Javascript :: Animation With Initial Velocity?

Apr 1, 2010

I've been trying to solve this problem for a number of days now but I must be missing something.

Known Variables:
vi = Initial Velocity
t = Animation Duration
d = Distance.
end velocity should always be zero

The function I'm trying to create: D(0...t) = the current distance for a given time

Using this information I want to be able to create a smooth animation curve with varying velocity (ease-in/ease-out).

The animation must be able ease-in from an initial velocity.

The animation must be exactly t seconds and must be travel exactly d units.

The curve should lean towards the average velocity with acceleration occurring at the beginning and the end portions of the curve.

I'm open to extra configuration variables.

The best I've been able to come up with is something that doesn't factor in the initial velocity.

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Oct 27, 2009

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buttons[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myFunction);


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myFunction(e:Event, buttons[0]);
but that did not work.

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I've tried various adaptions sending the clip to down state on load and then the up state once another button is clicked - but none are working.


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...How do you do this? I'm gunning for <65 kb and need to figure out if my published swf will meet this goal. Is there a window or something (maybe a 3rd party tool) to let me know what the initial download size of my swf is?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Storing Initial Position Of MC?

Apr 17, 2004

Okay maybe its because I've been working on this all day and can't think straight any longer but this seems like it should be really obvious and I'm getting frustrated that I can't think of how to do it.I have a movie clip sitting just off stage. When the file is first launched I want to record the x position of this movie clip in a variables, say startX. When a button is pressed (and there are several of these) I am using Voetsoejba's easing code (brilliant) twice, once to move an MC just in the x direction (easeX):(on the main timeline, whre movetxt and content are the two MCs)

//record initial positions
menux = movetxt._x;


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