ActionScript 3.0 :: Blur Filter And Masks
Mar 19, 2009
I have a problem here with masking and the blurFilter. I have 2 MC's maskMC (square shaped) and iconMc (circle shaped) both at 50px width and height. masking the iconMC with the maskMC is no problem, but when I try to apply a blur filter to iconMC, some of its edges bleed out from the mask.
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Dec 1, 2009
I created a movie with the blur filter applied via Actionscript which works great. If I try and load that movie into another movie via loadMovie, the filter is lost. Can a parent movie load a child movie and apply a filter to it? My test case is pretty simply, the child movie contains a text movie clip with no actions or filters. My parent movie loads the child movie and applies the blur filter to the child movie (and fails). If I use the Actionscript to apply the blur filter from the parent movie in the child movie by itself it works fine.
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Jun 17, 2009
I'm currently producing my first website in Flash CS3 and have just encountered a problem with a transitional effect I'm experimenting with: Transitional effect uses the Flash Blur filter set to 10 (X andY) on the first frame to 0 on the last frame (Medium quality). This is used with an alpha setting of 50% on the first frame to 100% on the last frame.
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Mar 7, 2007
[code]It works when the code is placed right on the timeline of the MC in question.However when i use the exact same code in an external "effects" class file, it does not work.
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Jun 16, 2011
Basically you click and drag a place on the map. The mask is a copy of the red line shape, and the blue part is a circle masked using the red line's copy. What I want to do is apply a blur filter to the blue portion so that it looks like a highlight on the line (I'll change the color to white then). The problem is when I apply a blur filter, instead of keeping solid edges on the line it blurs the mask... or something. I'm not totally sure what I'm missing here.
Here's the code for the mask at the moment:, 1);, 0, 50);;, 0, {blurFilter:{blurX:25, blurY:25}});
theHighlight.cacheAsBitmap = true;
[Code] .....
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Dec 10, 2008
Problem 1: Flash crashes when a Blur filter is applied to a TextLine object.
Correction: It was not the Blur filter but this line, which caused a crash:
whereby tb is a TextBlock element.
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