ActionScript 3.0 :: Animation Not Working In Template?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a flash file that I created that basically runs an animation, stops, than has 5 buttons that call upon other swf files to popup and show dynamic text from a txt file. I have the animation running perfectly and everything works but when I try and implement it into a website template the buttons do not call to the other swf files. It runs the initial animation from main.swf, but when any of the buttons are clicked nothing happens.I made sure that all files were uploaded, even the txt files. The bottom of the browser reads "Transferring data from website..." So it sounds like its trying to read the actionscript but its taking too long to process.


var popUpLoader:Loader = new Loader();[code].......

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function updateFrame (inc) { // send slides to new frame newFrame = _level1._currentFrame + inc; _level1.gotoAndStop(newFrame);


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Layers (how I have them set up):
slide 1
slide 2
slide 3

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Here are pictures of the problem:
No background: Click
No Background/No text (moved text file, corrected directory): Click
What I see in Flash CS4: Click
I've also tested the site in Internet Explorer, same problem. I'm guessing there's probably a simple fix for this, but being unfamiliar with flash I just don't know it...

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map.east.buttonMode = true;
map.east.mouseChildren = false;
map.east.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, eastOverHandler);
map.east.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, eastOutHandler);
function eastOverHandler (e:Event):void {
[Code] .....

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var frontTemp:DisplayObject = this.animationInstance.getChildByName("front");
var backTemp:DisplayObject = this.animationInstance.getChildByName("back");

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<s:AnimateColor id="rw"


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Mar 27, 2012

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Or, heck, does anyone know of any screensavers floating around that offer this?

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Editing XML Flash Template

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I have two questions (I'm a photographer and flash novice):

1) I just bought this flash template (URL...) and I need to edit it. Rewriting the text is easy, I just rewrite it in XML files, but I cant figure out how to change the font, font color and font size. Could somebody tell me how to do it?

2) I also bought this template (URL...) and I cant figure out how to edit name in the header and text in the top menu. I really cant find it anywhere (I dont see it in Adobe Flash and I dont see any jpeg or PSD file in the flash directory...)

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