ActionScript 3.0 :: Array Of Type String With Unique Value?

Jul 14, 2011

I am recently working with an application. Where I need 4 unique values from an array in such a way that it should checking random item every time.

For eg:-

Main_Array = ["one","two","three","four","five","six","seven "];
Sub_Array = ["three"]; // initially it holds one value
for(each value of Sub_Array)


I am trying but I don't get unique values

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function mergeSort(arr)


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is: I have array={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} and i want from this array unique random pairs.for example: 3,6 nad automaticly 6,3 no repeats.It must give me 10 pairs.for example:



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var numItems:Number = $coords.length;


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Apr 15, 2009

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Oct 19, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Randomly Pick Unique Value From An Array

Jun 27, 2011

Ok what i want to do is to randomly pick 3 values from an array called Objs and add them to a new array called ListObjs. The three values should be unique. This is the code I have so far, but when i try to execute it Flash stops responding.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generate An Array Of Unique Random Numbers

Oct 12, 2009

Looking to generate random numbers b/w 0 and 19 with no duplicates to be put in Array.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Unique Array Element Identifiers For HitTestObject

Feb 13, 2010

My hitTestObject fails even though a trace shows that I'm getting access to the correct target object.

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I can declare a string var in the for loop and make it unique, but since it's a string it won't accept being typed as another class.

how to create 100 unique var names that can be typed as a class?

import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Liner extends Sprite{


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I encountered a rather irritating problem yesterday. I wrote a class. The class has got 1 variable of the type :Array. its a public variable.On the scene i have 2 movieclips which are connected to my class through its linkage in the library.My problem is that even though the instance-variable (the array) is supposed to be unique for the instance only it gets overwritten for every new instance i create.for example. if i assign the first instance's array 2 values (1, 1)and the do the same with the second but here i change the values to (2,2) then when i check my first instance it has got the same values as the second instance...that is (2,2). [code]

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