ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Load Unload - Play An Animation Each Time Before A Question Comes Up
Sep 14, 2010
I am working on a quiz, I need to play an animation each time before a question comes up. On clicking next button I fire this code
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I am loading a photo gallery as a swf - the images are large and it takes a few seconds to load. I would like to add a transition to all of the pages, so that page #1 will transition out when page #2 loads. This way the viewer will see the page transition instead of seeing a blank page while the gallery loads.
So...I am able to make the swf transition, but right now, the next page doesn't load until the transition is complete. Is there a way to start loading the page WHILE the transition is happening? Here is the code I'm using to transition the page out. [url]...
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Oct 9, 2009
aboutBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, aboutLoad);
function aboutLoad(e:MouseEvent):void {
ldr.source = "about.swf";
I am using the Ul Loder in Flash to load the pages of my website when the buttons are clicked. When my page loads it animates for a bit and I am also wanting it to animate befor it unloads. How do I tell it that on click of say 'home' it should play frame 6 of about.swf then when it's finished playing ulLoad about.swf and load home.swf?
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Jun 26, 2011
In the timeline I have a main menu on frame 1 and four subsections on frames 10,20,30, and 40. I have four buttons on the main menu label("button001"; "button002";"button003", and "button004"), each one is sending the movie to a specific label (i.e: "section001", frame 10; "section002", frame 20; "section003", frame 30; and "section004", frame 40). In each one of those specific frames/labels (10,20,30,and 40) I have a movie clip that contains the section. It starts with a simple animation and ends in a stop. And this is what I want to do: play the animation just once.
Let's say in the main menu; when pressing one of the four buttons, the movie goes to one of those specific frames and the animation starts. For instance, I press "button001" and send my movie to the "section001" label. Then I return to the main menu and press again the "button001"; I don't want the animation to play again, I want to start in the stop point. So, I think about using some kind of conditional, but it's not working. Inside the "section001" movie, I put the following code on the first frame:
ActionScript Code:
var section001_intro = false;
if (section001_intro = true){
//"section001_stop" is a label I put on the last frame of the movie clip
Then on the last frame, when the movie stops, I wrote this code:
ActionScript Code:
var section001_intro = true;
So, my idea is that the first time the movie is played, the animation is played; then, I indicate in the last frame that the move has been played. next time I go to the "section001" label the movie must skip the animation and go directly to the "section001_stop" label.
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Oct 16, 2006
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ActionScript Code:
_root.main_cntr.btns_mc.great_btn.onRelease = function() {
loadscrollIt(); disableBtns(btnArray);
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Aug 29, 2006
I recently got back into animating and I need some help with my latest project. I have a number of different animations that I would like to be played on the inside of a tv, however I would like for these animations to play at certain times. For example, at 9:00 pm (real time) the tv displays the animation of the character sleeping. I'm not sure how to do this, and I'm not sure if I need an internal clock.
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Oct 11, 2009
i have looked everywhere for a tutorial on this - i have tried writing, and re-writing codes....i just cant get it. is there any tutorial i overlooked? here is what im looking to do - NO SHORTCUTS: have my main file that loads the buttons, my external swf container, my intro animations, and my swf "out" and "in" animations when a button is clicked i want it to point me to specific frame labels. i will have an "out" and "in" frame label and which will be the locations of the transitional starting points i want it to play the "out" transition, than unload the current swf, than play the in transition, than load the swf of the button that was clicked i want the animations to all be done using frame labels all within the MAIN swf file.... i have had no luck doing this....and i do NOT like the tween class....
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Jun 4, 2011
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Mar 2, 2007
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Jun 4, 2007
URL...I have created an animation which has the bird fly up & chirp, and would like to replace all the birds with this.For now I have replaced all buttons w/ the animation on stage and they all lie on the 1st frame. But thats kinda not what I want.How can I get any one bird animation to play, one at a time, at a random interval of 15-45 seconds?
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Jul 27, 2005
ok does anyone know or can link me to a right tutorial on to set time condition:
if system idle for certain time it wil play certain MC or load certain swf.
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Jun 16, 2003
I want the current swf to unload and the new one to load only after a transition occurs. Is there a more efficient way to do this than if. switch()?
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Aug 9, 2008
I am working on a school project that requires me to load external .swf or .jpg files. I currently have all of the buttons working and are loading an external .swf file on to the screen. The problem I am having is that when I go from one button to the next the loaded .swf stays on the screen and the next .swf gets loaded on top of it. I know that I need to unload the file but I am not sure where to put the code for the unload or what code exactly to use. I would like when the button is pressed to unload the previous loaded .swf and load the new .swf without having a separate button to unload.
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Feb 20, 2009
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Aug 31, 2003
i have three buttons. each time i press one of them i tell them to play the same mc. at the end of that mc i want to (depending on which button has been hit) load either movie 1, 2 or 3, corresponding to button 1, 2 and 3.
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Feb 23, 2005
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Sep 20, 2005
What I need is an AS code for a button which first play an animation ( a motion tween) and then load an external swf file.
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Feb 23, 2005
Can I use attachSound method to load 2 or more sounds to play at the same time? If yes, how?
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Sep 17, 2011
Has anyone seen a Flash video player out there that will load and play two videos at the same time, such as for comparing videos? A potential client is looking for something along the lines of this. I've not been able to locate anything out there,and I'm wondering if there's a usability reason for this...Obviously, you wouldn't want the audio playing for both at the same time, and the bandwidth issue for something like this might be a concern too. My feeling is that you wouldn't want to restrict a user to just playing both videos at once, but give them the option to play them separately or at the same time, with controls for each audio and playback.
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May 14, 2011
Is there anyway to combine these two functions?I'd like to play the animation "num=3" on clip load AND on click/release I'd like it to open a url. All of this is inside a movieclip button.
onClipEvent (load){ num = 3;}
onRelease = function(){getURL("");
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May 6, 2011
I have a Flex application that just load an external SWF, but the application load and unload infinitely my swf.
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Sep 20, 2011
I load an external movie fine with:
f_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, finteractiona);
function finteractiona(event:MouseEvent):void{
var loadera = new Loader();
It takes 2 clicks to close (or unload) Why?
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Jan 15, 2012
I have a certain set of motion twains that I've successfuly completed, they constantly loop right now (default), and is saved in the SWF file.I'd like to take that finished looping animation, and insert it within another animation (a) that can be played with a play button, and stopped/resetted with a stop button.How do I insert the completed looping animation into the main animation? And is there something special I have to do in the actionscript of the start and stop buttons so that the "inner" looping animation will start and stop with the "outer" main animation?
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Jul 13, 2009
I am trying to load, unload and load again the same movie clip from library.
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Apr 27, 2009
i have a over and out animation but i only want to play the out animation when the over animation has completely finished and the same with out animation. i have this code
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Aug 24, 2009
I'm testing Live streaming with FMSS. The stream is pushed to FMSS buy Adobe FMLE software. Streaming works fine until I reach 1300-1400 simultaneous connections.No matter what the encoding ratebit is (150kbps or 2000kbps) the stream is no longer play from time to time (5-8 seconds).
The CPU (2xIntel Quad) is loaded less than 20% and memory used is about 2 GB (there is plenty of memory installed 32G). The OS is RedHat 5.3 64bit platform. Network uplink maximum rate is 4Gbps.I disabled the Queue but the problem still persist.
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Jul 13, 2009
I am trying to load, unload and load again the same movie clip from library. How could i do it?
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