ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Use Extended Classes Variables Or Methods

Dec 1, 2010

I have this problem from time to time with AS3 where I extend a Class and then try call methods and variables which are public from the new class but I get errors that method or variable doesn't exist. My IDE recognises the methods and variables though.[code]When I run the script flash hates it. I thought when you extend a class it was supposed to inherit its properties and methods?Does anyone else have these problems? I shouldn't have to cast it as Box. I swear I have this working in a project but cant see the different in setup?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unexpected Errors, Multiple Helper Classes, Extended Classes?

Jan 9, 2010

The examples I'll use don't do anything - they're classes without ANY members - no variables, methods, anything.

Let's say I extends Sprite and call it MySprite.

I save it in test.core


Now I create another custom class called MyWindow that extends MySprite.

I save it in


Then I create another class that extends MyWindows (the example I'll use is a document class - but that doesn't matter - I've tested using an instance too).


Notice that I'm not even trying to instantiate the helper classes - just having them there throws the error.

If there is only a single helper class, everything runs fine.

Also note that - as far as I can tell - this only happens when extending one class from another package, then extending that class with more than one helper object.I'm pretty sure there's no namespace bumps or typographical errors, as this is a very pared-down version of the original application.

EDIT: seems the problem exists even without the crossing packages - even extending MySprite in the document class with multiple internal classes generates this error.

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Actionscript :: Overriding Methods In Extended Interfaces Vs Java?

Oct 20, 2011

I am much more familiar with Java's semantics of class and interface than with Actionscript semantics, but I have an example of some code that works in Java and doesn't work in Actionscript. This descrepency is a serious problem in that I am trying to code generate my Actionscript value objects from the Java DTOs and unless the semantics are the same, I am in deep trouble.

Here's the code that works in Java and fails to compile in Actionscript:


I don't understand why class B throws a compile error about an incompatible signature for "makeCopy" when clearly interface B extends interface A...thus there is no violation of type or incompatibility. If this is just an Actionscript limitation, can anyone suggest a way to recode?

NOTE: I already tried changing interface B to this and it threw an error in interface B (which work in Java):public interface Ib extends Ia {function makeCopy():Ib;}

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Actionscript 3 :: Memory Management When Instantiating Extended Classes?

May 16, 2010

I'm developing an AS3 application which has some memory leaks I can't find, so I'd like to ask some newbie questions about memory management.Imagine I have a class named BaseClass, and some classes that extend this one, such as ClassA, ClassB, etc.I declare a variable:

myBaseClass:BaseClass = new ClassA();

After a while, I use it to instantiate a new object:

myBaseClass = new ClassB(); some time after

myBaseClass = new ClassC();

and the same thing keeps happening every x millis, triggered by a timer.Is there any memory problem here? Are the unused instances correctly deleted by the garbage collector?

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Actionscript 3 :: Extended Classes Doesn't Understand Updates?

Dec 2, 2011

I use Flash Professional CS5.5 with Gaia FrameWork in my project. movieclips in the project have extended classes and the problem is that when I give new functionality to my classes they doesn't work in an build project. for example function s cann't be found, trace doesn't work and so on. All the old functionality works. When I change class name then it works fine. but then it happens again. I made new project and coped all the content, but still it happens. I event rainstalled flash but nothing works.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Access Properties Of Extended Abstract Classes

Dec 10, 2009

Im building a project using an MVC pattern. I have (pseudo) abstract classes Model and View, each extended with particular models and views. But I cannot access properties on the extended classes of Model...Model simply distributes XML data, heres its constructor:

public function Model(data:XML)
_data = data; /*_data is a protected var of type XML in Model*/

MainModel extends Model, and has a property called _background of type Background which also extends Model:


private var _background:Background = new Background(some XML source);
public function MainModel(data:XML)


The problem arises when I try to pass MainModel's background property as a parameter of _bgView (highlighted in red above). The compiler says there is no background property on Model, which is true, but I need it to look at its extended class MainModel, not Model. I've typed MainView's constructor parameter with MainModel, but it is still seeing it as Model.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Access Properties Of Extended Abstract Classes?

Dec 10, 2009

Im building a project using an MVC pattern. I have (pseudo) abstract classes Model and View, each extended with particular models and views. But I cannot access properties on the extended classes of Model...Model simply distributes XML data, heres its constructor:

public function Model(data:XML)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Internal Classes With An Extended Public Class?

Jan 9, 2010

If I have a class that extends another, e.g.,
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class MySprite extends Sprite{


and extend that class, if more than one internal classes are defined:
package {    
public class MainClass extends MySprite {         
public function MainClass():void{}   


ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable MainClass is not defined.Note that this only happens (as far as I can tell) when the public class of the package extends another class, and multiple internal classes are defined. The internal classes don't even need to be instanced or referenced to generate the error (the bare-bones code above will error out). If only a single internal class is defined, it works fine (no error).  Even if the internal class is instanced.

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Flex :: Architect Extended Cairngorm Classes To Be Shared Across Applications?

Jun 5, 2009

I have created a few Event and Command classes for use in my Cairngorm projects.For example, I created an class that extends URL... that allows me to set callback functions upon completion or failure of the corresponding Command. To accomplish this, I also had to create a new Class that implements com.adobe.cairngorm.commands.ICommand that I extend for all Commands in my projects.Now, I want to use these two classes across all of my Cairngorm applications. What is the best way to do this? Should I just edit the Cairngorm source for CairngormEvent and ICommandand recompile the Cairngorm MVC (is that even possible)? Or add my two classes to the Cairngorm source and recompile the Cairngorm MVC? Or should I just add them to a shared library?I've chose the third option for now, but this requires that I reference the Cairngorm library in both my library and each project. I am wondering if there is a better practice and what the benefits are.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Organizing Methods Using Classes?

Jul 14, 2010

I want to create a game using pure AS in FlashDevelop.

The problem is that there are some methods I want to use, and because I don't like copying/pasting code, i decided to define in classes. Here is an example:


When I hit compile, I get an error like Call to a possibly undefined method distance through a refference with static type Class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: List All Classes And Their Associated Methods?

Nov 29, 2008

Is there a way in AS 3 to list all classes and their associated methods? Or at least a way to list the methods within a particular class?
It seems that it's all so overwhelming and although I'm well versed in Lingo and have a handle on the Lingo dictionary,I feel as though the AS 3 library is dauntingly big.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Extending Classes With Private Methods?

Aug 18, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Interfaces Are Basically Classes For Methods?

Aug 20, 2011

From what I read, interfaces are basically classes for methods, right? If two classes implements the same interface, then they should both have methods described in the interface.

Now, how is this useful? Let's say I want to call foo()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rewrite Flash Native Methods And Classes?

Oct 20, 2010

I am trying to do an app that requires me to change the behavior of a few native methods and classes of a an application.I want to override methods such, ExternalInterface.addCallback, in a loaded movie.There are a few ways to do this for example:1. Getting the SWF's bytecode and decompile it. Then change the symbols table with my own class.2. Loading the other movie in my applicationDomain, by doing so, I would be able to rewrite it's own classes.o do (2) what I did was:1. Turn off the "-strict" flag.2. Turn on the "-es" the compiler and then do something like:

Code: = function(u:URLRequest,window:String):void {
throw new Error("yay it works");


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C# - Get Around Subclass Init Methods Needing Different Numbers Of Arguments To Their Super Classes?

Aug 10, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Global Variables In Functions/Methods?

Jun 2, 2011

Which of the following is better in terms of performance/effectiveness?

public var a:int = 0;
public function Addition():void {
a += 5;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Static Classes And Static Methods?

Feb 21, 2007

Yesterday I found myself wondering, what is the difference between either having a class with methods that are all static, or simply giving your class the static attribute?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Variables From Other Classes?

May 16, 2010

Imagine you have one main document class wherein you have some variables that make your objects move or roatate. Now, you make another class in which, for instance, you draw a rectangle (with the graphics class) and want the rectangle rotate in the same way your other objects on the stage rotate. You'd probably wish to access the variables from your main class, so as to asign their values to your rectangle rotation velocity. The question is: how to access those values? Is it even possible to share variabless across all the classes?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Variables In Different Classes?

Aug 13, 2009

I am trying to set the variable to classes in the loader like this

loaded_swf.content.classname.code = "AS3";

But that wont work for some reason?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Variables Between Classes?

Sep 14, 2008

What I have is a list of videos (FLV) and when I click on avideo name (button) I want the menu page to close, open anotherpage (the video interface page) and play the video that was chosen.I do not want the video to play on the menu page but on it's owninterface page. I am guessing I will need to save the String namein an outside file for the video class to grab. Once the video hasfinished playing I want to go back to the menu page.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Variables Across Classes?

Aug 18, 2009

What I am trying to do is pull data from an XML file so that I can store paramaters for my FLV player (i.e. flv link, dimensions, video name, etc) I can get the data from the XML file and story it in a dictionary but I am unable to access the data from my main class. I know it has to be something pretty simple but I think i have been looking at it to long to see it.
package includes.action{    import;    import flash.display.*;    import*;    import;    import flash.utils.Dictionary;    import includes.action.XMLData;        public class Main extends Sprite[code]..........
basically with all my traces this is what I get back...
// Trace dataVIDOEXML COUNT: undefinedELEMENTS: nullMAIN:LINK: nullWe are in LoadXMLname - no get: mortgagename - get: mortgage
 The trace for Elements and Main:Link should give me back the name of the video but as of yet its either returning NULL or undefined.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass Variables To Classes?

Jan 14, 2011

I want to send the contents of a variable to a class where it can be used in its functions. Since I have no experience with object orientated programming what so ever I tried to break it down into real simple code so I can understand  better what's going on and how I can implement it in my main code.I made a test file and a test class, basicly I just want to give a variable contents in my main code, then send the variable to the class so the class can trace it. But no matter how I try it i always get ", Line 6 1120: Access of undefined property test.Here is the code:

so this is the FLA:
import Testoop;
var test:String;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Global Variables Outside Of Classes?

Aug 19, 2009

I've done a search and all I could find are creating global variables through Classes.

Is there a way of creating them on the timeline? I have a preloader.swf that loads another swf to itself and would like to read the values off of the parent.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass Variables Between Classes?

Aug 31, 2011

How to pass a variable from one AS class to another please?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: References Variables Across Classes?

Jan 12, 2012

I'm building a simple Pong-esque game and I've 'hit' a problem. I'm having an issue with referencing one variable from one class into another. Sounds confusing to me, even harder to understand.

Basically I've got this in my "" class:

ActionScript Code:
public var pongBall:ball;

and in my "" class I am trying to get said ball to bounce off the player's bat on contact. I think I have the coding right for it apart from trying to link it to the ball from! So far I have this:

ActionScript Code:
public function bounceTest (event:Event) {
if (this.hitTestObject("".startGame.pongBall)) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Classes: (not So) Private Variables?

Feb 21, 2007

ActionScript Code:
class Vector2d extends Math {
private var x:Number;


I can't seem to get my private variable, x, to be private. From my understanding of private variables, tracing n.x should throw an error, and adding 150 should throw an error. I've tried changing the variable's name, and the cast type, to no avail. The first trace goes through, the addition goes through, and the second trace goes through.

I'm new to classes, so I could easily be overlooking something vital. But the vars need to be private, because I want to use get/set to update the variables when one or another changes. For instance, if 50 is added to the y value, the magnitude and unit vectors would change, so I want to update them using getMag and getUnit. That whole system would be thrown off if the user had direct access to the properties.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Pass Variables Into Classes

Mar 18, 2007

ive written a class to control my content panels on my site. They work well! Currently they controll all the positioning perfectly on there own. What I am having trouble with, is how do i pass variables into my classes. For instance, my main content panel, has variables in the class: public var contentState:Number; Now, what I would like to do, is have movieClips on my stage, or 'buttons' that will be able to change 'contentState' within my class.How do i go about passing these variables?[code]

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