade-out-fade-in effect would be nice, i.e. the loading animation fades out and the content of domain.tld/somepage.htm fades in.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MX: Trigger A MC Then Wait Then Trigger Another?

Aug 23, 2005

I have an application done in flash- on the main Scene Level, everything has only one frame but I have MCs and the like that are triggered by actionscript.There are quite a few nested functions on the main actions layer as well as an "onEnterFrame" function that reloads XML data in the background, etc... but that is not the problem.

The problem is, that at one point, I am calling a few MCs that kind of close up a section of the page like blinds- and then I want a text to appear ontop of that now closed area... but if I just write...

_root.TextAboveTimeline.theMessage_txt._visible = true; all happens simultaneously, of course.I guess I could check for "BlendeT1"'s (or T2's) current frame (since it's an MC)... but how do I wait while that MC runs / until it reached a certain frame? How can I keep the rest of the actionscript in the main function from continuing?

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Javascript :: Html - Creating A Click Event To Queue Flash Animation?

Mar 16, 2011

I need to create a java/html button that, when pressed, queues my flash animation to begin. I believe I understand how it works on the AS3/ExternalInterface end, but I am unable to test it as I do not know how to properly code something to test it with on the Javascript end.

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Javascript :: Sync HTML Text Or Divs With SWF (Flash Character Animation)?

Mar 7, 2012

I have flash animation (swf) in my HTML Page.

Now, I like to have my flash animated character (700kb) to speak dialogues, the related text should pop and go in the html side of the page.

I've already used this amazing cool script from Text highlight with audio sync in Jquery by Marnix van Valen & HTML5 works cool as he says. BUT, what about flash?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mc.onRollOut - Shows An Animation OnRollOver And An Animation On RollOut But OnRelease The Animation Enlarge Itselfs

Jun 19, 2004

I have a movieclip that shows an animation onRollOver and an animation on RollOut but onRelease the animation enlarge itselfs but now when I'll roll out when the animation isn't open (so i didn't release) the animation plays the animation for the minimizing of the animation. Here's my code (I know its a bit amateuristic but I'm not a programmer )


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Javascript :: Javascript - Target Multiple Objects With A Single Operation Using ECMAScript's `with` Statement?

May 2, 2011

The following doesn't work (although it gives no explicit error), but why not?nd... Is there really no way around it, strictly using the with statement? Forget using for / foreach.

with (object1, object2) {
attribute = value;

Why the code above gives no syntax error, doesn't work but is accepted by with?If it's possible, how could we change multiple objects with same attribute using with?

var object1 = { attribute: 3 };
var object2 = { attribute: 2, method: function() { alert('blah'); } };
var object3 = { method: function() {alert('bleh'); } };


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Javascript :: Insert Javascript Functions To An HTML Document From The Child Flash Swf File?

Jan 29, 2012

I need to execute some javascript string code from flash swf file using actionscript 3.
I read that it could be done by passing the javascript code to the parent html document , using function. Then I assume it will be faster if I can declare functions in the javascript code in the HTML document in the first use of funtion ; if flash code calls the javascript code repeatedly. So let me ask you how to do that. For details , any javascript to be loaded is unknown in design time and I can not prepare a javascript file to be loaded.

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Javascript :: Unable To Communicate With Javascript From Flex After Dymanically Loading A Swf?

Aug 1, 2009

for some reason, whenever I dynamically load a swf on a $(document).ready() by writing to a div, I am unable to make javascript calls to the browser. Specifically, all calls to the browser return "null". This does not occur when embedding the swf normally on the page load, but I would like to prevent loading of the swf until a specified point in time.

What the heck is going on here? Is there something special about dynamically embedding a swf that prevents the swf from talking to the browser? The methods ARE called (I've proven such by showing alerts), but all return values to any function, regardless of type returned, shows as null when it gets to flash.

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