IDE :: Switch Animation Per Time Of Day?

Mar 27, 2009

I have a job where the client wants to switch an animation (movieclip) on the stage between the times of 10 a.m. and 12p.m. EST then the off time will just revert back to the original animation.

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Flex :: Switch To Another SWC Theme At Run Time?

Mar 22, 2012

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var param:NetStreamPlayOptions = new NetStreamPlayOptions();

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calculate Time Animation Was Running?

Aug 18, 2009

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Flash :: Advanced Animation Part-time Course?

Oct 21, 2010

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My employer recently lost one of its contractors who built a lot of animation heavy flash apps for them, and as I know my way around the Flash IDE quite well, and have created fairly complex animations in the past, they have asked me to assume a more animation orientated role. To this end, they have offered to send me on courses to get up to speed with Flash animation.

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Oct 19, 2011

I was looking up the web today and couldn't find anything in how to time an timeline animation in flash.
Let suppose I have X number of scenes and each scene has a different number of frames running at a certain frame rate, how could I code a text box to tell me how long my animation would be in seconds?

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Professional :: Pause An Animation An Use A Button Several Time?

Feb 15, 2012

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Javascript :: Animation Time Base On Width

Dec 16, 2011

i have mentioned that my animation needs to work for 5 sec. On 1024 to 1600 monitor it woks fine. But on smaller monitor it's too fast. How do i slowdown based on screen width. i.e animation needs to calculated based on screen width, say i mention for 1024 width it needs to work for 7 sec. Even if the screen decreases it should work for 7 sec. Again on larger monitor since width is more again and time is less (7 sec) the animation is again fast so here again the time has to be increased.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calculate The Time Animation Was Running?

Aug 18, 2009

I'd like to find the best way to calculate the actual time for the animation to be played. In my scenario, I have a button to start animation and button to stop it. Animation is set to run 3 second. I'd like to know how long the animation did ran after I press the stop button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Intro Animation Just One Time

Jun 26, 2011

In the timeline I have a main menu on frame 1 and four subsections on frames 10,20,30, and 40. I have four buttons on the main menu label("button001"; "button002";"button003", and "button004"), each one is sending the movie to a specific label (i.e: "section001", frame 10; "section002", frame 20; "section003", frame 30; and "section004", frame 40). In each one of those specific frames/labels (10,20,30,and 40) I have a movie clip that contains the section. It starts with a simple animation and ends in a stop. And this is what I want to do: play the animation just once.

Let's say in the main menu; when pressing one of the four buttons, the movie goes to one of those specific frames and the animation starts. For instance, I press "button001" and send my movie to the "section001" label. Then I return to the main menu and press again the "button001"; I don't want the animation to play again, I want to start in the stop point. So, I think about using some kind of conditional, but it's not working. Inside the "section001" movie, I put the following code on the first frame:

ActionScript Code:
var section001_intro = false;
if (section001_intro = true){
//"section001_stop" is a label I put on the last frame of the movie clip

Then on the last frame, when the movie stops, I wrote this code:
ActionScript Code:
var section001_intro = true;

So, my idea is that the first time the movie is played, the animation is played; then, I indicate in the last frame that the move has been played. next time I go to the "section001" label the movie must skip the animation and go directly to the "section001_stop" label.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Time Coding - Animation To Run After Every 5 Minutes

Oct 13, 2004

I am working in Flash5. My problem is that I want my animation to run after every 5 minutes. I mean that when I run my fla file, it should load my animation when 5 minutes has passed, then there should be a break and screen should become blank , and then again after 5 minutes it should appear and run. I want this process to keep on happening.

if this is not possible ,can that be done through HTML code as i want to put it on my web page,what would be the html coding in that case. An IMPORTANT point is that, I want the coding to be in FLASH5,if done in flash. If done in the form of fla file,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animation Wont Play A 2nd Time?

Oct 16, 2006

I have the following code that brings in a movie animation. My problem is that once the animation is finished and the user presses the 'back' button to navigate elsewhere on the website, if they go back to the animation and click the 'great_btn' the animation won't play again.

ActionScript Code:
_root.main_cntr.btns_mc.great_btn.onRelease = function() {
loadscrollIt(); disableBtns(btnArray);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Starting An Animation At A Specific Time

Apr 29, 2007

I'm trying to figure out how to start a flash animation at 7PM PST every Tuesday PST this animation would signify a 'live chat.' I can't figure how to make it PST specific, or how to do automate it every Tuesday, and I'm not sure if it's possible with just AS2.0 and no php involvement. I looked up the "get.Timeshift" function in the help.

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Stop Flash Animation After Specifed Period Of Time?

Apr 7, 2009

I am working on an animated web banner. The specifications say that the animation must stop after 30 seconds but can resume on a mouse rollover. My animation is just a looping rotating circle created on the timeline. How can I get this looping animation to stop after 30 seconds? Also, is there a simple way to have the animation resume on a mouse rollover

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Alter Frame Rate Without Altering The Overall Time Of The Animation?

Nov 24, 2009

I've created a complicated animation at a stupidly high frame rate. The .mov file at the moment just runs too slowly. The animation is of a watch interface so the timing is very important and I can't just have the movie file take twice as long at a lower frame rate.

How can I drop the frame rate without altering the overall time? and without manually changing the frame length of each motion tween?

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Flex :: Clock Animation Showing International Time

Jul 29, 2009

In my application I want to show 5 clock. In the clock shows international time depend on country based But Normal clock time I will get sytem time (getmintues and gethours) and show. How can show all country time? I tried below code for animation.

public function createChildren() : Void {
border_mc = createClassChildAtDepthWithStyles(
DepthManager.kBottom, { styleName : this });
// create the empty movie clips in the order
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Animation - Make Two Resize Effect At The Same Time?

Jun 12, 2010

Is it possible to resize the application at the same moment when the Accordion size change, to make effect resize og the last one synchronised with resize of Application ?

In my code,, the Application is resized after the resize of Accordion is completed:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
layout="absolute" minWidth="400" minHeight="300" backgroundColor="white"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing Short Animation With Time Delay

Feb 18, 2009

I have a short animation that I want to pause for 5 seconds and then play again. Now I am using acionScript 2 to get this done.

Here is the code.
function triggerNext () {
var z = setInterval (changeAd, 15000);
}function startAgain(){

Now this works the first 2 times. But when the third time rolls around it seems to start and the start again. This progressively gets worse as time goes on.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Time Delay In Tween Class Animation

Dec 18, 2010

I have created a simple tween letter animation in AS2. There are two letters (a and b) on the stage that I have to animate and display one by one. Now both are displayed at a time. x and y position of each letter also has been set. Can I set time delay between first and second letter? I have attached my fla. file.
ActionScript Code:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
a_mc._x = 137;
a_mc._y = 215;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Time-limit The Final SWF Flash Animation?

May 18, 2004

I'd like to know whether it is possible to time-limit the final SWF Flash animation? Can it read the system date and stop working after 45 days, for example?

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Actionscript 3 :: System Time Determine Animation Speed / Not Program FPS

Mar 26, 2010

I'm writing a card game in ActionScript 3. Each card is represented by an instance of a class extending movieclip exported from Flash CS4 that contains the card graphics and a flip animation. When I want to flip a card I call gotoAndPlay on this movieclip.When the frame rate slows down all animations take longer to finish. It seems Flash will by default animate movieclips in a way that makes sure all frames in the clip will be drawn. Therefor, when the program frame rate goes below the frame rate of the clip, the animation will be played at a slower pace.I would like to have an animation always play at the same speed and as a consequence always be shown on the screen for the same amount of time. If the frame rate is too slow to show all frames, frames are dropped. Is is possible to tell Flash to animate in this way?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Load Unload - Play An Animation Each Time Before A Question Comes Up

Sep 14, 2010

I am working on a quiz, I need to play an animation each time before a question comes up. On clicking next button I fire this code


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Time-based Animation - Animations To Play At Certain Times?

Aug 29, 2006

I recently got back into animating and I need some help with my latest project. I have a number of different animations that I would like to be played on the inside of a tv, however I would like for these animations to play at certain times. For example, at 9:00 pm (real time) the tv displays the animation of the character sleeping. I'm not sure how to do this, and I'm not sure if I need an internal clock.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Slider Control The Time Line Animation

Feb 16, 2012

I am looking for Custom Slider control the time line animation i am doing a demo presentation. The file i have uploaded is flash cs4 version need help on AS3.

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