ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf With Time Delays Added To Skip To Next Part Of The Video
Jul 21, 2009
I have a swf with time delays added to skip to the next part of the video.[code]Now I have another swf that loads the video into a container using the code below once a user clicks on some text.[code]The first time the user watches the clip it does PERFECT! but if a user is to click the link again half way through the video it throws all the timing completely off. You can see I tried using unloadMovie to unload anything from the frame when a user clicks the text to make sure the video wasn't playing back behind.I was wondering if it may be the fact I have.[code]for all my timed breaks (different times of course) should I rename each myInterval or something?
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Oct 11, 2010
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Oct 21, 2010
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//---Bio Button Text---\
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Aug 1, 2011
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/*1)convert the video into an flv or f4v supported format2) go to library and select new video3)place the video to the stage4)give an instance name of videoHolder*/var myVideo:NetConnection = new NetConnection ();//null because we are going to use the video
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Nov 21, 2009
The thing is, this feels so basic, and Flash Developer Tool 3 is just giving me this nonsense error! I know, it's probably not really nonsense but... I want to create a simple video object and let it play a local flv. okay, here's the error:"call to a possible undefined method attachNetStream through through a reference with 'static' type Video"What does it means? Does it means the object Video is static, and it's not supposed to be? Or does it mean the attachNetStream is static? here's the function
private function showVideo(e:MouseEvent):void {
var videoConnection:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
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Aug 19, 2009
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var my_video:Video;
var my_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var my_ns:NetStream = new NetStream(my_nc);
my_video.smoothing = true; //does nothing
Incidentally, I am exporting the flv video from aftereffects, and when I export the movie as a (larger) "lossless" quicktime movie, the movie looks perfect when played in quicktime, but has the same poor anti-aliasing when viewed in adobe media player, VLC, or mplayer.
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Jan 29, 2008
I use loadVars to load values from my database into my flashmovie. The problem is it takes a while until all the values been loaded, and untill that is done I can't run any other commands. When I for example hit a button nothing happens untill all the values from the database has been loaded. Is there a way around this problem?
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Oct 2, 2009
I'm having trouble getting the Video class to work.. Everything works fine until I try to add an on enter frame event listener to the movie. I basically want to overlay an effect that gets updated every frame but adding the event listener causes the movie to freeze before it loads or on the first frame or just shortly after starting play back.. Check out the source code at [URL]
It freezes even if the enter frame method body is commented out so I don't think it's because of extra overhead..
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May 8, 2009
I am having some trouble with a game I am creating. When debuging the preloader does not show until about 75% of the movie is loaded. Before this the movie is just a blank white stage. I have several objects that need to be exported and they have all been changed to not export in frame 1 but this did not help. I unlinked the original class (the stage's custom definition) which acted as the bridge between external classes and the main stage and turned that into a variable. After all this I still can't get it to start before 55%. Anyone know why it is doing this?
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Oct 8, 2010
Who'd have guessed it, my SWF plays immediately with FF, but I'm getting long delays with IE8. I've come a long way from when I started this project. I think I have everything in the right place and have the right files to work with.
I'm using SWFObject 2.2 think I'm using it properly. I used the generater (air vers.) to generate the html file. The file now plays and I have a background that displays right away (it's an image of the what first shows up).
where I can improve: [URL]..I've compressed all the images, but the file is still rather big. I expected problems with FF, but it plays immediately .
View 21 Replies
Feb 25, 2012
Currently, we are streaming using RTMP, but I want to switch to HLS to allow iOS devices to stream our video. I do not want to encode two separate streams though because we are operating with limited bandwidth on mobile data cards. If I stream using the livepkgr, the delay to iOS devices is about 12 seconds which is OK. However, on desktop clients, we have live scoring integrated with our video, so we cannot have a delay that long. My question is, if I connect to the same stream in a Flash client for the desktop, will the delay still be that long? Or will it stream in real time to flash clients with the delay only for iOS devices using HLS? Also, am I correct in assuming that I can do this on 1 stream, or do I need to setup a separate stream for RTMP and HLS?
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